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Everything posted by chucky

  1. I agree on that Rambler,my photos with flash make my crown look terrible but without flash it isn`t that bad. My girlfriend always says my hair is no where near as bad as it appears in the photo. Having said that a lot of the photo album pictures are taken in the same lighting conditions and show great results,also the videos give a much better perspective. Its true some will use this difference to deceive but in my opinion all the top docs dont do this as patient feedback backs up the results.
  2. Great choice mate,the work looks great and that will give you a very nice hairline now.
  3. Hi Balody I have copied this post from SHLN and farjo patients are allowed to post. QUOTE We at SHLN reserve the right for a number of reasons to allow any information displayed here which involves the Farjo Clinic. We will allow Farjo patients to display their results if they so wish but any information displayed regarding them will either be deleted or locked if not provided by one of their own patients. SHLN is very tired of the friction surrounding certain topics/posters on the various forums and feels that it will be better for the community in general this way. If the Farjo clinic wishes to contact me regarding this matter i am happy to discuss my reasons why directly with them. stophairlossnow.moderator@googlemail.com As you can see farjo patients are welcome. I know you and i dont see eye to eye but we can be civil to one another for the good of all the forums. There is a Rogers patient just updated on there. Thanks Bri
  4. Thanks for that Josh I have had a look at his website and his results do look good. Abby i am pleased you`ve done your research in choosing this doctor and i look forward to following your journey and looking at your pictures. All the best to you.
  5. Hi Abby I can only find one reference to this doctor on here. If you dont mind me asking have you read any patient feedback anywhere for this doctor as you should not have a ht in my opinion on pictures you have been sent via email. I only ask out of concern but if you feel you have done enough research on this doctor and are ready to go ahead i wish you all the best. Maybe other forum members have seen results and feedback for your choice.
  6. Great write up mate. Another year of waiting again but it will be well worth it.
  7. Thats good to hear Sadhairloss.If you do get a moment could you post a picture of your scar before its too hard to find. thanks
  8. Thats good to here as now you have a better understanding of what you can achieve and whats right for you.
  9. Thats looking very nice,hows your scar doing
  10. Hi Dewayne The following is your earlier post For $5600. That's a small session, but his tech said the yield wouldn't be higher if I do a large session. Will it make a difference if I get 2,000 or so in one session vs. three sessions? That's a lot of cash, imo. I've saved up $6k but I don't want to go into debt about it. FWIW, I had 300 'mini's' for $3k back when I was 25 in 1991. I've got crown and front thinning issues; and my part is thin. I could use 3,000 I suppose if I had $15k or so. But, things like kid's college, retirement, mortgage, etc. are still important.... Thanks. Could i ask where the figure of 800 fue came from as you have not had your consultation yet and like others have said ,judging by your pictures 800 will do very little.
  11. Hi Bill Thanks for your fairness and understanding with this matter.I enjoy posting on both forums to offer and receive advice and i never intended to cause friction. I must of read your post wrong with regards to me moderating on PBs forum and i am pleased we have resolved the issue with no malice. I will ask PB if i can moderate for him again.I know you and PB had your differences but i trust this does not reflect on my intentions on htn to hopefully offer good advice to people and to receive it. Thanks Bri
  12. Your results are excellent,from where you were to today just amazing.
  13. You could also send jotronic a pm and he should be able to let you know.
  14. Hi Bill I thought i would be the first to let you know i no longer moderate on PBs forum as with previous comments being made about myself being a moderator on there it seemed as though i was being personally targeted and tarnished as a bad guy. Therefor the help i offered PB freely to moderate and help was withdrawn by myself as i did not want his forum to be tarnished by my posts and questions here.PBs forum has nothing to do with what is discussed on here and should never have been brought up. I trust there is no confusion now with my posts on here and that they are not classed as biased or agenda driven. As for my earlier question regarding 500 graft strip surgery i would still like to know if any doctors would offer this considering the risks that can be associated with surgery,ie stretching,permanent shockloss,infection,laxity. If any of the regulars on here would like to offer their opinions and i will await Micks reply on his return later in the week. Thanks Bri
  15. I too seen these elsewhere and the work looks great. Good healing and grow well mate.
  16. The way i read it ,there are doctors practicing surgery who have not been licenced by what ever authority ,therefor they should not be doing any type of surgery.I may be wrong as it is a bit baffling the way it is layed out.
  17. Hi londonTraveller Thanks for posting your experience.i have been reading up a bit on your doctor and his work looks great. I am looking forward to seeing your pictures.
  18. Thanks for the reply. Re question one. You have also done your fair share of mudslinging.As to shln there are a lot of Dr Feller patients admittedly which is great but any doctors patients can post on there to my knowledge with the exception of Dr Farjo.Have you any idea why this is as you seem to be good friends with Mick and he may have told you why. SMG as well as Dr Feller,Dr Lindsey and a European clinic HDC do indeed post on PB hair as it is a very open forum where any one can post their results.No fees,no cheerleading,no one being paid just a great forum where people offer advice freely and in my opinion honestly. You dont have an agenda but it is you who mentions him when ever a topic like this arises. I`m no cheerleader,Iadmittedly say Dr Fellers work is great,is there evidence to suggest otherwise.Why bring what happened on hlh into the equasion,that was a misinterpretation on behalf of a posters comments which was resolved. Re question three Why would you be lynched,most guys who have confirmed they are going are from various doctors,i think Spex will be the only feller patient there.There are going to be quite a few guys there looking into getting a ht and i thought this would be the ideal opportunity to show these guys they can get a world class ht in the UK by you showing your results.After all its only up the road from you and as you say be a part of the ht brotherhood. Also i am not trashing Dr Farjo just asking why they were going to do a strip surgery for 500 grafts when this was totally inapropriate for the patient.I dont want to hear they wanted to wait,the fact is if this patient had said yes there and then he would have received a totally under estimated ht with little improvement to his situation.This question i will ask any doctor coalition or not. I trust my personal details answered your curiosity.
  19. Why do you feel you have to deflect this post to my personal situation which has absolutely nothing to do with you. Out of courtesy i will address these questions. My story in brief,three very poor hair transplants as in my signature,pictures can be found on PBs site in ht section under bigmac photos. Regarding sparing time for a ht and posting on the forums. Firstly i worked for 15 years full time extra long hous which did not leave much time to post as my time i had i spent with my family.I left this job last year and went self employed so i could spend more time with my kids.Hence i can work at home and on site giving me time to post and spend time with my baby son. As for getting my ht done.Yes its true i have chosen to fly thousands of miles to get my ht done rather than have it done in the UK which would be significantly more convenient.My girlfriend works and i look after my son when he is not in nursery,therefor i have many factors to consider when getting time for a ht,ie girlfriends time off work to look after baby,my time out from work.I also help out everyday with a family member who is severely disabled as well as an elderly mother so my time is precious and people depend on me.Is this enough personal information for you seeing you have taken a vested interest in me. As for posting ,yeah i am a great poster and forum member imo and i hope other forum members appreciate my contributions. Now if you will be so kind to answer my questions. Why do you not post on other forums. Have you an agenda against Spex as you always mention him. You are unemployed and have plenty of time on your hands.Why dont you go to the London meeting of ht patients to show off your ht results and see results from other hairloss brothers. Spex will be there and you can address any concerns you have with him personally. Now my question to the forum members.Can anyone provide me with a link where a coalition doctor who have to meet high standards to be a member has done a strip procedure for approximately 500 grafts into an area where it would accomplish minimal if any cosmetic results as i would like to ask them why they did it. I trust i have answered everthing you want to know.If you want to ask anymore questions i will reply as long as you`re civil and no foul language. Thank you
  20. You can have what you want Janna,a few extra calories wont affect you much. Hi it752 i agree,i try to eat healthy and this stuff is full of various chemicals,very scary whats in your food these days.
  21. In the UK a large white chocolate mocha with cream from Starbucks contains 628 calories. This is more than a hearty 8oz rump steak and fries which has 525 calories or a big mac which has 492 calories, As Starbucks are everywhere in the USA and they are always full with customers its no wonder your country has a major obesity problem. Just thought i`d let all you know.
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