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New Real Hair Club Member

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  1. The test is now for women too! I took it and I'm waiting for my results. For me, the test is worth it. Now, I feel that I am actively doing more vs. waiting for something to happen. I have tried to determine if my hair loss is due to stress, vitamin deficiency, etc, and soon I can rule in or rule out genetics. It may not be 100% but at least it will give me a clearer total picture!
  2. I found the information on the HairDX web site to be accurate after reading the research studies that the site referenced as well as other published studies. It seems to me that 149 is not a bad cost for testing to see if my hair loss is genetic. Then I would definitely know that all of these products and their side effects would be worth it. I've seen the hair transplant pictures and I definitely don't want to go down that road. If my test comes back that I don't have the variant that causes hair loss, I will know to go see my doctor and look at different reasons, which will save me from all the side effects of the pills and creams. Not to mention 149 vs. the cost of all the pills and creams for the rest of my life is a no brainer.
  3. I quickly searched on PubMed for LASIK Eye Surgery and there are 151 articles. I didn't look through many, but the longest study that I could find so far was 7 years post-op. "Confocal microscopy changes in epithelial and stromal thickness up to 7 years after LASIK and photorefractive keratectomy for myopia." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17455834?ordinalpos=...anel.Pubmed_RVDocSum You might be able to find the answers that you seek if you search here long enough.
  4. I had LASIK surgery a few years ago in San Jose, CA. My only regret is that I wish I had it done earlier. I have friends who had horrible outcomes (one needs corneal transplant because he cannot see at night). I got referrals from three friends and then I researched all three MDs. I went with the one that answered my questions multiple times, and rescheduled my surgery twice because I had not left my contacts out for the entire 14 days as he had instructed. (One doctor, who has performed surgery on many pro athletes, seemed insulted when I asked him about his rate of complications. The other surgeon ... I never met. An associate of his performed my tests.) My friend who needs the corneal transplant had corneas that were too thin and should have never had the operation to begin with. Whomever you decide to go with, check them out completely. I do not care who they have already operated on, your eyes are precious and the only two that you have, don't trust your eye sight to just anyone and money should not be an object ... within reason of course.
  5. I recently went to two different hair dressers and they both gave me a "protein rinse" or protein conditioning treatment. I don't think that this helps but I've only had two treatments. Any info on protein products for external use?
  6. I recently went to two different hair dressers and they both gave me a "protein rinse" or protein conditioning treatment. I don't think that this helps but I've only had two treatments. Any info on protein products for external use?
  7. I thought it just came out last week and your test results (genetic analysis) takes 3-4 weeks (at least that is what is posted on their web site). So you got the test in the mail, took the test, and have results back already?
  8. Has anyone heard of the genetic hair loss test that can tell you of your chances of going or not going bald?
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