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Everything posted by NervousNelly

  1. Hey Harry---Is it awkward when someone with a lisp calls your name?? Sorry but I had to ask?
  2. No I have tried rogaine but stopped using because it was messy and I got a badly irritated and flakey scalp. Yes, one of the side effects is dizziness but it is fairly rare and in fact I don't really ever hear that as one that many people encounter. Shaving your head will just help to insure that there is proper coverage. Should increase odds of its effectiveness. Can I ask why you shave and still use rogaine--do you just want options?
  3. If the drugs do work for you and either help to retain hair or you get some growth, yes you will have to stay on forever or there is the fear of losing the gains you made. No they do not effect genetics. I think this is the question you are asking. They may help to limit your hairloss but if you are genetically predisposed to a certain hair pattern that is where you are headed. Possibly it may limit this or slow it down considerably. That is why you would have to continue use if it works.
  4. Ya shock loss sucks. Like you said, it is normal and give it time and all will be good again. If the propecia worked for you prior it will help with the growth. Mid to late summer and you'll be laughing. Please keep us posted.
  5. The boss man has spoken. Lets hope that in a short period you are showing some major signs of growth. I have no doubt that you are just a late bloomer. Give it time and best of luck. Please keep us posted as it is great for us all to have different references and time frames to discuss with others.
  6. Looks great. Just give it a little time to grow and I think that you should have some great results. Thanks for posting.
  7. Sting in Vancouver eh??? We'll get you guys to spill the beans one way or the other. Bruce Willis' name always comes up as a potential but I rather doubt it because there is no scar or evidence of FUE. HK--You're right I rather doubt Bill had one. Much too thick and natural. Possibly a boob job though. That'll be the topic of hair forums in the future anyways. I'm waiting for retaliation--I deserve it Bill. I'll be trolling the threads to see where you deik me. Actually though in all seriousness, it is pretty cool that HT's can be that natural now that you have to guess. Big applaud to the surgeons.
  8. They will be with hair ofcourse. The perfectly created clone. Soon there will be no evidence anywhere of a Bill without hair. His new stylists will be able to create art in his hair much like they do with shrubs.
  9. Truly awesome results. I'm very glad for you. He has given you such a perfect hairline that helps frame your face nicely. Nice eyes too BTW. We get tired of looking at ugly bloaks. Thanks for the post.
  10. Maybe a certain person or 2 that posts on this site and is an employee of a HT physician should join as a member using an alias and fill us all in on the celebrities with HT's. Just a thought. I'm sure it would be interesting to see the celebs that have had them. It might make getting a HT more of a fashionably acceptable thing for us. Who knows? Others that have had HT's: Bob Barker Senator Joe Bidan (original was bad) Warren Beatty Drew Carey--not sure Bill
  11. He's got too good of a sense of humour to not appreciate our jokes in other thread right??? Maybe we are starting to get a little too silly and not focusing on problems and issues?? NO
  12. Elton is well known for his very expensive wigs obviously. Nic Cage I think has had a HT but he always looks different. I think that Sting must have had a high density HT without changing hairline or as Kamin pointed out is just a lucky bastard. Tom Arnold had HT because I saw him on talk show discussing it. Michael Keaton had HT because of interview I saw him discuss as well. Others???? The Edge from U2 had a really bad HT and now the constant hat.
  13. My wife had me watching the Grammys last night and ofcourse the best part was the Police reunion which was only good for one song--but anyways. How has Sting managed to have the same receding hairline for the past 15 years? Transplant?? If it is its awesome-natural and very age specific. Propecia?? The good life?? Maybe just a lucky bastard that started to recede and stopped. Who knows??
  14. Chatted with the great Cousin It today. Told him we need him. He has been posting on other sites that are more geared to alternative treatments and the other studies for hairloss. Obviously up his alley. He did like how we have had some theories of his whereabouts--sex change and all. I'm sure he'll be back posting at some point. Heck we all need a break on occasion. I even noticed the Billmaster so far has not posted today.
  15. Dr. Ron Shapiro is one of the best. There are several other top physicians right now such as Dr. Feller, Hasson and Wong. There are approx. 30 very qualified HT physicians right now worldwide. It all comes down to what you need and who you are comfortable with. Post some photos and we can help assess your needs.
  16. I have never personally had any experience with Nioxin but yse there is sometimes a shedding process. This however should not last longer than a few weeks and if you notice that it is prolonged you should definitely stop using. I guess it is always hard to tell if something is helping or hindering but generally your hair might look better or you can style it easier if the product is doing some good. Does the hair look thicker? Does more hair come out in your comb? If there is continual loss you need to stop using. Remember that everyone is different and what works for someone else might not necessarily work for you. Good luck.
  17. It's a month now so by summer you will have the Gorpy look. Hope life has returned to normal. How is the incision feeling? Is the hat going to be a thing of the past? I had consult with Shapiro and there was talk of taking about 6-10 of my micro grafts out but leaving the plugs. I have a couple of stragglers that have a mind of their own and were never placed properly. I was told that they would just probably laser them out. Not that you ever want to waste any hairs but figured it would be the easiest since it is a small number. Have you heard of this method?
  18. Welcome Jim, Is there a difference between a Yugo and a Ferrari? Catch my drift. There is a huge differnce between physicians. Stay completely away from Bosley. You very likely will not get the results that are natural. Keep in mind however that just because the doc might have a 90210 address does not guarentee anything either. HT is a specialty of which there are only approx. 30 very good physicians in the world. To start with look into Coalition physicians listed on this site. They have a proven track record and have been inspected by site moderator. Yes you can get a HT that is not a full looking head of hair of a 20 yr old and actually you are probably better off waiting as late in life as possible because there is no mystery as to future hairloss. There will probably be no problem getting a natural look for your age. To start with you should try to post photos so that we can better give you some advise. You don't have to show your face. Check out some of the photos on hair transplant network site and look at posts by member Gorpy. He is 47 and has been given an awesome HT that suits his age. Good luck and feel free to ask more questions. Oh by the way I didn't understand your 1st question about combining the 2 to save money??? Can you elaborate.
  19. It has always been said that taking medications first thing in the morning does give them a better chance of getting full effect because you have less food in system. Therefore there is possibly better absorption rate.
  20. Bill, You make a very valid point. I would think that this is a true concern but I guess it could be stated that it is always a concern for any type of cosmetic surgery. This is why some larger cosmetic surgeons have employed or make it apart of the process that the patient see a councelor prior. This is a very good topic. I also think that it is very crucial that all candidates know ahead of time of the expected outcome and possible risks. There are currently a couple of threads going where I believe the male patients had other expectations than what could be provided.
  21. Minoxidil has never really been proven to help in the temporal area although some people do claim that it helps. I wouldn't expect it to if I were you. Yes you should consider propecia because it is more likely to help you in that region. Yes there are rumours that it increases prostate cancer chances but there is nothing definitive. Prostate cancer was the #1 diagnosed type of cancer for men over the age of 50 long before propecia. Understand that anytime you take a medication there are chances of side effects. You have to weigh how badly you want it.
  22. It might also have something to do with the shots of rogaine that you mentioned in another post B. Quite possibly it has altered his sleeping patterns. Since the topic has been brought up, I do feel it necessary to inform the members that Bill is indeed a collaborative effort between Intercytex and the US government. They have been looking at ofcourse cloning hair as it is a possible billion dollar industry, but also integrated the science of human cloning. Apparently there are now 6 of him. Rumor has it that he too has aquired NASA approved diapers so that he and his clones can stay at the computer for hours at a time.
  23. B Spot, I have heard that as well but I just tried to research it and couldn't find anything. Possibly it has a shedding like quality as many other products do but ofcourse this is temporary. Maybe someone else can pipe up on this topic. Cousin we need you!
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