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Bill - Seemiller

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Everything posted by Bill - Seemiller

  1. billy, any chance of you taking some higher resolution photos? It's really difficult to see if there is any improvement while comparing photos. Bill
  2. Hi GETTINHAIRSOON and welcome to the forums. All of what you are describing is completely normal, so relax...the physically painful part is over, now the dreaded wait begins. But relax, live life, and sooner or later, you will begin to see new little hairs starting to sprout. On average, this starts to occur at 3 months...though some are early and some are late bloomers. I've been through 2 procedures already and am at 4.5 months post op. If you want to see any of my pictures, check out the links under my name to the left. That might help you get an idea of the progression that will take place. Congratulations on your HT. Bill
  3. Added 4.5 month pics...I figured...what the heck. Let me know what you think. I'd say I see small differences over the last 2 weeks...for one, I let the top of my hair grow every so slightly while I'm still trimming the sides and back...I figure I'd let the top grow in a bit...I'll probalby still shave it down to a 6 clip 7/8 inch instead of a 4 clip 1/2 inch as I've been doing. Bill Comments? Questions? Anything!
  4. Hey Jo20, yes, I have heard Shapiro is very good. Financing is available through some clinics I believe, but the best thing to do is probably, if you have good credit, pay for it on a credit card, and then transfer it to another credit card that offers special financing like 4.9% interest for the life of the balance type things. That's basically what I did. If you don't have such high limits on a credit card, consider a personal loan through your bank, etc. Financing is available for just about everything. Hope that helps. Bill
  5. Hey J020. Wow....I don't know what to say. I'm glad that you stuck around and have been inspired by other people's HTs, and I'm glad you check semi-regularly for picture updates of this particular HT of mine. My first HT was a good one, but not that impressive due to the lower number of grafts transplanted. This one is a slightly higher density transplant, and I would say that my results are starting to get better and better...though as far as I'm concerned, I still have a long way to go. Thanks for your comment though...I appreciate it...and I will be posting more pictures shortly. I did buy some Dermatch...sorry if I didn't reply to another post...I may not have seen it. Either I really don't know how to use the product well, or it just looks fake in my hair. Perhaps it looks fake because the color doesn't quite match up right, or perhaps it looks fake because I am my own worst critic...I'm not sure. But I only used the stuff twice, and both times I ended up looking in the mirror later and putting a hat on before I went out because I was too sensitive that it looked fake. That being said, I MAY try to use it again at some point....but we will see. It's right now just sitting in my cabinet, not being used. Well, I'm off. Thanks again for writing. DO post again, though I know you said you probably wouldn't. Any feedback if constructive of course, is helpful. Who are you considering? Bill
  6. JRA, Sorry about that...that's what I get for reading fast and not paying a lot of attention. Glad to hear the first BHT grew nicely. Bill
  7. Looks great cas...a lot of change in the last 2 months. Bill
  8. HI ifloss and welcome to the forums. It's difficult to tell since your pic at 31 only shows the hairline, but with your amount of hairloss, I would say it would be impossible to obtain a thick head of hair again, but I'm sure, depending on your donor area, that you could definately restore a very conservative hairline, and a thin top. I'm glad to see that you started on Propecia...though I don't know what help Minox will be for you at this point....you could always try it, but it may end up being a waste of money at this point. It seems that you are just about a NW7 or heading that way...so be extra careful on who you select as a doc and be realistic as to what they can do for you. Bill
  9. Thanks casa and Mike...I appreciate your support. I admit, it is a little discouraging posting pictures and my experience and not getting any replies...but you guys are definately giving me encouragement so I appreciate it. Bill
  10. JRA, Sounds like quite an experience. What I'd be most interested in, is did all the Body hair that was transplanted on your head grow? Do you have any before/after pictures that you can share with us? Of course, I'm interested in the lack of scarring in the donor area, but I'm much more interested in whether or not the recipient area grew as expected. Many people on other forums have posted BHT experiences, but it seems very controvertial and many people have claimed that the Body hair has not grown. Bill
  11. Hello T&D jr. Thanks for clearing that up. I'd love to see the posted study and pictures. If I have a lot of one thing, it's chest and stomach hair . It's good God has a sense of humor to give me all that hair where it's not important and less on my head. BUT, and this question is for anyone...as I am ignorant when it comes to BHTs, but I was told originally by a salesman at another HT clinic when I was researching around for my first HT, that Body Hair is more like fur, because it only grows to a certain length, and therefore, cannot grow long like the rest of your hair. Is there any truth to this? It's obvious that this is true while it's on my chest, but when transplanted to my head...do the rules change? OR...is this true and if I did this, would have to keep my transplanted hair relatively short because the BH would not grow as long as the rest? Thanks! A True and Dorin Patient, Bill
  12. Hey Troy, Well tomorrow is your big day. The surgery day is a breeze...just long. You won't feel anything really short of a few pinches in the beginning when they apply the anesthetic. If your head is being shaved in the receipient area, and you don't want anyone to notice, well, wear a hat . That's all I can say buddy. It WILL be noticable that something is going on for awhile on the top. The donor scar will be undetectable depending on how long you keep the sides and back of your hair. There is no such thing as an "invisible" scar...but the hair on the sides and back can cover it nicely. The problem is, you won't look "normal" with long sides and back and a buzzed recipient area. If I were you, I'd wait til the stitches are out, then buzz the sides and back to meet the length of the recipient. The donor scar will be observable, BUT, you'll look much more normal overall. But remember..all this strange looking abnormality is only for a short time. In about 3 months, you'll notice some minor growth, and in about 6 months, your hairs should be off and running . It's ashame you don't have any good pics of the recipient area...from your pic, I'm not observing much hairloss. Bill
  13. Hey PB, If you can believe it, the scar actually looks better now. most people are concerned about the scar widening, etc...but at a 2 clip, the pictures don't pick up the scar. HOWEVER, looking in the mirror, I can see it from the sides...doesn't look bad...not all that concerned...but it's more obvious than my previous scar I believe. Thanks for the feedback man. I appreciate it. Bill
  14. Excellent man...I appreciate the pictures and I enjoy watching people's progress, so thanks for sharing. Like I said before, if you have any before pictures or even pictures from earlier on in the surgery, I'd love to see the contrast between then and now. Post em if you got em Keep us posted! Bill
  15. hey Tkerr22, Wow, looks great if you ask me, but I don't have much to compare it to . Do you have any before pics so we can see the before/after? Where did the docs concentrate your grafts? Ha, well....it's actually easy to take pics of yourself...you just have to do it a couple hundred times like me and you get real good at it . LOL. You still look pretty red on top though, or is that the lighting. Is it still red from the surgery? Are you putting anything on it? It looks more red than mine and I'm 4 months. I look forward to seeing your progress. Post some before pics if you got em. Bill
  16. Hey tdunny, I'm glad you said something. Thanks for the reply...it's appreciated. It would be awesome to see your progress if you've been taking before/after pictures and all. if you are shy about showing your face, you could always email them to me and I'll digitally cover your face, or you can send it to Robert the forum moderator and I'm sure he'd be happy to do it. sometimes it's really nice to get the encouragement as others see your progress. Thanks for your encouragement man! Bill
  17. Robert, I believe he is talking about BHTs specifically. Bill
  18. Ah the good old waiting phase. You are right...waiting sucks. I remember feeling really discouraged around 2 months because I had a lot of shockloss and certainly know growth. But the fun part is coming! It just makes me want more and more Bill
  19. Thanks guys...now that's what I'm talking about . It's nice to receive encouragement so we know we are not alone in this battle right? Gorpy and Specs: Thanks guys, I'm hoping that this is only the beginning. I do feel little hairs on top of my head, though it's hard to actually see them, which I guess is a good sign, because it means I'm starting to get enough hair on top to at least mask the new hairs growing in, but in many lights, I still look very thin. Tkerr22, Thanks man, I appreciate the encouragement. I was actually examining someone's hair today who has shorter hair, kinda spikey, and I would consider him to have a full head of hair, and you aer right, I did see some scalp, but of course, it's not like mine. I'm looking forward to the next several months hoping to see some good improvement. I know what you mean about hair changing a little bit in a week. I can't tell a difference looking every day, but when I compare week to week pictures, some weeks there is a physical difference, even if it is minor. Keep us all posted man...I look forward to seeing more pics! Bill
  20. thanks PB and specs, I appreciate the support. I'm glad to know people are watching, but I just wish people would post more, ask questions, make comments, give encouragement, or things they see about the pics that they have question or concern about, etc. You know? I'm just hoping to experience a lot more growth in the next few months. I think I look decent for 4 months, but I hope this isn't it. I still look pretty thin in a lot of lights, and the top is still pretty thin compared to the front view. What do you guys think? Bill
  21. Did you say you spent $16000 for 2200 grafts? Ouch man! I spent about $9000 for 2249 grafts. I'm glad to hear that you didn't get "butchered", but just about every post I have read about Bosley has been "Stay away". If you want to read personal Bosley stories, do a search on the site for Bosley. Also check out other forums. They are everywhere! Bill
  22. As far as I know, they only just started offering it, but I could be wrong. Bill
  23. I have to ask...does anyone else read these? There is only one person right now that responds to my posts, and I have no idea whether or not if anyone else is following along here, or if anyone really cares? I post pictures and my experience to help others, but also to receive encouragement and support. Right now, I'd say I'm more on the giving side than the receiving side. It's a little disheartening that out of all the posters on this site, that I don't see any post replies to me. Should I stop posting pics? Bill
  24. Hey PB, LOL, let me clarify...the girl friend is a girl who is my friend, not my girlfriend, if you know what I mean. She just happens to be a cute little thing who is a close friend. My wife is very good looking and I'm a one woman man . She doesn't care whether or not I have hair...but I do . Yeah, the pics look decent for only 4 months. I'm hoping to see a good amount more growth though as the next couple months progress =) More comments are appreciated. Bill
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