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Everything posted by NervousNelly

  1. Brand names: Propecia, Avodart, Rogaine. Otherwise all are known as finasteride, dutasteride, minoxidil.
  2. Hey buck up and deal with it. I'm kidding ofcourse. It is the nerve endings being slightly more sensitive as some of the swelling subsides. Actually as Bill stated, sometimes an injury or in this case, an incision, is a little more painful days later. Yes, the scabs will be falling off and then there will be shedding of hair and possible shockloss. At approx. month 3-4 you'll start to witness the miracle of "new life."
  3. As Gorpy and Bill stated, you should get some fairly good density. Mixed with some native hair and you'll be fairly satisfied with the result. It will never give you the density of youth but it will make quite the difference. If you look at my pics in photos section (posted awhile ago) it will possibly give you an idea of density because I have been told by a couple of docs that my native hair is approx 20 FU/cm2. You would therefore have double or greater the density. Hope that helps.
  4. As my username implies I have been in a similar situation as you. It is perfectly normal. I had a HT 16 yrs ago and always knew that I was going to have to have another as my native hair around the HT started to go. My anxiety has been more about the time off work, will I look strange when I return to work, etc. The surgery itself doesn't really concern me because I know that there are some top notch surgeons available that are highly skilled and capabable of some great results. I guess it is just a matter of time and research and eventually you will be much more comfortable with things. Don't rush into anything. Take your time and proceed when you are good and ready.
  5. I will add what Bill stated--I don't believe that it could be 4000 FU. Possibly 4000 hairs?? That would be more realistic but still seems very cheap. Not sure. You'll have to call the clinic and get the exact details. The pictures are not the best quality so it is kind of hard to really see exactly what the surgery looks like. It appears like it was a solid closure. The grafts look a little large but again the photo is not perfect. You do have to understand that things will be worse before they get better. It is going to take approx 5 months before you see a lot of the hair start to look better. You might infact lose some of your existing hair. It takes awhile for the shockloss but possibly because they did not cut short some hairs were shed with strain of surgery. It will be a bit of a waiting game to see what the results are going to be truly like. Hang in there and hope for the best.
  6. Steve, Good thing to cancel with Bosley. They are a generic money making marketing machine. Avoid like the plague. Do yourself a favor and do a lot of research but why not start with a visit to Dr. Alexander or Dr. Keene. For the most part I have only heard good things and seen good results. But don't rush into anything. There are several factors to consider so as you research you will learn more and more. Ask plenty of questions. Good luck.
  7. This is a fact for so many meds so I don't see why propecia would be any different. Yes, it is true that DHT levels are higher while sleeping so there is a chance that taking at night is more effective as long as it is absorbed quickly. I guess if someone can show me a definitive study one way or the other, than I have to go with best hypothesis.
  8. Rafael, As you can see from my first post above, I didn't really offer much feedback. I now sit on the fence when someone posts their photos because there is always the fear of causing too much undue concern. Quite often things might look a little odd but with a matter of time there may always be a happy ending. Moreover, we are unaware of your goals so this HT might be exactly what you are looking to achieve. I do agree with the others that the hairline is unique but I hope that as it grows out we will see the concept the doc was shooting for. I think that Bill is correct that you will definitely have some hair but the density might not be exactly what you are looking for, but hell you have to start somewhere. Best of luck.
  9. Well thank God you found this site and now have had things rectified. You really do need to understand that you look great and your new hairline will only look that much better with time.
  10. Apparently from what B Spot has stated they do have a good reputation abroad. What you have to understand is that for those of us here in North America, there is no need to be familiar with other clinics in other nations because we have most of the worlds best leaders here. That is not to say that there is not a lot of talented physicians elsewhere but we are less informed of them. The free consult can't hurt. Ask to meet some of their patients so that you can see the work first hand. Good luck.
  11. That is the first thing that came to mind. I agree with you and don't know what else to say. I am just playing messenger.
  12. Did I miss something?? I noticed that Dr. Nakatsui is now listed as a coalition physician. I thought that there was still some questions about his appointment and if Pat was going to give him membership it would be considered trial membership? There is no sign that I could see other than granted full membership. I didn't want to bring up this topic again but was curious?
  13. Did I miss something?? I noticed that Dr. Nakatsui is now listed as a coalition physician. I thought that there was still some questions about his appointment and if Pat was going to give him membership it would be considered trial membership? There is no sign that I could see other than granted full membership. I didn't want to bring up this topic again but was curious?
  14. Please check out the links that Bill provided. At this stage of your investigating, I would try to stick with one of those docs. There may be reason to go with another doc but as you are in the early stages of research start with one of them as we are more familiar with their techniques and skills and can more comfortably point you in that direction.
  15. Thanks for posting the other photos. There is a drastic difference to the before and after. Dr. Ron has done an excellent job of restoring and correcting your hairline. I personally believe that it might appear a little thin but with time it will be perfect. Isn't it comforting to get the support you did from Matt and doc? 4 surgeries prior with Bosley??? Doh!
  16. Damn, I was going to ski at 10,000 foot elevation with no hat on so I could get some rays after my HT.
  17. I recently goet some info from Cousin It pertaining to a study of those with recent HT's and the use of minoxidil. According to the study, when the product was used in the first 48-72 hrs post HT, 25% of participants had no shedding and 25% began growing hair after 1st month. He didn't provide me with the reference but if anyone needs it I can research that info for you. Just thought that this was interesting material and might be of some help to everyone.
  18. We just are more comfortable than you NoBuzz with our feminine side. I was also going to ask B Spot what type of bath salts and lotions he uses. We would appreciate you adding to things when you get back from your manicure and pedicure.
  19. I'm sorry, I thought that the question was whether or not we thought you should go ahead with a strip surgery for 150-200, and not whether you'll find a doctor. Unfortunately, you'll find a doctor to do a strip of whatever you want probably. Just not the most ethical doc. I gave the one word answer because I couldn't at the time think of what else to say and wanted to definitely make my point. If indeed you are asking whether we think getting a strip surgery for that few grafts is worth it my answer is still NO. I am in agreement with Bill that I would like to see photos because it brings up the question of whether you even need a HT?
  20. Everything looks great. Its got to be fun to now know that it is all good from here on in. The hairline has always looked good and will only get that much better. Looking at the top photo I think that it is possible there might have been a little more shock loss than was first thought. Hard to say though. Either way just a matter of time and it will be awesome. I am curious to see what things will be like when complete. Just my opinion but I think with you, choice of future hairstyle will be somewhat of a factor in appearance of density because it looks like you have very dense donor area and sides.(I think I recall saying that prior) I hope you don't read anything negative into that, but with someone with thinner sides it is easier to "match" the recipient area if you know what I mean. I still stand by what I said in earlier post that you'll be right up there as a top fiver soon.
  21. Peter, Definitely spend some time researching a lot on this site and visiting doctors either personally or via web. I noticed on another post that you were once considering Bosley. Count your blessings you found this site prior to scheduling. There is a great deal of difference in the work from one doc to the next. They are not all created equal. The technology they use is not all the same. The skills of their staff and the numbers of staff are not all the same. It can make a huge difference. Good luck in your research. Feel free to ask as many questions as possible.
  22. I am also curious as to where the surgery was done. Yes it is great to see the tiny hairs but be ready for them to likely disapear for awhile. Keep us posted regularly on how things turn out for you. Thanks for posting. Peter--Glad you learned one very valuable thing from this site.
  23. AN, Just because we don't believe that you will get regrowth does not mean that it is not a quality product. I personally believe that it will help to limit further loss and it will help keep your hair healthy. That in itself is worth the extra cash. We just don't want anyone to have fantasies of new growth from such products.
  24. Sounds like such a great experience but ofcourse the proof is in the pudding so lets see the photos if you can. Thanks for giving such detail of the procedure.
  25. Enough can't be said about the great results that you have had. It is amazing that you actually still have more donor hair available. Can't wait to see the photos at the halway point. Thanks for such a detailed journey.
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