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Everything posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. ..."Does making fun of someone rich and famous for being bald make you guys feel better??" no. but it's a hell of a lot of fun! when Austin Powers came out did you march in front of the theaters in protest that they were exploiting midgets (i.e.'minie-me')...Fight for the RIGHT of the midget? Did you boycott Zoolander because of the perceived stereo type of male models being dingy? Let us have our fun... BESIDES- the intention of this thread initially was to discuss how GREAT someone thought Jamie Fox's ht turned out. Also, I for one wonder why most of these guys haven't had better work done. Dennis Miller's ht looks phenomenal. But Nic Cage does have an arrangatang-ass of a head!!! I think having ONE moderator on this forum is plenty VINCEHAIR. if your so emotionally distraught over threads like this then don't read it! And "focus on your own DAMN life and balding head"... Rather then telling others what the fu$K to do!!!
  2. Hi Lisa, you can also get in touch w/ an Alvi Consultant (if your not already) by the name of AdamAlvi on this forum... let us know ALL about your research and opinion given the Feller thread mentioned above and (AdamAlvi contact---IF you haven't met him yet)... thanks, luv, NG2GB
  3. damn dude, that was def. some kick-asS haIR-PORN!!! your mop is looking thick 'n luscious!!! That mop is kick ass and you should be proud!!! Especially w/ the fresh youthful hair style your sporting... The lil' bandana over da' eyes 'n face REALLY proved as a fantastic tease --tA boOT!!! Hair + Face Thong= HAIR PORN... All you need to add to the vid. is some $100 bills in the black strap around the mop!!! With some balding dudes dancing around it PAYING to touch it, all the while reciting some voo-doo $hit while rubbing their own noggin expecting the same results ... Then ALL the balding bloggers will be green w/ envy... (NOW Im dancing naked w/ I Can't Believe It's Not Butter rubbed all over my body; chanting): ---'A' hoO-gA-boO-gA-- dA wIntIe- tO-GA'--- -gimIe-daT-hAiR!!!!!'
  4. Balody, remember your going by the "UK Standard" of NW level; it's a lil different as the "standard" is different over there. Kind of like a Cave Man drawing compared to Ultra-Refined-Follicular-Work of the Coalition Docs recommended on this forum... PS...just "challenging" the "unchallenged"...
  5. That looks fantastic!! Your only at 4 months too, so Im sure the biggest and most dramatic difference is yet to come. That is crazy your "old" hair line appears to have hung in there so well. The stubble looks thick and is VERY low. Do you have to shave it every morning? Anyway, can't wait to see the final product and Im thrilled for you...
  6. I laugh at John Travolta because he's John Travolta too. I think he looks like dog shit. He looks like a fu$ing monkey... I can't stand his movies, never understood WHAT people saw in him... Nic Cage, now he REALLY looks like shit! What's up w/the scar/bald patch on his temple too? This pic almost looks fake, cuz it's the only one Ive ever seen of him with his arrangatang monkey-butt head of hair AND he's got this look on his face while he's massaging it, like: 'OHH GOD, why ME? WHY ME!?!?'...
  7. cool pics! they don't even NEED to be pushing for a cure; most if not all of these guys could go to HASSON THE GREAT or Feller and get great results. I wonder if many of them are just unaware of how far ht's have come. Mel Gibson had a ht? I didn't know that. I always wonder when I see some of these pics like Gibson, if they aren't just wearing a piece or something for that partiuclar photo shoot. Isn't the pic of him w/hair REALLY old? And the one w/ less hair newer? If not, his looks great. Wonder why the U2 dude doesn't get a repair job. jude law: shit, I didn't know he had recently lost so much hair; he too could get a great result from a ht.
  8. I guess it's just a matter of opinion -BUT- I think in the last comparison photo Gimmiehair post, the (alleged) "pre-op" pic, looks like a normal non-recessed hair line; in the second, it looks like a swollen head with an un-naturally low hair line. He has ABSOLUTELY no forehead in that last pic... my opinion anyway...
  9. Last I saw Jude Law's hair looked pretty damn good, but Im remembering back to his Talented Mr. Ripley hair do. Did he lose much more after that? Any pics? SHAVED HEAD/BALD: In my opinion, the ONLY way to REALLY pull off the bald/shaved look is to NOT only be maxed out w/muscle -BUT- have dark coloring. As in really dark hair stubble and dark skin... If your some pee-wee w/ pale, pasty skin then your gonna look like dog $hit.
  10. huh, I had never noticed or seen any of those photos/contrasts before... But, man that last pic you posted gimmiehair, I think his hair looked better w/ the higher hair line. Either the "new" hair line is a photo shop -OR- it looks WAY too low. Don't you guys think it looks better higher? It's like WAY too much hair in the latter and he has NO forehead to speak of... I think it almost looks ridiculous in the last photo...
  11. goldstar, his "before and after pic" (?)... WHAT are you referring to? where is his "before and after" pic?
  12. the possibility of it maintaining hair is much better than it, re-growing hair in the hair line. Though, still, it is best effective in the crown/yammikah region...
  13. I think T.T ( no pun *intended* but you can take one anyway) must be the devil HIMSELF!!! a "full head of hair"... tired of waiting for it "to grow back in"... TT: you BA$TARD!!! how dare you come to a balding blog and tell us of your impatience for your full head of hair to grow in!?!?!?!? None the less (you LUCKY unbalding ba$tard!!! ): By all accounts, the only thing I have heard of growing hair in faster is minoxidil... by the way: if I had a FULL head of hair I wouldn't be doing the "metal-head" pony tail bit...step into the 21'st century, get a hair cut and spike your mondo-mop up you lucky hair-whore!!!!
  14. I haven't read this entire thread, -BUT- do you guys you these shampoos, such as Nizoral, every day? The instructions state that you should use it 2-3 times a week for around 4 weeks total for non-balding related issues...
  15. (funny!!!) I was under the impression, based off of recent posts, that JD (your) looking at getting a ht w/ optimal results yet less than optimal costs; no? I'm assuming you are now *still* considering a ht, yet are looking to find a doc who has great skills (by virtue of working under a great doc) yet has significantly less cost.
  16. "white-tails": I would guess your referring to the bulb or root of the hair; it would be abnormal if the hair shed by breaking off from anywhere OTHER than the root. So, I would say your fine.
  17. BHT('s)-body hair transplants- are still very much in an experimental stage. At BEST the results are inconsistent and weak. I don't know your circumstances but they should only be considered if either you have already used all of your available donor hair -OR- you have Diffused Unpatterned Alopecia (don't have ANY donor hair).
  18. the ONLY time it would be beneficial to recycle old grafts is in a case where old mini grafts (with a graft containing multiple hairs) was used in the hair line creating a pluggy appearance, then some times the doc opts to recycle the grafts from the hair line and place them further back. Even then it is usually a better route to place new grafts at the hair line to try and conceal the old multi hair grafts rather than recycling because the process of extracting the old grafts + placing new one's in the same area causes to much trauma to the scalp.
  19. Struggling, maybe Im not the best person to address your central question, since I have NOT had a ht yet, but Ill put in my two cents and answer the rest. Will the HT be worth it and give me my quality of life back? -I've seen MANY cases of the old "pluggy" work and I personally couldn't stand having the anxiety/self-consciousness of fearing that it was exposed. I assume your familiar with how advanced ht's are now compared to previous work and they are virtually undetectable. That being said, I've heard nothing but praise from guys who go to a world class doc even from guys who didn't have repair work done. I would think the reward would be even greater for one who has existing sub-par work on their noggin. Can i drive myself to a hotel after the ht, spend the night and drive 3 hours home the next day? -I wouldn't want to be driving myself anywhere imm. after the surgery or anywhere the next day. Im sure you could drive yourself home the next day, just personally Im going to lock myself in the hotel room with a chastity belt locked to my dome so I don't risk any of my new babies. How long after HT would I be able to run a couple of miles per day? lift weights? -each clinic has their own post op suggestions/guidelines, but that being said I think the general rule is 2 weeks post-op after the staples are removed, and only doing what your body permits due to scalp tightness. If I take a week off from work will that give enough time that the HT isn't as noticeable? -depending on how much native hair you have left, most top docs require that your recipient area be shaved to get a better read on the angle of your hair growth, to minimize the potential for transection which could cause either temporary or permanent shock loss. So, after a week if your head IS shaved your more than likely still going to have some pink/redness on your scalp. Is there a specific time of year that might be best for HT? Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? -I guess this would only depend on if your planning on hiding under a hat for a few months and only feel comfy w/ a hat on during a specific season. I never hear others talk about this, but personally I would *hate* to have to hide under a hat during spring/summer.
  20. H&W shave the recipient area to get a better read on the angle of hair growth; thereby minimizing the potential risk for transection and shock loss. if a patients recipient area has a significant amount of native hair and it is unshaved, then the mere handling of it during the procedure will at the LEAST cause temporary shock loss; and in the WORST case scenario, the native hair could be transected during the procedure which could ultimately cause PERMANENT shock loss. -HENCE- the shaving. A small and temporary price to pay for the upswing of potential benefits.
  21. Rogaine is of primary benefit to the crown -BUT- some individuals (RARELY) do re grow hair on the vertex and hair line. There is a thread by Janna (a tech. for the Shapiro Medical Group) documenting cases of individuals who had SIGNIFICANT hair re growth on the top of their head w/rogaine used in combination w/propecia. which has a synergistic effect. I have seen a couple of cases where guys re grow so much hair that it appears they never had MPB. Keep in mind though, that this is the exception and not the general rule.
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