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Everything posted by Napoli

  1. Congrats. That’s an awesome result. Dr altan ahmed seems to be a great choice. Thanks for sharing 😀👌
  2. There’s already early growth. That’s a good sign. Dr Gur is a great surgeon and you will be fully satisfied at the end.
  3. every surgeon has some not so good results. It also depends on the candidate and on the difficulty of his case. Some people have unrealistic expectations and they think that their result wasn’t that good, while for the amount of grafts used and their hair loss problem their appearance looks decent enough. dr yaman gives in general good results in higher Norwood cases like yours but you need to understand that you will not have full head of hair after hair transplant because u have a huge area to cover and your donor is not that good. So you need to have realistic expectations. In order to increase the success rate of your hair transplant start finatseride 1mg per day and minoxidil twice per day. And yes you can put minoxidil to donor too. The combination of these 2 hair loss therapies will give you higher success rate to your hair transplant.
  4. Dr yaman suggested the best plan for your case. One operation for frontal third and midscalp and another one for crown. However you will have low density on crown but it will be better from now. Dr yaman has many great cases in nowwrod 6 patients. Another option could be dr demirsoy or dr altan ahmed. zarev and pittella are also good but they are too expensive and most people can’t afford them.
  5. Indeed there are many great results from affordable clinics. In fact most people are not rich to pay the expensive doctors and they are looking for the best value for money options. Price is an important factor since many patients are not rich and they can’t easily increase their budget since they have many expenses in their life. so my suggestion is to select some clinics that fit your budget and select the one that you like mostly. Some people will only suggest you the most expensive clinics, which is not a feasible scenario here. So just select a clinic by yourself that fits your budget without asking random guys for opinions.
  6. In general it looks like a good result however can you upload pictures with better quality and more bright ones? Because this video is with low quality and a bit too dark. It is very important to see clear bright pictures to judge better a result, otherwise we can’t judge it.
  7. Looks good 👍 It’s right on track for 6 months. By the end of 12 months it will look perfect. Do you take any hair loss therapy ?
  8. I would select Eugenix bettween these Options. other good option would be dr demirsoy. His price is between 1-1.5 €/graft. And he is a great surgeon in Turkey and he has many great cases and satisfied patients Dr bekir bek is also a good option. He is doing the whole procedure by himself and he is located in Turkey. He was working at HLC and now at his own clinic. His price is 1.7€/graft Finally you could check dr Michalis Georgiou in Cyprus. His price is at 1.5€/graft and he does the whole procedure by himself too.
  9. Happy Growing. Dr yaman is an excellent choice for higher Norwood patients when they have enough donor left. However you don’t have much donor left that’s why dr yaman harvested only 2300 grafts. But dr yaman did the best plan possible for your case. So just be patient for the final result.
  10. It’s right on track for 5.5 months. You had a huge area to cover and the growth looks pretty good so far…dr yaman has shown great results in cases like you 👍
  11. Happy growing. Indeed that’s a huge amount of grafts taken from your donor with only 2900 beard grafts out of 11291 total grafts, which means that 8391 grafts were taken from your donor in a 2-day surgery. This is going to be awesome man. Looking forward for your next updates. 🙏
  12. To my eyes it does looks great and natural looking. Enjoy your new hairs !
  13. Happy growing. You selected a great surgeon and i believe you will be satisfied with your final result. I think It’s really good that you did an analytical consultation before the procedure with dr yaman doing calculations, measuring thickness, your donor and recipient areas in order to organise the best plan for you. It’s also good that dr yaman was supervising all stages of your hair transplant. I wish you the best and keep us updated 👍
  14. You can ask it from your local pharmacies to be at 2.5mg dosage.
  15. I think you overthink too much. Dr Turan is a great doctor with much experience and he produces natural looking results. He knows what he is doing. So i should suggest you to relax and be patient for your final result...
  16. You are right on track for 2.5 months! keep us updated! Dr karadeniz seems to be a great doctor!!
  17. Ohh Thats an awesome result by dr Yaman...💯👍 Thanks for sharing
  18. Happy growing...you selected a great surgeon and i believe you will be saitisfied with your final result. What was the dr involvement in your case? Dr Yaman did the incisions, plan, design and supervision of the procedure? Also do you take any medicines to stabilise the hair loss?
  19. Great and natural looking result...👍😀
  20. Its going really great for 5 months. You are going to get a great result!! Keep us updated 🙏👍
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