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  1. I start to get concerned about the actual numbers of grafts that were implanted as ~2000 grafts on crown seems overstated. They are countable visually and from the picture angle covering 4/5 of my crown area, the numbers hardly goes beyond 1,000 grafts. From the total 2,300 grafts that were extracted, Dr. Yaman estimated 300 were used to touch up my temple, the coverage should be better than what it is looking like. Could anybody advise if my concern is valid...?
  2. Update on day 10 from the second HT. This is right after scabs removal. This was much more manageable with some experience from my first procedure and perhaps the lighter density plays a part as well.
  3. A side by side comparison on before and after. I would appreciate comments from the forum on what should i be expecting (realistically)?
  4. Post Op Day 2: I returned to the clinic the following day for my first wash. It was an expected process having going through the procedure once. After unwrapping the ugly bandages, here are some better pictures to illustrate both the transplanted and donor area. Top View Side View on Donor Close up Density is obvioously lacking, and this is probably not within what i was expecting. However i hope it turns out well. Side view Donor
  5. Next: The incision steps and implantation after a short lunch break. Dr. Yaman personally performed the incisions, which was a relatively short process before handing it back over to the technicians. The anesthetic administration and procedure by Dr. Yaman were more bearable than the morning session. However, I continued to struggle with the technicians' handling. The implantation process seemed rushed, and the lack of patient care was concerning. On several occasions, blood and saline water seeped around my face and ears, causing discomfort and requiring me to remind them. The technicians didn't speak any English, which made communication difficult. It might just be me, but I expected a more professional approach that considered the overall patient experience. Here are some pictures after the implantation process on the crown: Observation: This seems to be less than desirable as the grafts were spread out relatively wide. As the technician was wrapping up the session with bandages, they were playing with their phone. This raised concerns for me regarding hygiene practices. This eventually leave me with a weird looking bandages as below for the night, until i return for my first wash the next day.
  6. The anesthetic administration for extraction was performed by a technician. I have a moderate pain tolerance, and this part hurt the most until my entire head was numb. One issue was the technician's rough handling. She was quite harsh, and when I expressed discomfort, she ignored me and continued forcefully. Even though the process was not long but i feel this could be a more delicate process, as least comparing to my first HT experience. The operating room was naturally ventilated, which was fine given the cool weather. However, I was concerned about the potential risk of infection in an uncontrolled environment. Additionally, construction work next door resulted in drilling noises coming through the open windows, which I had to endure throughout the procedure. This was far from ideal. Interestingly, the room was equipped with a large TV with Netflix. Despite lying face up, I wasn’t offered any entertainment. Instead, the technicians played Turkish music on the TV for their own enjoyment. This wasn't the best experience, in my opinion. During the extraction process, two technicians worked on me. Here are some pictures on the post extractions: Fridge with oxygen supply to preserve the grafts after extractions. t Visually I can see only two Petri dish which i was told each contained 1000? I cant help but to feel slightly doubtful about this as compared to images taken on my first HT. This is on top of some scattered grafts on another petri dish which i was verbally told there are around 300s.
  7. 9th May 2024 After a light breakfast at the hotel, I was promptly picked up at 8 a.m. and headed to the clinic. The formalities, including administration, a blood test, and a pre-op PRP session, were completed quickly. Then it was time to shave my head and get ready for the procedure.
  8. After a 45-minute drive from IST Airport, I arrived at Yaman Clinic. The driver dropped me off outside, leaving me to find my way to the clinic on the third floor. This transition could have been smoother. Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting in front of Dr. Yaman for a consultation that lasted about 20 minutes. He conducted a physical evaluation of my donor area and made an initial estimation of 2,500-3,000 grafts. I inquired about the possibility of extracting slightly more than 3,000 grafts to accommodate some touch-ups on the temple area. Although Dr. Yaman didn't give a definite yes, he suggested it might be possible depending on the actual extractions. Nonetheless, I clearly communicated my expectations, and we worked out a plan to prioritize the grafts. We agreed to use around 300 grafts for touch-ups on the temple area instead of the initially hoped-for 500, understanding the need to preserve more grafts for the crown. This compromise was acceptable to me, given the importance of achieving adequate coverage in the crown area. Here are some pictures from the planning phrase. Microscopic view on my grafts, measured ~5.5um, which Dr. Yaman suggested it is of med-thick diameter. Calculation on the area and density planning. From below, we can learn that 4,000 is the most ideal grafts in order to have the best coverage but again Dr. Yaman assured that we still can have a good coverage basing on what was available..
  9. HT #2: Dr Yaman - 8 May 2024 The journey began at Istanbul Airport, where I followed the clinic's instructions for pickup. Unfortunately, it wasn't as well organized as I had hoped, especially compared to my first hair transplant experience with IoM. I waited nearly an hour for the driver, who seemed unsure of our destination until I corrected him. The car, a Fiat sedan, was in poor condition and reeked of cigarette smoke. Given my height (over 6 feet), the limited headroom was concerning, especially since my first hair transplant included an MPV with ample space. I don't mean to complain, but considering the nature of the procedure, ensuring adequate headroom to avoid accidental bumps should be a priority for the clinic. Nonetheless, i try to be as understanding as possible as I am here on a specific purpose and not a vacation. At least the driver was polite. The "fanciful" MPV that i was picked up in my first HT with IOM.
  10. From the initial assessment based on photos, it was estimated that I would need between 2,500 and 3,000 grafts before deciding to fly to Istanbul. However, only 2,300 grafts were ultimately harvested from my donor area. I had hoped to extract more grafts to cover both the crown and touch up the temples, but unfortunately, that wasn't possible. Psychologically, this was disappointing and didn't meet my expectations. Nevertheless, being halfway through the process, I still have to make the best of the situation and move forward with the best recommendation. However, after the post-op grafting, I began to feel uncomfortable and uncertain about whether this reaction was normal. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...
  11. This is my month 11 update, and I've eagerly planned my second hair transplant procedure to address the empty crown. My goal is to touch up the temples and achieve full crown coverage using my remaining donor hair. However, during regular updates with my first hair transplant clinic, they expressed doubts about achieving full coverage. They suggested I might still have some empty patches and recommended using long hair to cover them. Seeking better options, I decided to get second opinions from various clinics. This led me to Yaman Resul, who offered the confidence I needed to proceed with the fix.
  12. Update for month 10, under normal lighting. This is where I noticed my frontal growth seems to slowed down and having some deviation to expectation... On the other hand, donor is recovering well and thickening.
  13. I was unable to find a pic for month 8, so updating for month 9. This is where we find thickened growth, yet appear a little sparse on the frontal side under harsh lighting.
  14. HT #1 Updates from Month 2 onwards. Wispy hair along with ongoing shedding. Month 3 - More hair started sprouting.. Donor area recovering well, but still early to see results Month 4 Update - Donor area recovering well, and more growth started on frontal side. Month 5 Update - Initial hairline forming...but disappointed with some empty patches and the hairline look relative high, especially at temple area. Month 6 - Started maturing....
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