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Al - Moderator

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Everything posted by Al - Moderator

  1. I was a NW 7 when I started, but you are missing the point. You said hair isn't bacteria that gets resistant to finasteride. No. It's not getting resistant to finisteride. It's that the enemy genetic forces are eventually able to break though the finasteride wall. Look at it like you're fighting an enemy army. You are on the follicle side and you are fighting DHT. If the DHT is only using bows and arrows then a finasteride wall can maybe hold off that DHT enemy for the rest of your life. But if the DHT enemy is using cannons, a finasteride wall can hold them back for a while, but eventually they will break though and kill all your follicles. So basically if you have very aggressive hair loss you are probably going to lose no matter when you started. If you have mild loss you can hold off the loss a lot longer, maybe the rest of your life for some people. Not everyone will be a NW 7 even at 100 years old while others are NW 7 before 30. Finasteride is going to have a much better effect on the ones who aren't headed to NW 7 too early in life.
  2. This video was only one month afterwards, so a bit of redness is normal. I imagine it got a lot better over the next few months. My redness lasts a few months and even longer on my chest and stomach. Almost no scars at all on my beard after several sessions totaling approximately 3000 beard grafts. There are tiny dots on my chest and stomach/abdomen, but you have to get very close to actually see them and besides that, how many people ever see me without a shirt? I'd much rather have hair on my head where people see it every day rather than a place on my chest and stomach where maybe 20 people see it the entire year. I can go to the beach and nobody can tell. As I said you have to get within a foot or two and look for them to notice. I mean a lot of people have freckles all over their body and they don't have any issues with it. This is nowhere near as bad as that.
  3. This is not true. There have been plenty of cases, myself included, where finasteride worked the first few years and then hair started falling out again. Now perhaps you can claim that it's still working in that the hair is falling out slower than it would have without fin, but I think most people would consider it no longer working if their hair loss starts up again.
  4. I have always disagreed with the statement that you have to lose 50% of your hair before you are noticeably thinning. I think this was a made up thing back in the early days of hair transplants to get men to believe they didn't need a lot of grafts to cover an area because not a lot could be done back then. My first session was 50 grafts and I think the 2nd one was 60 grafts. I was a NW 6 when I had my first hair transplant and was given an estimate of 300 grafts. They weren't follicular units. They were 3.75mm plug grafts, but I was told that with my hair density I would get about 5 to 10 hairs per graft, so this equates to between 1500 to 3000 hairs for a NW 6. There is no way that would even cover the frontal third, but in those days the general public had no idea about this stuff and 3000 hairs sounds like a lot if you don't know anything about hair. I think you actually will have noticeable thinning at around 30% to 40% depending on your hair characteristics. It's very easy to see the 50% number is wrong if you think about it. Someone who has full natural density at 80 FU per cm2 and transplants into a bald frontal area at 40 FU per cm2 is going to look very thin, but that's 50%, so to me it's obviously not correct.
  5. I'm a NW 7 and have about 400cm2 to cover. If I were to average 40 FUs per cm2 of coverage with 50 in the front and 30 in the back I would need 16000 grafts. This is why even though I've done about 6000 body hair grafts I still look extremely thin. That equates to an average of only 15 FU per cm2. Rather depressing 😔
  6. Yes. When I was young and my hair loss was very aggressive I would get a stinging pain in the areas where hair was about to go into a massive shed. Putting my hands through my hair would be very painful. I hated even trying to comb those areas because it would hurt.
  7. I don't know how bad the crown is as there are no pictures from the back and I can't tell how high the hairline is, however I would probably be leaning towards adding grafts throughout the entire area. If you were happy with Bicer then there shouldn't be an issue with going with her again.
  8. This is totally normal. There's certainly not a "new level" here. Many people with frontal loss have more loss on one side.
  9. If it's only a color difference you can always start coloring your hair. I didn't mind using my gray beard and chest hair because my scalp already had some gray in it and I was coloring it every few months anyway. Now with the beard and chest hair there is a lot more gray and I have to color it once a month instead of once every few months. That minor inconvenience of coloring it more often is worth it to actually have hair growing.
  10. Your hair looks great. If you do the blue line you will almost certainly look like you had a horrible botch job. If you do the red line you will still probably look like you had a botch job. There is very high risk and very low reward in doing what you want. Lately I have seriously been thinking that guys looking to get hair transplants are seeing so many bad hair transplants in their youtube, instagram, etc searching that they begin thinking that those bad hair jobs are what a normal hairline looks like and they start to want a bad job done on themselves without realizing it.
  11. This is the right way to do it. If you see him without ever knowing him before, you would never guess he had anything done. He still has minor recession and didn't get some low, aggressive, completely new hairline that practically nobody over 35 has naturally. More people need to get a "less is more" attitude when it comes to hair restoration.
  12. I don't understand. The man in the thread posted had a front hairline transplant. Years later his native hair receded back further. Here are two of his photos. The first is the post transplant and the second is years later. It looks like all the transplanted hair is still growing. What am I missing?
  13. I don't have a problem with doing FUT. The problems with this procedure are: 1. HE IS USING A TRIPLE BLADE KNIFE!! I haven't seen FUT done with a triple blade knife in probably well over 20 years. I'm surprised none of you have commented on that, but perhaps that technology is so old you guys don't even know about it. 2. Mini grafts!! This entire procedure looks like it was done in like 1992. The reason it's 1131 grafts and he says it's 6000 hairs is because he is doing mini grafts which are probably about 2mm to 2.5mm graft sizes, so rather than 1 to 3 hairs per grafts there maybe 3 to 6 hairs per graft. The hairline looks like smaller grafts, but everything behind that are huge.
  14. The hairline is too low and the donor area went too high on the sides.
  15. If you already have a plane ticket to NJ, True & Dorin are in Manhattan NY and usually still have a few spots open in the 3 month range. Is the flight to Newark Liberty International? You can take the bus or train to Manhattan. It's only a few miles. Take the bus to NY Port Authority Bus Terminal on 42 St. Or take the train to Penn Station NY (make sure you go to Penn Station NY and not Penn Station in Newark NJ!). How many grafts were you planning on doing? True & Dorin don't do very large FUE sessions, so if you are looking for a megasession FUE then they are probably not for you. Anyway I thought I'd throw this out there since you already have the plane ticket.
  16. It looks like it's in the 4000+ graft range. All the things you are mentioning are normal. You had a lot of area to cover, so the crown is going to be thinner. They should be putting about half of the grafts into the frontal third and the other half into the other two 3rds which looks like what they did, so I think the overall graft placement planning looks OK from the pictures. You don't want to spread them all out evenly because then the front will look too thin and you will have a thin, diffuse look when it's grown in and still look bald.
  17. Technically you can always extract more until you've gotten every single follicle out of your donor area. Different Drs stop at different points. Some will say they can't get any more because you will look too thin in the donor. Others may still try to get a few more out. So there is no certain number. It's just what a particular Dr thinks is best.
  18. Right. I was going to ask the same thing. I was trying to upload a picture yesterday and there was no way to do it.
  19. If you have diffuse thinning that looks like it is in a defined area, some people claim that your pattern is already known, but the area can still widen/expand a lot over the years.
  20. I wore a hair piece before I had a hair transplant. I absolutely hated it. From my personal experience even if I got the front to look perfect I still constantly worried that it was noticeable any time somebody got up close or especially if there was some wind blowing. It can look great at home when you comb it in front of the mirror, but the hair is not going to stay perfectly in place all day. At work I did a lot of walking, moving around, and constant interactions with people and I kept running to the bathroom to check my hair all the time. With the color not matching, it could match perfectly when you first get it, but the color fades after a little while especially if you spend a lot of time outside in the Sun. The sun fades it pretty quickly.
  21. Temporary shock loss of any native hair you may have had before the transplant is normal too. Any loss in the area of the transplant is normal whether it's the transplanted hair or hair that was already there. It grows back in a few months.
  22. Most of the hair is going to shed. It's normal. I'm surprised we continue to get so many of these same questions about hair shedding. Can it be that so many guys don't even research hair transplants even just a little bit before actually getting one? Everyone who has ever posted about their hair transplant mentions that their hair fell out. How do people not know this happens.
  23. I used to wash my hair twice a day because it was so oily, but now I mostly wash it once a day. I don't think it matters really. I think most men wash their hair daily.
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