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Everything posted by Uk_lad

  1. Basically, i want to take 0.5 worth of fin a day, with the view i might eventually build up to 1mg a day (to stop side effects and just because i think its sensible to start low). I don't want to just jump to a high level, as i would not do this with other drugs. Will this still make the finasteride effective against hair loss? If someone stops after using for a long period, surely it is advised to steadily decrease the dosage over time?
  2. Basically, i want to take 0.5 worth of fin a day, with the view i might eventually build up to 1mg a day (to stop side effects and just because i think its sensible to start low). I don't want to just jump to a high level, as i would not do this with other drugs. Will this still make the finasteride effective against hair loss? If someone stops after using for a long period, surely it is advised to steadily decrease the dosage over time?
  3. I beilieve they give th 5mg finasterid to people with cancer to shrink the prostate, so theoreticaly cant be that bad, especially as the dose is much lower. One thing i do not get is why its not reccomended to start on a low dose, even skipping days and gradually work your way up. With any other powerful drug, you dont just jump on the maximum dose, you start of low and gradually work your way up0.50mg every other day mught even stabilise your loss!
  4. Your hair looks awesum, much better than mine and im 24. I honestly don't think you need a transplant yet, stay on the meds and assess the situation when your older/lost more hair!
  5. I think i am going to start off slow 0.5 every day or every other day, just to see if i get sides. Then evaluate the situation. Thanks for the advice guys!
  6. I dont believe my hair loss has anything now to do with my thyroid, however developing a thyroid problem during pubity is a factor in my hair loss i believe, because I am literally the only person in my family with hairloss, my grandad is 94 with full head of thick hair! Well anyway, at first i was told i had no thyroid problem about a year later I had another test and that showed i did, i went back and looked at the one i had a year earlier and that also showed a problem. If i was you i would ask the exact thyroid levels th levels etc and then research on the internet what the normal levels are, because sometimes idiots can say you are ok, when you are 0.1% from the freshold! Just a thought! Other symptons are weightloss/gain, tiredness, hair loss, cold feet and hands etc
  7. You heard what boots do? I think they give you the proprecia and take photos of the hair loss every three or six months or something. Its ??30 a month, don't know if it would be any good, but saves going to the doctor and boots are well respected. http://www.boots.com/webapp/wc...052&categoryId=11858
  8. You from the UK? If so where do you get yours from?
  9. HI I am a 24 nearly 25 year old. I have norward 3 which is steadily advancing. I could take it when it was at the front, but now its on the crown and i can not see it I was thinking about going on finasteride (with courve, my hair looks pretty good atm). I literally do not care if i am bald in my 30's once i have settled down with a wife and kids, i could not care less-Id be happy if i knew i was going to keep what i got, its the inpending nature of balding that i can't stand, its like you have no control of your own (hair) future. So basically i want to keep what i have until im am 30, so about 6 years. Now my question is, from people who take finasteride or have been on it for a long period, should i go on it, baring in mind i know the potential sides? I am just looking for some advice from more experienced members! thanks!
  10. Research the drug first, then make a choice if you want to use it, because there are some side effects that effect certain people who take the drug. If you decide to go on it, then you could prob go to your doctors or trichologist and they can write you a private prescription!
  11. Hi spex, I may be interested too! Can you give us an idea of how many hours this doc has been trained to implement this procedure, because i believe technique is crucial to the success. Additionally, I may just wait to see more results, as although the pics do indicate an improvement, the guys in them do not have a great level of balding in the first place!
  12. I have thyroid myself. some signs that something is up are: tiredness, sudden weight gain, hair loss, cold hands or feet. a simple blood test will tell you if you have a problem or not! and the symptons will depend on whether its overactive or underactive!
  13. Just wondering if anyone else has this. Rogaine, whether that be foam or liquid causes my scalp to become very sore. I dont use it anymore, and not even sure if it is related to my use of this product, but my scalp, especially the crown area, has intermitent sore patches. Randomly, they seem to be most noticable when a slight force is pushed down on them, like a pillow. This is hard to explain because i can put my hand over my hair and scalp and feel no pain or sensation, but if i directly place my hand down on the area i can feel it, anyone else had this? lol another questiion that i have not every really been able to get an answer too, is the fact that id say 20% of my lost hairs, come out with a bulbus semi hard thing (transparent/semi yellowish in colour) around the root of the hair follice. Its almost as if the skin is forcing the follicle out. The only thing i can say its similar too, would be a black head, when you ease that out on your face, but mine have a hair follicle still attached, and force their way to the surface of the scalp on their own. Is this normal hairloss?
  14. bigbill1234, what sides did you get from proprecia?
  15. so maybe the general rule should be if you go on the meds and experience side effects lasting over a week, you should maybe stop. My thinking being the sides proves its having a negative effect, and the quciker you stop the less damage you cause!
  16. so what happens to the guys that take 5mg a day for the prostate? I myself took 5mg a day for about three weeks (incompetence of the doctor) and experienced no sexual sides, just slight ache in balls, my main side was fast heart rate! i do believe in the people who say they have them, but some are ridiculous, type any drug and side effects into google and your get plenty of results!
  17. Hi Dr Feller, hope all is well. Why would people on proprecia not be suitable candidates? (May have miss read, but its been a long day! lol)
  18. Is it not impossible though to have a hair piece on for a month when you are not entirly bald and have thin hair, because the hair will grow under the system!
  19. I have tried both, my main problem with all concealers, is the fact that non match my hair colour which is dirty blonde! Brown is too dark and blonde is too light! Anyway, toppik for me was the more natural colour (Blonde), whereas nanogen (dark blonde) looks a bit gingerish! On the other hand, toppik particles are much smaller and seems dust like, whereas, nanogen particles seem to bond to the hair better and create a 'thicker' appearance. Just use a normal hair spray gel spray, much cheaper and prob better! So all in all i rate toppik 6/10, nanogen 7/10, but if combine these products with a concealer like, courve or dermatch, both can go up to a 8. The concealer stops the shine and diminishes the different colour between hair and scalp, and the other two products give some body! hope this is helpful!
  20. Just wondering if anyone is on both, as generally, hair loss causes depression! If so did it have any other sides (not the normal proprecia ones) and is it allowed e.g. prozac and proprecia! qustion is more out of interest than anything, as im on tablets (thyroxine) and wondering if any drugs have an affect on taking proprecia!
  21. People who have experience a hair system (the new era type ones-not from the con merchants!). can you describe the benefits and negatives e.g. cost, upkeep, if pulled would it full off etc anything you can think off! Would also like to know how long you can keep one on for! because obviously non bald areas under it the hair continues to grow!
  22. Hey paperpoint, did you get any sides? what on the norword scale would you say you was, and what would you say you are now?
  23. Hey eman, just been looking at your weblog, your hair looks awesum, cudnt even tell you had a hair transplant! Congrats!
  24. I meant take all three together. AND there are some excellent products out there that cover up thinning and balding. I have tried nanogen, which is great, courve, which i did not like at first because of the colour, but now like. There is also dermatch, and toppik! give these a try, they work excellently, just remember to practice the application, as i think this is the hardest part!
  25. Hey, sorry to hear about your situation. If you do have MPB, then there are three ways to tackle this 1)proprecia 2)Rogaine 3) nizoral shampoo. If you go on any of these read about the pro's and con's (side effects), and then make a suitable decision. Either way, i think it would do you good to buzz your hair down to a 1-3grade, just to see what you look like with short hair, because chances are, you are the only person to notice the loss atm. I wish i cut my hair short earlier, saved alot of time and constant looking in mirrors/fear of water sports or rain and wind! I am now much happier, do not mind my hair short, but have decided i want to keep what i have left so am on regime above! hope this is helpful and good luck!
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