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Everything posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. Yeah, it is a difficult decision to make. But, I enjoy and appreciate EVERYONE'S input. Thanks. Eman--I recall seeing your pics recently, which Jotronic commented on correct? Aren't you in your early forties and Joe said your case was similar to Pushing40's, Evolution, and Prophets? Man, that right there would help nudge me a little bit because ALL of those guys got TREMENDOUS results. But it is still a difficult decision.
  2. I had heard and thought the same thing regarding his hair, but only because he has GREAT coverage but not so great density -AND- he as the anchor man do. When you say his hair always looks the "same" and that is a dead give away; is the "same" referring to the way he styles it? If not, then what do you mean? Apart from what I mentioned above, I didn't think ht's were detectible at all. Other than the great coverage but not great density, how else could one tell? After it has fully matured doesn't the hairs characteristic return to what it was prior to being transplanted, COMPLETELY?
  3. Looks Fantastic! Very clean, very dense, and all on top of a ton of hair on your head; w/4300 grafts + native hair (and old grafts) your going to have one dense do! Can't wait to see this grow out. Thanks for sharing and def. keep us posted!!!
  4. In ALL honesty, it is *very* difficult to tell by your pics... They have such a rustic, rarity of quality that one would only find in a Robert Rodriugez film (sin city, death grind, anyone?) which really makes it difficult to tell. Even through the filter of your '70's horror film lens of your pre-op pic &(most) of your post-op pics, you appeared to have LITTLE hair loss... That being said, you look good over all and have NOTHING to be concerned with...
  5. DAMN Richie!!! Lookin' good! It is somewhat difficult to compare/contrast the before and after photos as the after are at such a closer range. Which would truly undermine your actual result, if anything I think your 4 month results would look EVEN better than they already do w/comperable conditions that your pre-op pics were taken under. Any chance of similar conditions to the before shots for the 4 month shots? Nonetheless, you look fantastic!!! Remind me: what is the situation of your top/hair line? No thinning? Looks fantastic from the pics. How old are you anyway? 'Richie48' left me leaving to think you were in your forties but in the last couple of pics you appear to be in your late 20's early 30's. Is it the hair?
  6. Djdennis, thanks. Rest assured, I think if I do go forward w/ a ht I will post pics, if for NO other reason than that of flyby's response so I can give myself a multitude of awards!!! my consultations: I had an online consultation and phone convo w/ Jotronic from H&W (who else!!!). In all honesty, the reason why I have NOT posted pics of my hair (and no offense to anyone here) is that my personal reservations for not going through a ht at this point are over a degree of such minutia detail regarding donor hair quality that I would NOT trust any one other than a live doctor in person to make a judgement call. Case in Point: my fundamental reservation is how *I* will turn out and this is based on my INDIVIDUAL donor hair characteristics. I wouldn't even trust a world class doc to judge my donor hair based SOLELY off of a picture. If/when I do an in person consultation w/a world class doc THEN I will probably feel much more reassured as he can point me to other cases of his clients who have what he considers to be similar characteristics as mine. That being said, it is a VERY difficult decision to make, and Im often quite surprised (shocked even) at the sheer quantity of guys on this forum who go forward w/ it with little to no research. I have seen COUNTLESS posts from guys who didn't even begin to post on here until AFTER their ht, and MANY times their doc of choice wasn't even reccomended on here let ALONE discussed/reviewed. I REALLY appreciate those of you who have responded as you all have had the balls to go through w/ this and have shared it w/ me. And I would REALLY appreciate any additional input. By the way, after reading this let me clarify it's NOT that I have poor or even unfavorable donor characteristics, it -IS- that I have noticed patients who have an=amount of grafts moved and=hair loss and end up w/a COMPLETELY un=result. In addition, damn man! This is plastic surgery on the top of your HEAD!!! Everyone, EVERYONE can see it for the rest of your life and your STUCK w/it... That being said, I have NEVER seen a case of someone who went to H&W or Feller (who I consider both clinics WORLD class) and end up looking worse afterwards. But it is still a *big* ass deal to me...
  7. Im setting up a paypal account so you guys can send me the $100 registration fee for the event...
  8. there was another recent thread regarding some of these issues. I, for one, wonder precisely this same question. Dennis Miller had a ht, and is quite vocal about it, with Bosley HIMSELF not one of his min. wage paid underdogs. His results do indeed look phenomenal, but there has been some question (by Jotronic, the Ron Jeremy of hair transplants--i.e.celebrity status---) that DM might be using concealer. One does wonder why the hell guys who have balding heads, with all of that money, power, fame, and public scrutiny, don't hire Dr. Hasson to do an out call to their mansion and have a mega session done right away. I have wondered this very thing many times, not only w/respect to movie stars but just SO many bald men in general. When I first began researching I wondered if it was because the photos I saw online of GREAT ht's were doctored, or special lighting was used, or if they were just bs; now, I find myself almost fully convinced that there are really only a handful of ht docs in the WORLD who are capable of achieving such phenomenal results in 1-3 procedures. Furthermore, that same set of world class docs are not easily found. This sounds utterly absurd and flies in the face of all reason, -BUT- how may commercials have you seen for Bosley on tv? They are the Mcdonalds of hts, yet they get their name out their for one and the same reason, namely that they have a MASSIVE quantity of clinics and are just grinding out ht's. As a result, they can afford to advertise on infomercials which prey on the emotionally distraught and unstable individual. Where as on a forum like this, one expects a plethora of pictures of real patients and real feed back. I for one had no idea how far ht's had come until I found this forum. Regarding the ultra wealthy and famous movie stars: they are NOT researching balding blogs to find docs. They ARE going to Beverly Hills where they *expect* the worlds best plastic surgeons to reside; and in all honesty I was shocked that from my research the best didn't reside in the plastic surgery mecca of the world either.
  9. flyby, thanks! I pm-ed you also, so check it out. A TON of variables which I consider, make me in limbo of this whole ordeal. And, of course, these variables are in the equation for EVERYONE considering a ht. Most notably: donor characteristics: yeah, I could post pics, but in all honesty I would only trust a doc IN PERSON to evaluate my donor hair. Some people get PHENOMENAL results with 'x' amount of grafts moved. Others look like dog shit. I just wonder how *I* will turn out. I think possibly I have also made the *downtime* into some insurmountable ordeal which it might not be. Some reasons for this: Im a diffused thinner, who will have to have grafts moved all over the top of my head. However, I still have a significant amount of native hair left which is not only NOT an unbearable of a hair situation for me at present, but further this means I will be taking a few steps backwards ( for at LEAST ) a few months before I move forward. Then there is always the matter of moving my 'v' shaped hair line down to a rounded one. I imagine the *new* hair line will look obscure, thin, and like a thousand pubic hairs growing below my native hairs for possibly 10 months.... more input anyone?...
  10. My Friend Steve, what's up with the MASSIVE recent influx of spammers on this site?!?!? I have been studying balding chrome dome's and transplanted mops for years. I started w/ one laptop. And now I have over 1,131 posts. But I think I am nothing because this field or you say other hand mop is very wide field. Every time you seek new thing. New fortune cookie... Thanks Your friend NG2GB. Cheap Alba Dolls click here___ and get free extenze here___ ...
  11. High Marijuanna, I didn't find fin or any *real* meds on that site. Aren't those all concealers?
  12. in your immediate post op pics in your weblog (the one under your signiture not the gallery in this thread) there is a bandaid over your forehead... Re strip extraction placement/scar size/max# of grafts: so was your density (in terms of donor grafts per sq. cm) greater higher on the back of your head as opposed to a few cm lower? I was referring to the *highness* of the scar w/respect to the BACK of your head, not the sides. Does the density issue still hold true? If so, then this is interesting to me because another poster (gimmiehair) also had a scar higher than usual, more so than yours, and his justification was precisely the same as yours w/exception to the fact that he was an unpatterned diffuse thinner, so it didn't matter *where* the donor hair came from...
  13. POST PLANTS, SERIOUSLY: it's NOT an easy decision to make. This is plastic surgery right above your eye brows which everyone will be able to see upon first meeting you for the REST of your life... I have contemplated it for a while now. Once one takes this plunge, there is *no* turning back. any suggestions/comments?...
  14. Given your new hair cut and the stubble growing in @ your new hair line (which frames your face MUCH better) that is a dramatic change in appearance already. Im not tryin' to pucker up here, but really the old hair cut with the receding line looked kind of shabby/untaken care of; this new look makes for a material difference. Lighting can really play a significant role as well. I was about to comment that you didn't have ANY redness in your recipient area but after going through your weblog under your signiture, there is one pic where the pinkness is more evident. Scar: looks good. I was going to comment that it appeared somewhat high, but it's very difficult to tell w/your head tilted in that pic. How is it? Also, what happened to your fore head im. post op? How many days post op is that? Could Dr.E have gone for more grafts if you elected?
  15. After much discussion, deliberation, countless hours w/the secret society of the balding nation, it has occurred to me that we need a BALD PRIDE MARCH/RALLY!!! Other diseased groups band together, to pronounce their solidarity to the world and raise funds for a cure. Alopecia is no different. We need to band together, a Billion Bald Heads Strong, marching before the white house to not only raise awareness of the Alopecia disease and the men it has struck; but also to demonstrate our Bald Pride; we can usher in a new era of perception of balding men in our society. Billions of Bald Shiny heads, hand in hand, marching proudly before the White House; let the reflection from the sea of shiny heads GLARE into the White House windows; indeed, let it be so bright that it shines through the thickest of curtains. We too, can raise sponser's for a cure! Just as Jews do not touch a razor to their face on the Sabboth, so shall we on our day of pride! Let that bald head bask in glory! And just as sporting events have sponsers w/banners of Gatorade; which aids them in their struggle we too can find sponsers which aid us in our struggle and effects associated w/the illness we have been plauged; imagine: BIG BRIGHT BANNERS W/---VIAGRA---printed all over them -AND- the MANBRA or ('BRO') Just as Homo-Sexual's have their rainbow as a common symbol; We can have one too; I was contemplating a pair of beautiful, bulky balls basking in the sunshine in all their glory; to reflect our ballz out ballsy balding attitude and as the source of impetus from which are disease blossoms into baldness... Were proud of our BALLS!!! -AND- OUR BALDING DOME'S THEY PRODUCE!!!! We can burn wigs, and dvd's of the film Hair Spray; as we hold hands,w/our BALLS T-shirt on, and bright shiny bald heads side by side and unite in bald pride before the White House...
  16. Hmmm... I have a balding patch on the right side of my back that isn't as dense as the left side. Maybe I could thicken that out a bit via some butt hair...(?)
  17. shizzle-medizzle, RED FLAG#1: 'no touch technique"... RED FLAG#2: $2.50 per "hair"... you don't exactly want to go to a coupon clicking clinic for a HAIR TRANSPLANT!!! From my understainding DHI is the UK eq. to American Bosley; which=Mcdonalds dog shit of a ht. They are a hair-mill, they pop out ht's in a fast food fashion. PM a member on this forum who goes by the handle Chucky, for some (negative) feed back about DHI. If you can't afford a world class doc right now -AND- financing is not an option; then you should def. WAIT!!! I don't know your situation, but if you think your self-cons. now, wait until you have: -a horrid scar. -flush away a few 'K' ($). -a pluggy, un-natural hair line PERMANENTLY stuck to the top of your mop, two inches above your eyes, within ear shot of everyone in a crowded room. -have gone through the emotional roller coaster of a ht, including the months of wondering/impatience of *how* shitty your result will turn out. -AND- in my opinion, the *worst* of all of the afore mentioned conditions, having WASTED a significant % of your FINITE donor hair... WAIT!!! ******** MORE OF MY NONSENSE-------- I pm'ed chucky on your behalf. Hope you guys touch base, as I always HATE to see guys in your situation make a hasty decision... fill me in...
  18. growth is all relative to the individual. some grow fast and some grow slow. you should see *some* growth within the first few months; but won't be fully mature til 12-18 months. Did you 'pop' your follicular cherry or is this just a question?
  19. Man, and I *love* I Can't Believe it's Not Butter!!! JOBI's --- can ya get me a discount?
  21. Is this the Balding Notary Service?.. (stamp) Said purchase of grafts is now notarized... ....now Im off to Georgia to intercept those certified funds w/ my greedy paws. that means even more grafts for me and my Moxy Mondo Million Dollar Mop!!!
  22. I don't know, but I hope so because I used to really enjoy reading his questions/answers. I hope my balding education hasn't been (in part) in vain... I did all of my general education on his site, then my last two years on this forum... NG2GB
  23. After many postings, and much discussion w/many members of this forum, I now feel comfterable disrobing from my cloak of anonymity. Luv, Dr. Phil Oh, now that the cat's outa the bag, what do you guys think of my balding pattern? How many grafts do I need?
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