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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. Tkerr22, Thanks man...good to hear from you too. I look forward to my surgery with Dr. Hasson (as much as one can look forward to the back of their head being ripped open . But I do look forward to the results. L'Anonyme, Thanks man. Yes, I think Dr. True did a fantastic job, but I also know that Dr. Hasson or Dr. Wong seems to get the most bang out of a single session and I've seen countless session pics from Dr. Hasson and have been extremely impressed. I feel that going with Dr. Hasson is a great way to finish the race. Troy, Thanks man...I have come a long way indeed. I know I'll be in capable hands with Dr. Hasson...I just hope indeed this is my last surgery. I'm going for the largest graft count possible, he suspects between 3K-4K. Bill
  2. Troy, I had a virtual consultation...they are going to attempt to get 4K grafts, however, Dr. Hasson says I should need between 3-4K grafts to get what I want. I do look forward to getting it all over with...of course, october feels so far away, but I'm sure the time will come before I know it. I have informally set ahead October 19th as the surgery say...I will formalize it on Friday once I get some things together! Hairbank, Thanks for the congrats in advance. Dr. Hasson has proven through many results I've seen to give excellent results...so I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon on this one. Thanks for the compliments on my first 2 HTs. It's coming along! Bill
  3. Gorpy, Thanks man...that's definitely the plan...I know Dr. Hasson can deliver...I'm hoping this will be the last surgery!
  4. Ok...so now for my third and hopefully final session, I am going to be scheduling with Dr. Hasson for a 3K-4K session (or max graft possible) in early/mid October. I have talked with Joe and am getting ready to book the dates. I've been impressed with the results my first two doctors have given me, but time and time and again, I find myself amazed by the work of Dr. Hasson on this and the other site. Plus, they seem to be able to deliver the best results and the maximum amount of grafts per session. I will begin the scalp exercises tonight. Onward and upward! Bill
  5. Ok...so now for my third and hopefully final session, I am going to be scheduling with Dr. Hasson for a 3K-4K session (or max graft possible) in early/mid October. I have talked with Joe and am getting ready to book the dates. I've been impressed with the results my first two doctors have given me, but time and time and again, I find myself amazed by the work of Dr. Hasson on this and the other site. Plus, they seem to be able to deliver the best results and the maximum amount of grafts per session. I will begin the scalp exercises tonight. Onward and upward! Bill
  6. PB...WOW....looking great guy! Who is that fellow with all that hair . I'm sure you'll be loving it even more in a few months! Bill
  7. Gorpy, Looking good man. Decent improvement from 5 months to 6 months. I'll be looking forward to what happens with you over the next couple months...most likely, you'll still have some new growth and thickening of your transplanted hair will continue for a good amount of time. So are you happy so far? That's the most important part yes?Bill
  8. Thanks M&M...if anything, it does go to show newbies that shockloss in the beginning of the HT doesn't mean that you won't have a good result in the end. Yes, I have to say...I was pretty frightened around 6 to 7 weeks...but I'm feeling much more confident now than I used to...Dr. True combined with the work from Dr. Katz did a good job to date. Bill
  9. full face shot added at 9 months...looks good from straight on...top shot still shows thinness...to be expected.
  10. Bobman....WOW....that's an unbelievably awesome transformation. I'm jealous....hopefully I'm on my way to that level of thickness
  11. I've heard from Dr. True that Minoxodil does NOT speed up growth...that this is a false rumor. However, in order to keep any hair you've regained from Minoxodil, you must keep using it. I just posted somewhere else that I used it for years and now I don't use it anymore. I had very little benefit using it, so I stopped it altogether...I lossed the little I gained, but now I don't have itchy or greasy scalp . But if it's working for you, best to stay with it...that's my thought. Bill
  12. Minox works great for some and not so great for others...but you have to remain on Minox to keep any growth, Propecia or not. I used Minox for years with little benefit, so I stopped altogether...I did lose the very little I did gain, but I don't care because my hair is less greasy and all I have to do now is pop a pill once a day...much easier with Propecia.
  13. I wore a hat for about a week until the scabs fell off. I just said I had bad sunburn . Nobody asked questions!
  14. Personally, I'm glad I had surgery, and I know a number of people on this forum are extremely happy they went through with it. I don't know much about your situation, but make sure you do NOT go through with it unless you are 100% certain. You really don't want to go into it 50/50...that's my honest opinion. Talk to some reputable docs, get consults, talk to satisfied and dissatisfied patients....do your homework, and then make a decision when you know for sure what you want to do. I suppose saying 100% isn't quite fair, but make sure that you are at least 90%, with only 10% being the fear of the unknown of this being your first surgery. That's my advice. Feel free to poke around my pictures site underneath my name on the left hand side. I've had two surgeries. Bill
  15. Hey everyone, Thanks for the feedback. Gorpy, My hair is a little longer in the front and I've been combing it a little more forward which is probably giving the more relaxed look. It seems to fit me pretty well I think. Yes yes...density...I'm definately working on that. Ha! Tkerr22, Thanks for the encouragement. Yeah, the above shot isn't that great...but it's not that bad either....more to come hopefully...at least more thickness from this surgery and then one more in 6 months to a year or so.
  16. It's a myth....not true....end of statement.
  17. I'm very confused. When was this done? This looks pretty old school to me, and the punch holes look huge compared to the latest surgery techniques. I don't want to upset you...but it looks more like old school plugs and not very natural at all
  18. Hi Jotronic, I sent you an email a few days ago...have you checked it yet? I sent you some photos and an email for an eval. Thanks. Bill
  19. Joe, Looks like this method really works. I'm pretty psyched about it as I begin to consider my third and hopefully final surgery. Check your email too...I sent you one! Bill
  20. 8 month photo update! Just cut my hair at a 7 clip, left the front a little longer.
  21. Wow! That looks incredible! I bet you are extremely happy! Congratulations on your new head of hair! Bill
  22. Wow...thanks guys. I appreciate all the feedback and support I've gotten from you all. I hope I can be as much of a support to all of you as you have been to all of me. I am happy with the hairline for sure, and have been feeling more confident to go around without a hat. The responses I've gotten from people if anything has been, did you lighten your hair? Which obviously...I did not...but I just kind of smile and say...nah, I just got it cut . I agree...I plan on taking some time off, maybe another year...I figured more time off can't hurt anything than jumping into something. I'll wait for a few reasons...obviously, to see what my hair looks like after a few cycles as you've all suggested, AND, to build up the funds for my hopefully the last surgery. I don't plan on getting anymore hairline work done...though I admit, I'll get some grafts toward the front to dense up behind the hairline and further back to the crown. Thanks again all of your for your support. Bill
  23. Thanks guys...I appreciate the feedback. I'm definately excited...I have more hair than I have since 2002, maybe even 2001. I still plan on getting one more done, since the front looks pretty good, I want to focus more on the top and back to get a more dense look. Thanks for all your support.
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