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Pat - Community Publisher

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Everything posted by Pat - Community Publisher

  1. Aquarius, I've met a few "Irish Bastards" in my day (in fact I am one 3 generations downline). So which Irish bastard are you (PM me)? I should have known from your sense of humor and your enjoyment of a good fight :-) Pat P.S. It looks like the Wiki Nazi has tossed the entire Hair Transplant Network page into the trash again. I hope he or she goes bald and desperately needs to find this site but can't because it's not visible on Wikipedia. Oh my God, I can't believe I have violated my hypocritical oath to end the blight of hair loss. Forgive me.
  2. Aquarius, There are many honest and ethical hair transplant physicians and most of them are presented on this site. Flip comments like your above comment only support the physician critics of this community who can excerpt posts like yours out of context and present them to their colleagues. We don't need more of that. Remember "loose lips sink ships". Pat
  3. Normally I don't post advertisements - for anyone. But this ad by Dr. Armani - with more international offices than the CIA - was just irresistable. Apparently FUE is no longer surgery. It's more like a cut and blow dry with some mousse. Is Dr. Armani selling suits or medical services? Note - Face lift and Armani Suit not included.
  4. Normally I don't post advertisements - for anyone. But this ad by Dr. Armani - with more international offices than the CIA - was just irresistable. Apparently FUE is no longer surgery. It's more like a cut and blow dry with some mousse. Is Dr. Armani selling suits or medical services? Note - Face lift and Armani Suit not included.
  5. Bill, Thanks for posting our community info. But apparently the a Wiki Nazi has deleted the entire page in one swoop. The reason given "Spam". Well, what do you know ten years of growth and evolution, tens of thousands of posts all dismissed by some dip shit who wouldn't know a follicular unit graft from a unicorn horn. I reposted it again. But I expect this wiki dip shit to delete it with out thought once again. Anyone know how this Wiki game works? Is it run by a bunch of twits who can delete content they know nothing about? How can we make this content not be treated as "Spam". Thanks, Pat
  6. The Hair Loss Doctor List was destine for failure from day one due to its lack of meaningful standards, accountability, credibility, visibility and its exclusion of Canadian physicians and quality physicians like Dr. Ron Shapiro, Dr. Jeff Epstein, Dr. Bob True and others who use patient educators. Its foundation was also shaky because it was built on the basis of being against something rather than for something. It was so faulty that under intense scrutiny it crumbled in less than three days time. It proved to be a big embarrassment to its unsuspecting physician supports and its principle originators Dr. Goertz, Dr. Bobby Limmer and Dr. Dow Stough. But while the site has retreated behind the facade of a single web page, the animosity that certain physicians have for this community has not gone away. I expect the hostility and antagonism that has been directed toward our patient based community over the past several years will continue, only for now it will retreat behind the curtain of private emails and phone discussions. In time I expect this simmering hostility will regroup and again rear its ugly head perhaps in a more clever manner. When it does I'll be ready and so will this community. P.S. I do not consider this issue resolved just because the originators of this hostile site have cried uncle and retreated. I have some serious questions for Dr. B.L. Limmer in particular regarding his deep involvement and promotion of this hostile site.
  7. Hairbank you are right in saying that "Our Coalition Surgeons are here because not only of their skills, but their integrity and character as well." They do not want to be associated with a site with a negative agenda. They also apparently have good business sense and know what and who really serves their patients and them. As of mid afternoon Tuesday - Dr. Cooley and Dr. Harris have also had their information removed from Dr. Goertz's site at their request. At this point the only physicians who are recommended on the Hair Transplant Network that are still presented on Dr. Goertz's website are Dr. Beehner, Dr. Parsley and Drs. Bobby and Brad Limmer. We shall soon see if they will also choose to disassociate from Dr. Goertz's site.
  8. "Spot on" is right on. B Spot well said. You like the other active members of this forum realize that collectively we are not only a community but a real movement that has revolutionized how patients find and learn about physicians and techniques and how physicians find and educate patients. This community has really evolved over the years and continues to evolve. At one time it was me and Dr. Shapiro. Now look at it. Who could have imagined what it would become and how it would influence the hair transplant industry/profession. But we still have our work cut out for us. Too many patients continue to fall prey to slick marketing and mediocre over priced results because they do not get beyond the hype and do their research. Fortunately when a potential patient searches Google for either "hair transplant" or "hair restoration" the Hair Transplant Network ranks #1 ahead of all the national chains. Right smack at the top of the page our listing reads: "Hair Transplant? Be Careful! Hair transplants can be great, if you ...Hair transplant results vary widely. Research prescreened hair restoration physicians and view over 500 hair transplant photos. Also share info on our hair ... " If everyone searched Google before going under the scalpel the chains would be sucking air big time. We also bid and pay for over 140 niche' search term ads including "Medical Hair Restoration" etc. We also have dozens of affliated hair loss sites that promote our community. Our latest alliance is with the reputable site "Hair Loss Talk", which now promotes/endorses this community and the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians. I intend to continue building such online alliances. But it would be great for this community to get some good publicity in the off line press. Bosely and MHR have bought themselves plenty of good press offline. But were is the discussion about the patient advocate movement and its resources? Anyone out there a PR genius who wants to take this on? I think this community and how it has changed the dynamics of the hair transplant industry is one Hell of a good worthwile story. But I'm shy so if Oprah calls us - Bill, B Spot, Hairbank or one or all of our other hair warriors will need to step up :-)
  9. With the advent of the Web and discussion forums like this one physicians, their statements and their work can now be held accountable publicly. On a positive note ethical physicians and their quality work can also be recognized and identified publicly. It's not a perfect process (free speach and democracy never are) but in an unregulated field its the best form of accountability we as patient have. This community has also been tough on shills, who are typically spotted even as they are registering on the forum :-) Those physicians who are engaged in this open process operate in a transparent environment in which their patients may very well be posting their entire experience (including what they had for lunch) the night of their surgery. This keeps us all on our toes and accountable, including me.
  10. Members of this community, Your help is needed to set the record straight. Many of you are probably familiar with the Wikipedia Encyclopedia at http://en.wikipedia.org. This online encyclopedia is written and edited entirely by volunteer editors working together in loose collaboration. Over the past few months I have made multiple contributions to the "Hair Transplantation" page and other pages. However, certain self promoting interests such as the Bosley Medical Group's PR agency and other clinics have over written and eliminated my edits, including the entire page that was written regarding the "Hair Transplant Network" and its history (fortunately I saved this page on my computer in the event it was erased so that it could be reinstated ??“ see below). I would like your help in getting the Hair Transplant Network page reinstated. While the Hair Transplant Network information page was deleted the editorial copy and link to the Bosley Medical Group's patient blog "Battle Against the Blog" has been left intact. Now why would some one eliminate the Hair Transplant Network page? I'll bet you can guess why. It seems to me that what appears on Wikepidia is ultimately determined by the input of multiple editors (who do not even need to be registered). I believe that if enough of us continue to repost the Hair Transplant Network page it will ultimately stay intact. Please help by going to http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hair_Transplant_Network&action=edit and upload the below page. Feel free to make any edits to it that you think are fair and objective. It think this community and the hair transplant patient advocate movement deserves a page in Wikipedia and in the history of hair transplantation. Thanks for your help in getting our community recognized on Wikipedia.org. Feel free to also get involved in editing the other many related pages such as "hair loss", "baldness" or "hair restoration". Onwards and Upwards, Pat P.S. The below page for upload to wikepedia is already formatted according to Wikipedia's specs to display both internal and external links. Hair Transplant Network The Hair Transplant Network is an online consumer advocacy community created by and for hair transplant patients to critique various hair transplant procedures and the physicians providing them. The community advocates [[follicular unit hair transplantation| follicular unit hair transplantation]] and those physicians who perform it with a high degree of success. The physicians who are recommended on this community are reviewed by the website's publisher, Patrick Hennessey, and by members of its discussion forum community. Currently over fifty hair restoration physicians worldwide are recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. '''History''' The Hair Transplant Network was founded in 1999 by Patrick Hennessey after he had undergone three follicular unit hair transplant sessions with Dr. Ron Shapiro in Minnesota during 1997 and 1998. During this period the follicular unit hair transplant procedure was relatively new and was performed by only a small minority of hair transplant physicians. After attending various international hair transplant conferences as a guest of Dr. Ron Shapiro, Patrick Hennessey was able to identify the small minority of hair transplant physicians who were providing their patients with the relatively new follicular unit procedure. This small group of physicians worldwide were then presented on the Hair Transplant Network. The follicular unit hair transplant procedure offered patients many advantages over the standard "mini micro" hair transplant procedure performed by the majority of hair transplant surgeons. '''Primary benefits of follicular unit grafting for patients:''' *Natural appearance after only one surgical session since the hair follicles are transplanted in grafts containing only naturally occurring follicular units that contain from one to four hairs. *Minimally invasive graft incisions result in less trauma and faster healing as well as less pitting or cobble stoning in the recipient area. *Mega sessions of thousands of refined follicular unit grafts, rather than hundreds of mini/micro grafts, provide patients with both natural refinement and high levels of density. These larger mega sessions also enable patients to restore their hair with fewer surgical sessions. '''Online Web Communities fuel the adoption of [[Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation| Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation]]''' Despite these significant advantages the hair transplant medical community was resistant to embrace these large sessions of follicular unit grafting since it required more skill, staff, equipment and time than performing the standard mini/micrografting procedure. However, [[hair loss|hair loss]] sufferers researching [[hair transplantation|hair transplantation]] on the Hair Transplant Network and its [http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums discussion forum] and other online resources enthusiastically embraced follicular unit grafting and its patient friendly benefits. This strong patient demand led other progressive physicians to provide this more challenging procedure in their clinics. Early in the 21st century [[Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation| Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation]] became acknowledged as the "Gold Standard" within the hair restoration profession. '''Patient demand continues to drive the evolution of [[hair transplantation]]''' In the past few years a minority of hair transplant physicians have taken the follicular unit procedure to an even higher level of refinement by creating even smaller incisions for the follicular unit grafts, thus enabling them to be placed closer together in even higher densities. In addition surgical session sizes have increased from mega sessions of 1,500 to super mega sessions that can exceed 4,000 and 5,000 grafts in appropriate patients. This newest procedure "Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation" enables many patients to achieve cosmetic density in a given area after only one surgical session. Once again this procedure is easier on the patient but even more demanding on the physician and staff. Given the high technical and logistical demands of performing super mega sessions of all microscopically dissected follicular units, only a small minority of hair transplant clinics have the capability to successfully perform very large session of ultra refined grafting. However, many of the physicians who have risen to the challenge of providing Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation are recognized and presented on the Hair Transplant Network and the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center. Those ethical physicians who have a proven track record of successfully providing this procedure are eligible for membership in the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians. '''How physicians are chosen for recommendation''' Given that the skill and technique of hair transplant surgeons vary widely, as do their results, the Hair Transplant Network is dedicated to finding and recommending only those physicians who perform state of the art hair transplantation with proven results. The publisher of the Hair Transplant Network, Patrick Hennessey, reviews physicians for potential recommendation on the site based on the below selection criteria. Many of the physicians recommended have been visited by him to ensure that their actual surgical techniques meet the sites demanding recommendation criteria. Input from actual patients in private emails and in online forum posting has also been valuable in determining the actual care provided by various hair transplant physicians. Since its inception 1999 hair transplant physicians have been added and removed from recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network based on their success in performing the follicular unit procedure. '''Selection Criteria for recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network''' *A demonstrated proficiency and commitment to performing follicular unit transplantation. *Dedication to doing follicular unit hair transplantation exclusively or at least as the main specialty of the clinic. *Excellent patient results demonstrating a high level of artistry and naturalness throughout, as well as excellent growth rates. *An excellent reputation amongst colleagues and former patients. *Several years experience performing state of the art hair transplantation. *Impressive medical training, board certifications, honors, credentials, lectures, and published articles and books. '''Members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physician are required to meet the following additional criteria:''' *A demonstrated capability to successfully perform large sessions of ultra refined follicular unit grafting using tiny incisions and grafts that are microscopically prepared. *The ability to dense pack tiny follicular unit grafts in a given area when appropriate. *Mastery and control of the orientation and direction of the transplanted grafts to achieve a completely natural appearance. '''Educational Resources Provided by the Hair Transplant Network''' *In depth information about hair transplantation *Videos of both FUE and Strip Excision Hair Transplant Surgeries *Animations demonstrating the causes of hair loss and how hair transplants work. *Recommendations for prescreened hair restoration physicians. *Video interviews with recommended hair transplant physicians *Photo gallery containing over 500 sets of patient photos. *An active patient discussion forum *Free weblogs that enable patients to document their hair restoration process. '''References''' Hair Transplantation, 4th Edition Copyright 2004 Edited by Dr. Walter P. Unger and Dr. Ronald Shapiro '''External Links''' '''[http://www.HairTransplantNetwork.com Official Site]'''
  11. Members of this community, Your help is needed to set the record straight. Many of you are probably familiar with the Wikipedia Encyclopedia at http://en.wikipedia.org. This online encyclopedia is written and edited entirely by volunteer editors working together in loose collaboration. Over the past few months I have made multiple contributions to the "Hair Transplantation" page and other pages. However, certain self promoting interests such as the Bosley Medical Group's PR agency and other clinics have over written and eliminated my edits, including the entire page that was written regarding the "Hair Transplant Network" and its history (fortunately I saved this page on my computer in the event it was erased so that it could be reinstated ??“ see below). I would like your help in getting the Hair Transplant Network page reinstated. While the Hair Transplant Network information page was deleted the editorial copy and link to the Bosley Medical Group's patient blog "Battle Against the Blog" has been left intact. Now why would some one eliminate the Hair Transplant Network page? I'll bet you can guess why. It seems to me that what appears on Wikepidia is ultimately determined by the input of multiple editors (who do not even need to be registered). I believe that if enough of us continue to repost the Hair Transplant Network page it will ultimately stay intact. Please help by going to http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hair_Transplant_Network&action=edit and upload the below page. Feel free to make any edits to it that you think are fair and objective. It think this community and the hair transplant patient advocate movement deserves a page in Wikipedia and in the history of hair transplantation. Thanks for your help in getting our community recognized on Wikipedia.org. Feel free to also get involved in editing the other many related pages such as "hair loss", "baldness" or "hair restoration". Onwards and Upwards, Pat P.S. The below page for upload to wikepedia is already formatted according to Wikipedia's specs to display both internal and external links. Hair Transplant Network The Hair Transplant Network is an online consumer advocacy community created by and for hair transplant patients to critique various hair transplant procedures and the physicians providing them. The community advocates [[follicular unit hair transplantation| follicular unit hair transplantation]] and those physicians who perform it with a high degree of success. The physicians who are recommended on this community are reviewed by the website's publisher, Patrick Hennessey, and by members of its discussion forum community. Currently over fifty hair restoration physicians worldwide are recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. '''History''' The Hair Transplant Network was founded in 1999 by Patrick Hennessey after he had undergone three follicular unit hair transplant sessions with Dr. Ron Shapiro in Minnesota during 1997 and 1998. During this period the follicular unit hair transplant procedure was relatively new and was performed by only a small minority of hair transplant physicians. After attending various international hair transplant conferences as a guest of Dr. Ron Shapiro, Patrick Hennessey was able to identify the small minority of hair transplant physicians who were providing their patients with the relatively new follicular unit procedure. This small group of physicians worldwide were then presented on the Hair Transplant Network. The follicular unit hair transplant procedure offered patients many advantages over the standard "mini micro" hair transplant procedure performed by the majority of hair transplant surgeons. '''Primary benefits of follicular unit grafting for patients:''' *Natural appearance after only one surgical session since the hair follicles are transplanted in grafts containing only naturally occurring follicular units that contain from one to four hairs. *Minimally invasive graft incisions result in less trauma and faster healing as well as less pitting or cobble stoning in the recipient area. *Mega sessions of thousands of refined follicular unit grafts, rather than hundreds of mini/micro grafts, provide patients with both natural refinement and high levels of density. These larger mega sessions also enable patients to restore their hair with fewer surgical sessions. '''Online Web Communities fuel the adoption of [[Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation| Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation]]''' Despite these significant advantages the hair transplant medical community was resistant to embrace these large sessions of follicular unit grafting since it required more skill, staff, equipment and time than performing the standard mini/micrografting procedure. However, [[hair loss|hair loss]] sufferers researching [[hair transplantation|hair transplantation]] on the Hair Transplant Network and its [http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums discussion forum] and other online resources enthusiastically embraced follicular unit grafting and its patient friendly benefits. This strong patient demand led other progressive physicians to provide this more challenging procedure in their clinics. Early in the 21st century [[Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation| Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation]] became acknowledged as the "Gold Standard" within the hair restoration profession. '''Patient demand continues to drive the evolution of [[hair transplantation]]''' In the past few years a minority of hair transplant physicians have taken the follicular unit procedure to an even higher level of refinement by creating even smaller incisions for the follicular unit grafts, thus enabling them to be placed closer together in even higher densities. In addition surgical session sizes have increased from mega sessions of 1,500 to super mega sessions that can exceed 4,000 and 5,000 grafts in appropriate patients. This newest procedure "Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation" enables many patients to achieve cosmetic density in a given area after only one surgical session. Once again this procedure is easier on the patient but even more demanding on the physician and staff. Given the high technical and logistical demands of performing super mega sessions of all microscopically dissected follicular units, only a small minority of hair transplant clinics have the capability to successfully perform very large session of ultra refined grafting. However, many of the physicians who have risen to the challenge of providing Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation are recognized and presented on the Hair Transplant Network and the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center. Those ethical physicians who have a proven track record of successfully providing this procedure are eligible for membership in the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians. '''How physicians are chosen for recommendation''' Given that the skill and technique of hair transplant surgeons vary widely, as do their results, the Hair Transplant Network is dedicated to finding and recommending only those physicians who perform state of the art hair transplantation with proven results. The publisher of the Hair Transplant Network, Patrick Hennessey, reviews physicians for potential recommendation on the site based on the below selection criteria. Many of the physicians recommended have been visited by him to ensure that their actual surgical techniques meet the sites demanding recommendation criteria. Input from actual patients in private emails and in online forum posting has also been valuable in determining the actual care provided by various hair transplant physicians. Since its inception 1999 hair transplant physicians have been added and removed from recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network based on their success in performing the follicular unit procedure. '''Selection Criteria for recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network''' *A demonstrated proficiency and commitment to performing follicular unit transplantation. *Dedication to doing follicular unit hair transplantation exclusively or at least as the main specialty of the clinic. *Excellent patient results demonstrating a high level of artistry and naturalness throughout, as well as excellent growth rates. *An excellent reputation amongst colleagues and former patients. *Several years experience performing state of the art hair transplantation. *Impressive medical training, board certifications, honors, credentials, lectures, and published articles and books. '''Members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physician are required to meet the following additional criteria:''' *A demonstrated capability to successfully perform large sessions of ultra refined follicular unit grafting using tiny incisions and grafts that are microscopically prepared. *The ability to dense pack tiny follicular unit grafts in a given area when appropriate. *Mastery and control of the orientation and direction of the transplanted grafts to achieve a completely natural appearance. '''Educational Resources Provided by the Hair Transplant Network''' *In depth information about hair transplantation *Videos of both FUE and Strip Excision Hair Transplant Surgeries *Animations demonstrating the causes of hair loss and how hair transplants work. *Recommendations for prescreened hair restoration physicians. *Video interviews with recommended hair transplant physicians *Photo gallery containing over 500 sets of patient photos. *An active patient discussion forum *Free weblogs that enable patients to document their hair restoration process. '''References''' Hair Transplantation, 4th Edition Copyright 2004 Edited by Dr. Walter P. Unger and Dr. Ronald Shapiro '''External Links''' '''[http://www.HairTransplantNetwork.com Official Site]'''
  12. Great info. Bill, thanks for getting this topic going. In addition to the above suggestions, I encourage those considering hair transplantation to estimate the number of grafts/hairs that they will need now and in the future to achieve their hair restoration goal. We do have an animated "Graft Calculator" that will help you get a ball park idea of how many grafts you may need. To use this interactive animation and view other animations, vist our Multi Media Center. As Hairbank wrote, having realistic expectations is very important. One of our animations does focus what can realistically be achieved. I encourage all potential patients to view this animation and all of them. There is also a page on the Hair Transplant Network on the subject of cost. To visit it click here.
  13. Percy2828, Welcome to our hair loss community. Posting your photos would be helpful. But step number one is estimating the number of grafts/hairs that you will need now and in the future to achieve your hair restoration goal. There is also a page on the Hair Transplant Network on the subject of cost. To visit it click here. We do have an animated "Graft Calculator" that will help you get a ball park idea of how many grafts you may need. To use this interactive animation and view other animations, vist our Multi Media Center. After you spend time doing your own research you will ultimately probally want to do a free consult with a top physician. This site provides information on many of the very best hair transplant physicians in the world. You've come to the right place. Best wishes for getting the results you want and enjoying this great community and its many well informed members. Pat
  14. Sett, Welcome to our community. As long as you did not inhale your hair and presidential viability should be intact. A friend of mine once toked on the wacky tobacco and it did alleviate his worry about his hair loss. Of course, I'm not advocating this as a treatment. Ok, sorry I couldn't resist. Seriously, using Proscar is probably the single smartest thing you can do to halt your hair loss. Keep on it and enjoy drinking and all the second hand smoke you can inhale ;-) Pat
  15. There was a topic that was entitled "Dr. Review for Dr. Feller". However, the subject of this topic ended up transforming into a discussion about 911. In my experience hair is political and hairy enough without mixing in politics. But we do have an "off topics" forum at the bottom of this forum. I suggest those who would like to discuss off topic subjects ranging from alien technology (other than hair replication) to who shot JFK use that forum. I tried to move and edit the forum "Dr. Review for Dr. Feller" but when I went to delete the first post in the topic it ended up deleting the entire topic and everyone's posts. I'm sorry for the loss of everyone's contributions to this topic. Rest assured that I was not contacted by a government agent and coerced into doing this. All the best, Pat Tom Thomas, please feel free to repost your original question less the politics on this forum. Again, sorry for the loss of everyone's posts.
  16. There was a topic that was entitled "Dr. Review for Dr. Feller". However, the subject of this topic ended up transforming into a discussion about 911. In my experience hair is political and hairy enough without mixing in politics. But we do have an "off topics" forum at the bottom of this forum. I suggest those who would like to discuss off topic subjects ranging from alien technology (other than hair replication) to who shot JFK use that forum. I tried to move and edit the forum "Dr. Review for Dr. Feller" but when I went to delete the first post in the topic it ended up deleting the entire topic and everyone's posts. I'm sorry for the loss of everyone's contributions to this topic. Rest assured that I was not contacted by a government agent and coerced into doing this. All the best, Pat Tom Thomas, please feel free to repost your original question less the politics on this forum. Again, sorry for the loss of everyone's posts.
  17. Tam, Dr. Jae Pak is a protgee of Dr. Rassman and works with him at Dr. Rassman's NHI clinic in California. Technically only Dr. Rassman is recommended at this time as I'm familiar with Dr. Rassman, his long track record and I have seen him do surgery. At this time I don't know much about Dr. Pak. But Dr. Rassman believes that Dr. Pak's work is excellent. The fees for Dr. Pak are also less than Dr. Rassman's. Best wishes, Pat
  18. Apparently we gave Perfect Few an over dose of reality over on his forum and he choked. My posts, Hairbank's and Bill' were also white washed off their forum. Perfect Few can now go back to speaking to himself and his alter identities, while show casing his patient portfolio. I hope he doesn't get too lonely. Update on the physicians presented on Dr. Goertz's website. I did speak with several of our recommended physicians today who were presented on the Hair Loss Doctor List. All of them told me that they did not realize the hostile tone and intent of this site or Dr. Goertz's grudge with this community. Those who viewed our forum were not impressed by the hostile tone of the defaming posts made by Perfect Few on this forum. Most of these physicians assured me that they will be withdrawing from Dr. Goertz's site promptly. Dr. Bernstien and Dr. Nusbaum requested that their names be removed immediately and Dr. Goertz has apparently honored their request and removed them from his site as of today, Monday. I did not have the chance to speak with Dr. Beehner or Drs. Bobby and Brad Limmer about their association with this site. Recommended physicians Dr. Cooley, Dr. Beehner, Dr. Harris and Dr. Parsley are still presented on Dr. Goertz's site. However, Dr. Cooley assured me that he will be discontinuing his association with this site promptly. Dr. Parsley also supports the value of this community and its forum and also intends to disassociate himself from Dr. Goertz's website. Dr. Harris wanted to speak with Dr. Goertz prior to making his final decision. But Dr. Harris spoke highly of our community and its positive value for his patients and his unwillingness to be associated with a site that would denigrate our community. I will continue to provide this community with updates on the choices our recommended physicians make. I appreciate the respect for our community that these physicians have shown today by disassociating their good names from a website that has a destructive and divisive agenda. I would expect nothing less of stand up physicians who have proven their ability to meet the standards and expectations of this community. Perfect Few posted several times on this forum that physicians would soon be leaving our community in droves. It appears that his prediction will hold true but only for his website. I will be notifying all the recommended physician sponsors of our community about this controversy and its outcome. I expect that once they know the truth about Dr. Goertz's site and its agenda they will not associate with it either. I want to thank all the members of this community who rallied to defend this community and the right of patients to share their experiences and opinions openly. You have won the day for this community and the leading physicians who support it. Our community will continue to help hair loss sufferers find and learn about outstanding physicians and their techniques, while helping leading physicians find and educate patients. This most recent controversy has shown that the collaboration between our patient community and the quality physicians who support it is strong. Pat
  19. jbsf, Thanks for giving us and update. You've been very patient and I really hope that you ultimately get the growth you deserve and hope for. Pat
  20. Well said Hoping. Perfect Few had no respect for this forum or the truth. He was here to drop poison in the well. This weed has been plucked from this garden. Best wishes, Pat
  21. I think when I'm making the rounds this summer in HairForce One I'll video tape you shills and sell it as "Shills Gone Wild". Do you think it will sell? I need to enhance the "Prime Directive". It feels so good to finally be out in the open about the true nature of our relationships. Living the lie was eating me up inside. ha, ha, ha . . . Thanks for the good laughs. After this last weekend I needed them. Pat
  22. Bushy, It won't be long before you can find work as an Elvis impersonator. Congratulations!
  23. I've been contacting some of the physicians who are backing the Hair Loss Doctor List site and will have some interesting updates to post on this forum in the near futre. Perfect Few, Regarding your false comment above in which you wrote - quote: I asked about Dr. Goertz and you said "he didn't meet your standards". You lied. It is simple. He refused to pay your fees. Those are your standards. Please tell the truth before it is too late. I'd be happy to "tell the truth before it's too late." On multiple topics posted on this forum you have accused me of lying when I told the truth that I removed Dr. Goertz due to concerns about the quality of his work. Yet you have no evidence to provide. Of course, how could you since you were not involved in my decision to remove Dr. Goertz. By your own account you are only a patient of Dr. Goertz who presumably does not read Dr. Goertz's emails. However, I do have proof. I keep all my emails and I spent time this evening searching my correspondence with Dr. Goertz. Below is an email I sent to Dr. Goertz on February 27th of 2005 notifying him that I would no longer continue recommending him on our community due to quality concerns. On this forum Perfect Few wrote - quote: This is not true. I asked about a doctor on this forum, and Pat quickly chimed in saying he didn't meet the "standards", which was a bold-faced lie. The doctor in question refused to renew his membership because the fees were basically extortion. I feel sorry for you that you really believe this site is about "patient advocacy". Perfect Few repeated this misinformation in yet another one of his posts: Complete lies. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. I feel sorry for you because you clearly have no soul. You consistently make sales calls to Dr. Goertz. That is all they are. When he refused to renew his membership (i.e. pay your extortion) you delisted him. That is the truth. Can you give me ONE EXAMPLE of a patient whose results were not good? You are doing exactly what you say you don't, disguised by a thin veil of the lie. Because you didn't visit his clinic, nor meet any of his patients, how can you make such statements? I can see why he didn't want to PAY YOU to visit his clinic. He is an ethical person. Something that is not natural for you. You sold your soul to the devil, and your time has come. But the dishonesty of his false allegations is easily apparent when my correspondence with Dr. Goertz is read (see below): Dr. Goertz's response to my email and my follow up reply are also included. -----Original Message----- From: Pat - Hair Transplant Network [mailto:pat@hairtransplantnetwork.com] Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 5:19 PM To: Brian Goertz Subject: Dr. Goertz, We will not be able to renew you in the Coalition or in the Hair Transplant Network Dr. Goertz, I have not received the immediate post op photos that I requested and therefore will not be able to renew your membership in the Coalition or continue recommending you on the Hair Transplant Network. As I mentioned in my previous email the standards for inclusion in the Coalition are now higher and all those renewing were asked to submit these post op photos to be considered for renewal. I'm also concerned by the post op photos I saw posted on our forum by the contest winner you did. In my opinion the incisions are too large and far apart and invasive on the scalp and do not meet our current standards for membership. I have attached this photo for your reference and also a photo showing the type of immediate post op results we expect of Coalition members. You will note the small minimally invasive incisions that are closely placed to allow for good cosmetic density after one session. I hope that you take this feed back in a constructive light. The bar for excellent hair restoration has moved considerably higher in the past two years and our editorial content and recommendations need to reflect these new realities. For now I will not be able to present you on either the Coalition web sites or the Hair Transplant Network.com. If you feel that your patient's posted photos are not representative of your work, now or in the future, please feel free to send them to me and we will reconsider presenting you again on our sites. Thank you for your past support and best wishes for your practice in the future. Patrick Hennessey Dr. Goertz's reply: I am offended that you would cancel me as a recommended physician with such a paucity of correspondence at the 11th hour! You already knew before this posting your new criteria, why was I not informed? If we are truly a "Coalition of Independent Physicians" should we not be judged by our peers? I am completely comfortable by having my work and results judged by them. Would it not be more appropriate for other members of the coalition to be involved in this all important step? As I discussed with you when you first invited me to join and you requested to observe my surgery, it made me uncomfortable. It still is not appropriate for a lay person. I would invite any of my colleagues to observe me and have trained others as well. Again please review the attached photos. If you would like to see more please let me know the size of files you can accept and I will send them. I truly feel my work is second to none, yet try to improve my techniques daily. I have learned much from my colleagues look forward to continued sharing of ideas with them as we try to improve the field of hair transplantation for our patients. I sincerely hope you find this helpful, PS. I did leave you a voicemail on your cell phone this morning but have not heard from you. Please respond by March 1st. My follow up reply: Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 23:46:57 -0800 (PST) From: Patrick Hennessey Subject: Re: , We will not be able to renew you in the Coalition or in the Hair Transplant Network To: Thank you for taking the time to provide me with more information about your surgical philosophy. I know that it is difficult to have a "lay person" make judgments about your work. You are certainly not the first to voice this concern. However, ultimately it is always the lay person who makes the final determination on their choice of treatment and physician. Ideally their decision will be based upon information gathered during a medical consultation with a qualified physician and from comparing notes and experiences with actual patients, on and offline. Today many potential patients look to the Internet as a resource for gathering and sharing credible information. We strive to serve hair loss sufferers by helping to educate them about procedures and physicians who we think are in their best interest. We are careful to not claim to have definative information. We simply offer those visiting our sites the best information we can in an open environment in which they can share information. I have privately observed dozens of surgical procedures first hand in clinics over the past seven years. I've also attended over a dozen hair restoration conferences and workshops. While this does not qualify me to do surgery, it has given me a solid grounding in what constitutes state of the art surgery. I may be wrong in choosing for now to not present you on our sites. But I would rather error on the conservative side than endorse a physician I need to learn more about to confidently endorse. I have made the mistake of endorsing physicians who later did not meet my expectations or those of the patients that found them on our sites. I have found this scenario to be much more troubling than not promoting a physician I'm not completely confident with. I did take your suggestion to heart to gather a second opinion from a hair restoration physician who I trust. This physician was shown the two post op photos of your work anonymously and asked to evaluate them. Like me, he found the incisions to be more invasive than ideally needed and the grafts to be larger than necessary for a truly refined state of the art hair transplant. Much has changed over the past few years and today surgeons are doing work that they would not have imagined just a couple of years ago. I believe that you are a sincere and ethical physician and that you may well be doing truly outstanding surgeries in the near future. I will remain open to learning more about your ever evolving surgery and results in the hope that one day we will be confident in promoting you on our web communities. I hope you understand my need to error on the safe side at least for now. Thank you for your past support. I look forward to the day when we will be able to collaborate once again. Patrick Hennessey, Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Restoration Network and the Hair Loss Learning Center
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