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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. Thanks bro66. Got any before/after pics you can post? I'd like to see your pics and follow your progress. At 3 months, you have a long way to go...you may or may not be starting growth yet at 3 months. Bill
  2. Hey guys...thanks for the compliments. I look the best from the front for sure...looking at those pics, it looks like I haven't had any loss and i'm not thinning...but top pictures show otherwise...I have one more surgery to go...hopefully before I'm ready to stop I think. I just cut the top of my hair down to a 7 clip, and to some degree, Im' sorry I did...because when I compare now my 7 month pics to my 5.5 month pics, I look about the same. I think, however, that most of the hair on top at this point is grafted hair...which is kind of crazy if you think about it...I think growing my hair out a little bit is the best look for me for now. Bill
  3. Hello everyone, I thought I'd post this on a new thread so you get an idea where I was comparing 9/2004 before any surgery to where I am now on 3/4/2006. 1 year and a half later and I have more hair. I apologize in advance for the difference in lighting, but this is the best before picture I have that shows my full front face...whereas, I had to work with a different camera in my house for the second pic. Either way, I think it's pretty clear that something is different about me. I've had some people ask me, did your hair get lighter? At least they notice "something" is different. What do you think? Bill
  4. Hello everyone, I thought I'd post this on a new thread so you get an idea where I was comparing 9/2004 before any surgery to where I am now on 3/4/2006. 1 year and a half later and I have more hair. I apologize in advance for the difference in lighting, but this is the best before picture I have that shows my full front face...whereas, I had to work with a different camera in my house for the second pic. Either way, I think it's pretty clear that something is different about me. I've had some people ask me, did your hair get lighter? At least they notice "something" is different. What do you think? Bill
  5. This is a great thread indeed. I am enjoying the topic. My wife has been nothing but supportive through the whole process, yet at the same time, admitted that she didn't care whether I was losing my hair or not, said she found me sexy anyway...which was really encouraging, but I decided to press forward anyway. She admits that she's amazed at the progress of how I look now compared to where I was. Hopefully after one more, my wife will say something similar that Robert's girlfriend said...you aren't even balding! I like that...definately a nice compliment to someone who "was" balding. Bill
  6. I hope Dr. Williams comes through for this man. How terrible! Embarrassed1, we are here to support you. If Dr. Williams is an ethical doc, he will do all that he can to compensate this patient to the fullest extend, monentary returns as well. Bill
  7. Hey Gorpy, Thanks for the update man...it's starting to come in nicely. It seems you are more of a slow starter to some degree...from your post op photos, it seems you should be expecting a lot more new hair to come in...so that is a good thing. Keep us posted man Bill
  8. Robert, Looking good man. I'm sure everything will turn out beautifully! Bill
  9. Island Girl, Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Nuhart, but I can tell you, that for every bad experience at even some of the clinics everybody has had experiences with, there have been good experiences. Try not to stress right now about what you can and can't fix. Do some research on the clinic and see what others have posted. But don't assume just because others have had bad experiences that you are guaranteed the same bad experience. I'm not trying to minimize realities that are out there, but I am trying to give you encouragement that you might keep your chin up and hope for the best. IF things don't go well for you, then there are actions you can take, and there are a number of top notch surgeons who could resolve the problem, IF, and only IF there is one. At this point in the game, patience is your best weapon...it's your only weapon. My encouagement to you is, my latest physician, Dr. True is a recommended surgeon on this forum, however, I also had significant shockloss, and was told they use minimally invasive techniques. But for me, the shockloss hair DID grow back. There is such things as temporary shockloss and permanent shockloss. The bad news is, at this point in the game, you don't really know which is which, however, as I've said...patience is the key. In the meantime, do some research, but don't panic, don't stress. What is done is done, and let's hope and pray that things turn out well, despite other's bad experiences. I did just say a prayer for you as well that God would watch over you, and comfort you and give you patience, and that all would grow in as it should. Keep calm, keep patient...and do some research. We are all pulling for you here on this forum. Keep us posted ok? Bill
  10. Island Girl, You're welcome for the kind words and encouragement. This forum has helped me tremendously in my hair restoration journey (still midway into that), so I hope to be able to help others too. You and I live close to one another. I am about 30 minutes west of Philly. Bill
  11. Hey Robert...wow...I had no idea you were going under the knife again. Congratulations. I hope you chart your progress like the last one! Keep us updated buddy. Looks excellent! Bill
  12. Island Girl, You are welcome for the encouraging words. It's a tough ride in the beginning, but rest assured, things will slowly improve, and at about the 6 month mark, you will see significant differences from where you are. check out the many posts that people have posted about pos op blues if you will...everyone experiences what you are experiencing, and it's a tough emotional and scary situation...but there is light at the end of the tunnel...rest assured! You are not alone in this journey. King of Prussia PA? That's like right around the corner from my house. You live in the area or did you travel to get here? I never heard of the clinic, but I'd love to see pictures, before/after if you are willing to post some in the photos section. Photos can be taken where you don't show your face...and if you need help with that, either I, or I'm sure Pat or whoever else is moderating the forum (I'm not a moderator) would be able to help blank out the face so that is not shown. But we'd all be interested in your progress and how you are coming along. Encouragement has helped me significantly as I've posted photos month to month. Best of wishes to you! Bill
  13. Hi Island girl and welcome to the forums, and more importantly, welcome to the real hair club. I have seen your postings on here before, but I've sort of been in and out, and really haven't posted that much. But again, I say welcome! I, like everyone else, want to encourage you and reinforce that what you are experiencingt is normal. It's definately not desired, and we all hope that this temporary shockloss didn't happen, but for most people, it does. Take a look at both my HTs in the pic section (links under ny name on the left), and you'll see I posted a few pics showing the shockloss. I'd say about 6-7 weeks was my worst point, and by 2 months I noticed very little hairs starting to pop through...I didn't notice anything really significant in hair growth until month 4 and 5, however...but I'd say between month 3 and 4, there was the most progress in terms of new growth. But I'm at 6.5 months right now, and each month, it's slowly getting thicker and fuller...so keep the faith. It's a hard road, but in the end, you'll be thankful. I apologize if you have already posted this, but who was your doc and how many grafts did you get? did you or are you willing to post photos in the photos section? We'd all love to see your progress. Female patients are more of a rarity around here, but definately appreciated and respected. I admire your courage to procede with this procedure, stay strong...your in the hardest part now...but in about 5 months, you'll be singing with joy! Bill
  14. I have to say that this forum will NOT be the same without you Robert...you are definately one of the biggest assets of this forum my friend...you will be missed. Bill
  15. Thanks guys....I definately feel encouraged. I actually went to a party for the first time this weekend without my hat. Somebody asked me if I dyed my hair...which was funny, because I don't dye my hair...but it was nice to get a question like that about my hair rather than a bald comment or no comment at all. Of course, since I shaved my sides and back to a 1 clip, the scar is a bit noticable...not terrible, but a few people asked about the scar. I just said I had surgery, and left it at that. Most people don't ask further. Yes, there are still new hairs growing in on the hairline...but they seem to be growing in VERY slowly for some reason. Has anyone else experienced that? some hairs grew in very quickly, while still others have been stubble for a long time, with no to little improvement in length or growth. But I am definately feeling the improvement. I did grow my hair on top a little longer...I'd say it's about an 8 clip now 7/8 inch, maybe even a full inch. I don't think I'll grow it much longer than this, I think I like to keep it short...it's fitting for me now. But I am looking forward to some more thickening. Thanks everyone...I will keep you posted. Hope to hear some more replies. Bill
  16. 6 months pictures added. I'm definately seeing some good progress and thickening. Admittedly, it's not as thick yet as I hope for, but I would definately consider this a success so far! 6 months, and in front of the mirror, it's starting to look better. Thoughts?
  17. Hopeitwasworthit, I would say talk to your doctor ASAP about this....at 5 months post op, as far as I know, you should be experiencing no pain or numbness anymore. I have had two surgeries, and I'd say that I felt completely normal by about 2 months, though there was little to no pain even way before that...but I'd say by 2 months, all sensation has returned to 100% normal. Bill
  18. Thanks for the encouragement Mike. The scar definately is looking good...I was worried at first, because as you can see from the first pic, it wasn't looking so hot...but the scar is fine and hard to see now. I am looking forward to the coming months...there are still a few new hairs that have popped up but have yet to do any major growing, and of course, I'm looking forward to the thickening and maturing process of the hairs. I've felt a bit more comfortable without a hat, but I still will be looking to do one more surgery in about 8+ months or so. Bill
  19. Added some scar comparisons, both with number 2 clip on sides and back, one from 9 weeks with shockloss, 5 months side shot shockloss gone...and a full face shot 5 months.
  20. As an FYI: there do seem to be a number of surgeons, that do large megasessions that do not divide into sub-follicular unit grafts. I'm not arguing that the concern doesn't have merit, but seemingly there are ethical doctors out there who are pushing the envelope for better hair restoration, and some do an excellent job from what I've seen, at least in pictures. Bill
  21. Thanks Robert for your input and displaying the comparison pics. I guess when I do compare the pics like that the difference is noticable indeed. Thanks for your encouragement. I'm sure I will see more activity than I have right now...I'm just impatient sometimes I guess. Gorpy...I don't think there is a huge difference between the 4 month and 4.5 month shots, but I guess it's a matter of perspective. The pics posted above are the difference between before the 2nd HT and 4.5 months. However, there is some difference...but I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder eh? Thanks for the encouragement Gorpy . Bill
  22. Thanks for your reply Robert. I guess comparing the 2 surgeries, by about 4.5 months, I was seeing some real changes, whereas, this one, whereas some real changes occurred, it looks but a hair better than the first one did at this time...but I just have to remain patient I know. Robert...so what do you think of the results this early on? Bill
  23. I have to admit...I'm not as happy as I thought I would be by this time...however, I know in the scheme of things, it's early...but it's discouraging because at 4.5 months after my first surgery, comparing pics, I don't see a huge improvement between the pic comparisons. I wish I could say i did...but that has me a little discouraged. I know every surgery is a little different so I don't know what exactly to expect over the next couple months. I did experience significant shockloss from this surgery, so perhaps I lost a lot more native hair which is why there is only a slight improvement between surgeries so far...OR, perhaps there is much more to come that hasn't grown in yet. I don't know. I emailed Dr. True to ask for his evaluation. i'm not unhappy from what I see...but I'm not as happy as I would like to be...but then again...who is? I think my expectations are realistic...I know I will never "restore" a full head of hair...but I was hoping that my next surgery would focus on my crown, whereas, IF it doesn't improve a good amount, I will probably be shooting for a half and half larger session (if my donor hair allows it) focusing on densing up the front and putting a little more hair in the back. Any thoughts? Bill
  24. No problem billy. At least we'll have high quality post op pictures to look at eventually.
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