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Everything posted by NervousNelly

  1. I will echoe what NoBuzz had to say. It is a good shampoo that should be considered as part of your regimine.
  2. Here is some info. that I have obtained in some research that I did. The research does seem to vary depending on where you get it--not sure why this would be. In this particular test study that I got from Dr. Bernsteins site it shows placebo results way down but I have seen studies where its far from drastic. Who really knows? Hope this helps. Results In this phase II, dose-ranging study, 2.5-mg dutasteride was superior to 5-mg finasteride in improving scalp hair growth in men between ages 21 and 45 years with MPHL as judged by target area hair counts, expert panel assessment, and investigator assessment at 12 and 24 weeks. In a test area at 24 weeks, results showed: Placebo '†'32.3 hairs Finasteride 5mg 75.6 hairs Dutasteride 0.1 mg 78.5 hairs Dutasteride 0.5 mg 94.6 hairs Dutasteride 2.5 mg 109.6 hairs Side Effects Both dutasteride and finasteride were well tolerated in this phase II study, and no new safety concerns have arisen in any of the phase II and phase III studies of dutasteride given at doses up to 5 mg daily (the 5-mg dose was used in a phase II study for BPH). There were no significant differences in side effects, serious adverse events, or withdrawals due to adverse events among any of the treatment groups, including placebo. In total, 11 subjects withdrew because of adverse events: 3 were in the placebo group (irritable bowel syndrome and impotency), 7 in the dutasteride 0.1 mg group (decreased libido, malaise and fatigue, mood disorders, skin disorders, injuries caused by trauma, and gastrointestinal- and neurology-related complaints) and 1 in the dutasteride 0.5 mg group (gastrointestinal discomfort and pain). Decreased libido was noted in: 2 subjects in the placebo group 2 subjects in each of the 0.05-mg and 0.1-mg dutasteride groups 1 subject in the 0.5-mg dutasteride group 9 subjects in the 2.5 mg dutasteride group 3 subjects in the finasteride group Of the 9 subjects with decreased libido in the 2.5-mg dutasteride group: 4 resolved while receiving therapy 1 resolved within 3 weeks 1 resolved within 8 weeks of stopping drug therapy 1 subject, decreased libido continued after therapy had been stopped and was presumed by the subject to be unrelated to the trial or drug therapy Concerning possible sexual adverse events, there was no evidence in the present study that either dutasteride or finasteride was associated with impotence. However, 9 men in the 2.5-mg dutasteride group complained of decreased libido, compared with 1 man in the 0.5-mg dutasteride group and 3 men in the finasteride group. As with previous studies with finasteride, this adverse event was characterized as either mild or moderate in severity and often resolved with continuation of the medication. In the 4-year follow-up of the phase III trials in BPH, dutasteride (0.5 mg) was well tolerated and the incidence of the most common sexual adverse events was low and tended to decrease over time. The only subject to develop gynecomastia was in the placebo group. Duration of Effects The serum half-life of finasteride is 6 to 8 hours. Dutasteride has a serum half-life of approximately 4 weeks, and this long half-life was evident in the persistent suppression of DHT with the 0.5-mg and 2.5-mg doses after dutasteride treatment was stopped. Because of this long half-life, men being treated with dutasteride should not donate blood until at least 6 months past their last dose to prevent administration to a pregnant female transfusion recipient.
  3. There are 4 shampoos that I currently use on a regular basis. I alternate and don't use just one too many days in a row. 1. Jason Tea Tree--Not that I totally believe all the hype about tea tree oil but you have to use something so what the hell. 2. Neutregena--it is just a natural hair care product without all the bullshit. 3. Shen Min Vitalize--Again, not that I think shen min is going to grow hair but this is a great shampoo with out the artificial crap and provides an energizing sensation to scalp. I think of all it makes hair appear/feel the healthiest. 4. Nizoral--use on occasion because of the hype but figure it will at least keep away the dandruff. Hope that helps.
  4. Wow, are you serious 30 minutes?? Obviously the more the better but it does seem like a long time when I can do a 30-45 minute workout for my entire body. I guess if you have the time it certainly will help.
  5. Thought I'd add: The Gorpster Jotronic (another no lifer) Spex Salt-N-Pepper Irish Homer Cousin It???? Probably several others so thanks to everyone.
  6. I will agree. How about combining the 2. Mentor-Follicular Salvation Club. (Otherwise known as the NO Life Club )
  7. No you don't have to worry about the hairs above eyebrows growing thicker and getting the freakish look going. It can effect the eyebrows but is rare. Don't worry about it.
  8. How many of the HT clinics do you have programed on speed dial? They are all going to be subscribing to call display. Keep up the good work.
  9. HK, I have noticed on a couple of threads now that you have provided essentially the same generic but very informative response. Since so many of the new members start off with limited knowledge and many of the same questions, you've got a great idea.
  10. Tisab, No worries, I think that almost all of us will concur that we don't quickly recommend a HT to a 20 yr. old.
  11. I shouldn't make a statement of something I have no proof on, but ordering on-line without a prescription concerns me. I am aware of phony meds being shipped on-line and sometimes even though they may look 100% legit, are they? A buddy got propecia on-line without prescription (actually they give you online script after you answered some generic questions). Apparently a "doctor" reads your questionare and they then they charge you $75 for exam and send the meds. His propecia came in a regular medicine type bottle and not even in manufacturers box. I was certainly a little skeptical of what he was getting. The pills did look like the typical propecia but I rather doubt thats what they truly were. Beware of on-line stuff gentleman.
  12. Were you running while taking these photos or is the camera one that is on the end of a pen? I trust what you are saying but it is difficult for us to give thorough eval. with these pics. B-spot was 10 I believe when he was a NW 2. I started losing at 19 and its been slowly leaving me for approx. 20 yrs. I am one of the lucky ones in that it is slow. I think that you have a lot of good advise to go on.
  13. Pat did raise a good question. How many in the NO LIFE CLUB?? My tally is 3--Pat, Bill, Hairbank, with B Spot on the move.
  14. As I am getting up in the number of posts I was experimenting with a mini me and look at the stupid questions he asks. Ya, I figured you guys would be shaking your heads wondering what the #@!*? But its kind of one of those things where you know the answer but hope you'll hear differently. I love to ski and if I were to go to Vancouver for HT, what a shame to make the trip and not hit the slopes. This HT stuff is going to cramp my style big time. Oh well. Small price to pay I guess. Aren't we all allowed a mulligan?? Consider this my mulligan and nobody hold this against me. Honest, I'm not an idiot.
  15. I am not aware of any docs period in Cyprus but I can offer one piece of very important advise. Do not hesitate to travel as this will be a lifelong decision. There are only approx. 30 well known highly skilled physicians world wide. Spend a lot of time researching.
  16. There is no magic age for a HT but the older the better because there is less of a mystery as to how much future hairloss you'll have. I would think that the average male has a good idea at age 30 as to what their hair situaion is going to be. Ofcourse that will vary. I don't believe that Hasson and Wong will do FUE but could be wrong. Dr. Feller is the best known for it.
  17. The pictures are not the best for us to evaluate but it looks like you don't need a HT. I would seriously think twice about proceeding because it really does not look like you need it. Save your money. Keep in mind that once you make the decision to get a HT there is no turning back. If you go with strip method you'll have a permanent scar that will never let you shave your head should you want/need to. I had a buddy that didn't need a HT but had 1000 grafts jammed around hairline and buddies shaved his head during hazing for hockey team--Needless to say he wasn't exited about his visible scar. If you absolutely have to have HT because it bothers you, consider FUE where they don't take donor strip from back of head and there is very very minimal scaring should you ever shave head. I personally only recommend strip method for those needing more FU or tight on cash.
  18. Wookie, These guys have given you some good info. I personally would go higher with the hairline. I would keep the middle area and lower approx. 1/2 inch in the temple area so that it gives you a more natural look for your age. Ofcourse you can tell me to pound salt but I really wouldn't choose the hairline that you have drawn in as it might look strange as you age further. Remember, you can always lower it later but can never raise it. Just a thought. You look like a very good candidate for an awesome result with the right doc. Good luck.
  19. Come on mom!!! Hell I know the right thing to do but I am trying to swing a vacation during the recovery time. I am not one to sit on my duff. I've never been accused of being the smartest when it came to that shit. I was once surfing in Santa Cruz when half a fresh sea lion was washed up on the shore. Only one thing bites those in half.
  20. He truly has helped many and deserves some praise for his efforts.
  21. Reading this thread really concerns me, I wonder if there is a possibility that because of the meds things are a little fuzzy and the techs only placed the grafts? I certainly hope that the techs are not drawing the hairline and making the incisions. I think there needs to be some follow up on that clinic if that is the case. B Spot---get em boy, get em! I truly hope that things work out ok. It does look like the transplant will be decent enough but only time will tell of the true artistry and skill. I really pray there is some luck happening here.
  22. I just wanted to get an informal poll on whether or not it is too strenous on the scar and grafts to go downhill skiing approx. 4 days(OOPs actually 6 but probably no differetn) post HT? I am a medium-advanced skier and would think that it is okay unless there is a wipeout. What are thoughts??
  23. I just wanted to get an informal poll on whether or not it is too strenous on the scar and grafts to go downhill skiing approx. 4 days(OOPs actually 6 but probably no differetn) post HT? I am a medium-advanced skier and would think that it is okay unless there is a wipeout. What are thoughts??
  24. It has a half life of approx. 24 hrs therefore technically it should be just as adequate. Give it a shot. I think it will work just as well.
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