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Everything posted by NervousNelly

  1. There is no doubt that losing your hair sucks. You have atleast made a wise decision to consult with H & W you will be happy with results. As I am sure that someone else will point it out to you, I hope you are aware that with your hairloss, you will definitely get a good cosmetic difference for frontal hairline, but will need approx. 5000+ to look full throughout scalp. Just an FYI. Good luck.
  2. Sorry to hear about your experience and the depression that you have over your hairloss. It would be best to post photos for us in the question section and you'll get a lot of feedback. From what I understand there aren't really any good HT surgeons in the UK. There might be some in Ireland and Holland but your best bet will be to travel overseas. For the most part it is not going to cost that much more. Do keep in mind that it depends on your level of hairloss but with a HT you will never be able to get the density of hair like you had as a youth. It is also going to cost quite a bit of cash but atleast the currency rate exchange will be in your favor coming from europe. Provide some photos and you will get a lot of feedback from us here and we will send you in the right direction.
  3. DUT--This is short for Dutasteride which is the active ingredient marketed in Avodart. Some believe that it might work better than finesteride because it acts on both the enzymes that inhibit DHT. Minoxidil foam is the new product introduced to replace the liquid Rogaine. It is much easier to work with and is known for not irritatating the scalp. Hope that helps.
  4. Firstly, You are not at full completion of growth and there is still approx. 7 months or so that the hairline can thicken so I still wouldn't worry about it. It all comes down to personal preference and it is quite possible that your expectations were higher than what realistically can be achieved. I know that Dr. Shapiro is one of the best in the business, but he is also leans on the conservative side and it is possible that the density will be less. I would rather doubt that he was planning to give you a "wall of hair" like you might have gotten with Armani. Even though you do have a lot of native hair, he still has to consider future native hairloss. It is hard to guess as to what the density is with the photos but I would say 25 FU/cm2? Difficult to estimate with photos. You do look great though. It is a very quality hairline and there is no evidence of the mini grafts from prior surgery. I would think that things will thicken up and you will be fully satisfied. Keep us posted. What exactly were you told would be achieved?
  5. I will readily admit that I wish that I never had a HT. Mine was 16 yrs ago and technology was not the greatest but still it looks OK. I now have to have another HT. If I didn't have a HT would I still consider even with todays advancements? Probably not because I am not overly concerned about hairloss like I was at 22. I have a fairly decent shaped head that would look good shaved and infact I kind of like the look and the ease of maintenance. Imagine never having to worry about wind or rain--bliss in my opinion. Can I think of several things I would rather do with $12,000-25,000? Hell ya. But because of a rash decision 16 yrs ago here I am. But hell, thats my story. If you want hair and don't care about the money research this site and go for it. You'll get hair, look good and if its what you want, you'll be happy.
  6. There are certain products where their patents do not stretch internationally. The US patent laws are diffent and therefore you will sometimes see generics hit Europe and Canada 1st.
  7. Looks awesome. Great results and I think crown will thicken up some. This is another great post of your journey and we can all learn a lot from it. Appreciate it much.
  8. I personally think that Bill has hired some fill ins. Kind of like Mini Me. Little Bills in training. He has them on 24/7 shifts to cover when he is not available. They are all instructed to be very diplomatic and polite and to always be the voices of reason. You can tell that one of his new trainees answered the post under "the value of visiting clinics" where he thought Haarlem and Dusseldorf were doctors. That poor bastard is going to get a beating. Go easy on him Bill.
  9. I have also heard to take it with a full glass of water, but I don't think that it has any affect it you don't. Either way it will be broken down and absorbed into the intestines and reach the blood system. The water helps with swallowing it and insuring it all reaches the stomach. It also aids in dilution in the stomach so that all contents are available for absorption. Don't worry you should be fine.
  10. Hairbank, This is an official notice to our latest member of the "NO LIFE CLUB" for reaching a 1000 post milestone. Congratulations. For this honor you will win a free dinner out with the previous new member Bill. At that special night you will be seated privately at a table for 2 with your own computer so that you may continue to make posts and stay informed. Also you have become entered into the grand prize draw for your very own personal hair website. Keep up the good work.
  11. Hairbank, This is an official notice to our latest member of the "NO LIFE CLUB" for reaching a 1000 post milestone. Congratulations. For this honor you will win a free dinner out with the previous new member Bill. At that special night you will be seated privately at a table for 2 with your own computer so that you may continue to make posts and stay informed. Also you have become entered into the grand prize draw for your very own personal hair website. Keep up the good work.
  12. Yes Gorpy is correct. That is the premise of how typically propecia will work.
  13. These are awesome results. I look forward to the one year photos.
  14. Neptune, That is a good question and it would be interesting to see if there is a difference. I believe though that what you'll find is that there is a similarity. Possibility that if there is a deeper incision with the needle that there might be slightly more bleeding? I would think that it is just one of those topics that is going to come down to doctor preference. There is probably such a slight difference or negligable difference that it is what the doctor is comfortable with. Some docs draw squiggling lines for hairline pattern and others draw straight line. Does it affect the outcome of the surgery? I know that is a simplistic comparison and is not comparing apples to apples but helps make my point.
  15. Hairobservator, I have been intrigued by your posts and although they are challenging for us to follow because of your broken english, I think I am understanding the points you are making. I do want to ask one question that has been asked of you before: Are you employed by a clinic in Holland or do you represent a clinic or doctor? If you do, you can still post till your hearts content, but you MUST make reference to your affiliation at the bottom of your posts. This is the site rules. Thanks.
  16. I assume that you are talking about Little Richard and not Prince obviously? Prince has his own natural hair from what I understand.
  17. You should be fine as you have had top technology and are taking care of things with a good post surgery regimine. Best of luck with everything for you.
  18. HK500, The work does look great. It should help to make a considerable change to the hairline. Glad to see that you are happy with your decision to go with doc Siporin. It shows us that we have to have faith in what Pat is saying. Look forward to following your progress.
  19. Dizzy, Again, don't take offense but I think that unless the pictures are deceiving, you might be too critical of things. The work actually looks very good. I was concerned for you when I saw your pics at 2.5 months because I thought there was no way in hell the density would blend but it appears that it has nicely. Chin up friend, things look good.
  20. Glad for you Gorpy. I personally believe that 1000 grafts will make a hell of a difference especially averaging 3000 hairs. I have followed your progress with 1st HT and thought that Dr. Keene did an awesome job. It is easy for the surgeon to just start placing grafts but she framed your face well and provided a very natural look for your age and hair texture. Can't wait to see the finished product. Keep us posted.
  21. Ceballac, I'm from Michigan and did a consult with Dr. Tessler. I believe that he is a skilled surgeon and a very nice man but unfortunately there is very little available about his work. He really has very few pictures to show. I have not ruled him out at all but if I were you I would consult with others also. I do know that Dr. Ron Shapiro (who is argueably one of the best in the world) has great things to say about Dr. Tessler. Post some pics of your hair and fiance for us so that we can give you some feedback. Just kidding ofcourse but I do want you to smile and understand that you got a good thing going and losing your hair really isn't the end of the world. Trust me, I realize it sucks but there are so many men out there fully comfortable with less hair and chicks still dig them. Before diving into a HT you have to understand that there is no reversing things. If you later decide to shave your head there will be a visible scar on the back of your head. Possibly you will have to spend more money on future HT if you continue to lose more natural hair. And it is possible that you can never achieve the desired look or density of hair that you want. Just things to think about.
  22. You're right Janna. I was also confused about Jotronic's statement as it should be no different. As you stated it is referring to when the incisions are done so there is absolutely no change to percentage of transections unless I'm missing something major?
  23. Hopefully you have let your hair grow a little longer so that it is more easily concealed.
  24. You'll be fine splitting the finesteride. The ingredients are all very well mixed so that it is essentially equally dispersed.
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