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Everything posted by Uk_lad

  1. yeh does take a lil getting used too! what idiot decided to make it with a scent anyway!
  2. I started the foam because my crown had began to thin. here is my experience so far 1) Thinning has increased 2) Area of Thinning has grown rapidly 3) Scalp (crown) has become more shiny 4) I have had alot of pimples on my scalp 5) Strangely, the amount of hairs falling seems to have decreased. So, am definetly goin to continue up to the 4mnth mark, am a bit confused that the thinning and area has increased, yet i have noticed less hair fall. Also the pimples are on the scalp are pretty annoying, but hopefully they will settle down, and they are not even located in the area i am applying the foam. Will update again in month two!
  3. hi jon i have neva used the mist but found it fell of easily too. style your hair and use a gel spray, that will hold ALL the nanogen to your head and is much cheaper than the nanogen spray
  4. If i saw this guy, i would not think he had a transplant, especially a normal person who knows nothing about HT would not suspect. BUT he has gone from balding/bald to major thinning, so he will still get the comments; if not more when he trys to comb over and hide the thinning. IMO unless you can get a HT that end results show minor receeding/thinning, its not worth it, because ultimately you still are in the balding process that you had the HT to stop-just does not make sense, spending so much money on something that has not solved the problem and now he cant just buzz it all of because of the scar! He is also pretty young for a HT i think like others have said the hairline should have been further back!
  5. er I am 24, been losing hair since i was 18! until i was 23 it was only at the front, but now the crown has thinned much quicker than the front. Ive had my hair cut medium length, i use nanogen and wax it still-didnt mind when it was the front but now i cant see the back im increasingly unhappy with it, considering just shaving it off see how that goes. er when get comments prob best to laugh of or change subject, make sure they dnt know it annoys you and they will stop! def has affected my life i think about it everyday, every time its raining, windy, watersports, soccer etc etc all things i dnt do or have to watch out for. started rogaine foam 3 weeks ago, so far id say its not helped the crown maybe made a little worse and i have developed a few scalp pimples, but im going to give it atleast 6mnths trial and in the summer i will buzz down to a 1
  6. Hi i have had a few pimples on the head prior to using the foam, but now i seem to being have 2-5 a week, but not where i have been applying the foam on the crown, more on the sides of the head and near the temples. They are quite hard lumpish and pretty red, and take about 7 days to go, just wondering if anyone else has had this? have also got a few pimples on the face come up which is odd because i never really had pimples on my face much.
  7. Hi all, I have recently decided to go back on the meds, I have quite a few in date Finasteride 5mg tablets left from when i previously took them (i was taking 5mg a day, which i have found out now is too high). From reading on this site i gather that i have to split these tablets into 4? is this correct, so this means 1.25mg a day? If this is the case i have two months worth of supply and will see if i expereince the side effects i got from taking 5mg a day (hope not!)thanks.
  8. GREAT POST! I sometimes blame all my troubles on my hair loss (23 years old), however before i shed a single hair i was worrying about other parts of my body not being good enough! You have kind of got me thinking, are alot of the people that visit these forums, the type of people that would be like this whether we were balding, had big nose, fat, scarred etc etc Im not knocking anything about this site because it is amazing, but there are millions of bald/balding guys out there and only thousands of members on communities like this (just a pyschological theory why losing our hair means more to us than others)! Im near the stage when i just shave it all off, i think i will wait for the summer, and tbh Im not greatly bothered by it BUT what i can't seem to take are the comments by others 'you used to look so much better', 'ooo your losing your hair baldy' i was even sitting on the train the other day and a drunk punk came over and decided to announce that i had a 'bobby charlton' (he was a famous english soccer player, who had the worse comb ova eva! im not even close to that!) How do you overcome these comments/taunts, even when people you consider your best friends are saying them? This is the one aspect of losing my hair i cant stand, i was not great with the ladies before losing my hair, so dont think going to notice the difference; but the comments are just something i dont know how to react too! I think ive learnt that by gettin angry, people seem to use it more, so laughing it off may be the best option, but still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth afterwards!
  9. update: found that applyin the nanogen and then the wax or gel is better.
  10. cheers mark! I've just started on the old rogaine foam, i think i will use that for a month then consider the fin. When i was on the fin before 2-3weeks i must admit it made me feel pretty rubbish, so im not sure if i want to go back on it BUT i was taking 5mg a day, which i have now found to be much to high a dosage!
  11. thanks kman! looks like i should have came here first, rather than gone to a ??500 (1000$) trichologist who told me to take ONE 5mg finasteride a day!
  12. Hi, i have recently decided to start taking Finasteride again. I have one problem, i have finasteride 5mg tablets-do i take one daily? or split them into 5ths, 4ths? In the past (a year ago) i took 1 a day (5mg) for 3 weeks, is this dangerous, had no real sides, as stopped when felt bit odd on them?
  13. Hi stimpson, did you have the 5mg finasteride tablet? did you take one whole daily or cut it into 4ths or 5ths?
  14. Hi eman, i was taking one 5mg finasteride tablet a day! was this the wrong doseage? should it have been split into 5'ths?
  15. what are these stories lucas? from my research of this site id say 95% are ok on it, but alot of people suffer mild symptoms, that seem to go after time. I was on them for a month and did not really have any major affects,but did notice a slight ache in the balls! The problem with the internet is, you could type in a low risk symptons; say headache and temp, and it would say you might have menningtius or a brain tumuor, however that is highly unlikely. Bad stories tend to get more 'air time', than normal ones!
  16. Hi all, I have carried out alot of research on this topic, however the more I have done, the more confused I am. I think the answer is relatively simple i just can't figure out what it is. The query I have relates to the different medicines for example, i was given a prescription for Finasteride 5mg tablets, one to be taken a day, is this a correct dosage? Another issue is with the other medications such as Avodart, proscar 5mg and propecia 1mg; what is the difference between them for example and the Finasteride 5mg tablet i was taking? are they just different brands or strengths or can they be used in conjunction with eachother. If anyone can answer these questions id be very happy, as i am rather confused atm! thanks! p.s. i also found online a company that sells Avodart online (in the UK) without a prescription, is this ok, as from previous experience i thought you needed a NHS or Private prescription for these hair loss tablets!
  17. Hi all, I have carried out alot of research on this topic, however the more I have done, the more confused I am. I think the answer is relatively simple i just can't figure out what it is. The query I have relates to the different medicines for example, i was given a prescription for Finasteride 5mg tablets, one to be taken a day, is this a correct dosage? Another issue is with the other medications such as Avodart, proscar 5mg and propecia 1mg; what is the difference between them for example and the Finasteride 5mg tablet i was taking? are they just different brands or strengths or can they be used in conjunction with eachother. If anyone can answer these questions id be very happy, as i am rather confused atm! thanks! p.s. i also found online a company that sells Avodart online (in the UK) without a prescription, is this ok, as from previous experience i thought you needed a NHS or Private prescription for these hair loss tablets!
  18. Just a quick question marc, i assume your from the UK??? Where are you purchasing your foam from, i can't find it anywhere! thanks
  19. Well, this week, I have used nanogen, because i had a much shorter hair cut (grade 7 i suppose, cut with scissors though). This is how i found it; it took about 20-25mins for me to apply and style, i used wax first, then applied the nanogen (all over to blend it in well, but mainly in thinning area), then used a gel spray to hold it all on. I found it did very well on the front hairline, it clung on to the hairs and seemed to make the area 'thicker', i was very impressed with the front hairline. There were some negatives, I found it to 'clump' quite alot, also the applicator is not great, was quite messy lol. I do not think it worked well on the crown, where i am thinning. For one, one of my "Friends", decided to shout out in the bar, 'hey your going bald', luckily i was under the influence, so managed to laugh it off, but was still kind of annoying, i suppose you just have to live with them type of comments though! So my verdict would be 7/10. Very good on the front hairline, not great on the crown, and does clump, but it is IMO undetectable and style friendly, if applied correctly. I used the dark blonde one, and i suspect if you have darker hair, the results would have been better and I suppose im a norward 3.5.......GREAT FUN!
  20. my finasteride was 5mg tablets, is that not the correc dosage then?
  21. thanks for the advice everyone, appreciate it!
  22. HI all, first of all, I would like to say thanks to those that have replied to my other posts, appreciate it. One thing about this forum, is that everyone is so helpful and friendly! anyways i get to the point. Has anyone from the uk brought rogaine foam from ebay? if so was it ok? If not, has anyone brought the foam from any other outlet that ships to the UK and found them to be trustworthy, thanks for your time!
  23. HI all, first of all, I would like to say thanks to those that have replied to my other posts, appreciate it. One thing about this forum, is that everyone is so helpful and friendly! anyways i get to the point. Has anyone from the uk brought rogaine foam from ebay? if so was it ok? If not, has anyone brought the foam from any other outlet that ships to the UK and found them to be trustworthy, thanks for your time!
  24. Hi all, im currently on thyroxine, i have tried finastride (about a month), and found that i had slight ache in the nuts (nothing serious), but felt a fastened heart beat, so stopped. My trichologist suggested cutting the tablet into 1/2, but i just decided to stop taking it (when giving me the tablets, he never informed me of any possible side affects). Now im thinking of going back on it, and just wondering if anyone has experienced the same thing or has any advice? is it ok to mix thyroxine and fiastride (propecia)
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