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Everything posted by Maorizio

  1. In the next months you gonna improve in the thickness and maturing of the transplant, new growth it’s very unlikely. Beautiful result so far.
  2. Every surgeon has his price, check results before price. There are a lot of doctors with high price and crappy results.
  3. Cut other luxuries for a year or two. Go to restaurants much less, buy less clothes, video games, jewellery, tattoos. Bottom line: every cosmetic surgery is a luxury just like the other stuff.
  4. Very weak donor, especially on the sides. As stated above, try finasteride or dutasteride to thicken it and maybe regrow something.
  5. Yes finasteride for a year, and I know Doron he’s from HDC, a very good clinic but not a big fan of their work. I can get it done if I want next month at HLC they accept Israelis at Cyprus. But the money difference from HDC, HLC to top surgeons either in Turkey or rest of Europe is minimal. I think I’ll consider HLC, their representative here is a friend of mine, also named Doron lol and their work is much more dense and aggressive which is what I like.
  6. Thanks Melvin, yes I know my case isn’t serious just kind of annoying me the right side is a little higher, some say this irregular hairline makes it more natural. Anyway thanks bro, I’ll wait for some top tier doctors to answer me, I emailed and WhatsApped them, hopefully any of them will answer soon. I am from Israel and I could easily fix it with top doctors in Turkey but as you know it’s not possible these days. When the situation cool down, you think Pekiner or Keser are the top options there?
  7. 35 years old, thick and dense hair. I had a transplant a 1.5 years ago and the result is good with natural appearance but one side left ridiculously uneven in my opinion. On finasteride for a year. Didn't experienced hair loss 5-6 years before fin and transplant but I will continue using just in case. @Melvin- Admin Does Melvin or anyone else can get top tier doctors review my case for quick surgery? @FueGenix I personally prefer Europe only, but Turkey isn’t possible for me right now. My biggest thought is Juan Couto but can’t get them, Munib Ahmad is probably the best magician but how much it will cost for such low amount of grafts?
  8. You’re 6 but as others said the donor seems to be impressive. A top tier surgeon will manage your case perfectly, but do know it won’t be impressive like hair systems.
  9. Don’t listen to such stuff online, you’ll get nocebo effect. Just take it with clean mind.
  10. The problem is also financial, many guys in the world are cheapskate, looking for a 2k-3k transplant.
  11. True, but even in my 20s as I said it wasn’t even aggressive just minor temple recession, but I think I’ll continue with low dose, I am fully densed Norwood 1 now so at least I’ll save it in my 30s.
  12. Yep, the best solution is 5ARIs as of today, without it it’s best to let it go.
  13. Minoxidil will never defeat AGA long term oral or topical, maybe it will win the ridiculous weak ones that lose hair slowly and reaching Norwood 2-3 by the age of 40+ If the AGA is pretty much aggressive then you must use 5ARIs and even then who knows.
  14. It doesn’t matter, you can literally hear people saying that minoxidil didn’t helped in the long run. Meanwhile many success story from 5AR inhibitors. You can give it a try but don’t count on it.
  15. Nope, minoxidil is just a growth stimulant, it just force follicles to grow healthy hair and expand the Anagen phase. minoxidil doesn’t prevent dht damage!!!! In the long run you gonna lose.
  16. There are dht tests, check with your doctor.
  17. It’s all depends on your genetics, the doses of finasteride lower scalp dht from 50% to 70%, no one know which reduction will completely stop his AGA. But a few studies showed scalp dht reduction significantly even with continuous use of ridiculous doses like 0.05mg and 0.1mg
  18. I only started finasteride a year ago after the HT. Looking at my pictures my hair was pretty much the same since 28 to 34 which is a minor temples recession and a slight thinning at the vertex, I think I’ll continue with low dose since my AGA is very weak. thanks.
  19. This stuff is more powerful than people think, even 0.25 every other day will get you close to 1mg daily results. Its all depends on your AGA, I personally use it 1mg EOD but thinking about minimising since I barely lost hair till 35 (Norwood 2.5), I jumped on it cause I scared to lose my HT effect. Don't start without clean mind, you’ll get nocebo effect.
  20. That’s an extremely aggressive AGA, I honestly think it’s best to shave it and grow a beard in your case. Since you try medications maybe give a chance after a year of treatment as said above, the donor might improve.
  21. The only concern is why take medication if there is no problem, I don’t mind losing hair extremely slowly like if in 15 years there will be noticeable area of loss. I just want it to my 30s 😂 It worth mention my dht is below normal even without 5ARi
  22. Cause I’ve been stable for many years, and as you can see my hair loss is extremely mild. I thought in mid 30s the process kind of stop or at least completely stabilised. Does micro dosing fin will work? Like 0.25 ED or EOD? Some told me that for such weak AGA every micro dosing will preserve the hair since there is barely sensitivity. But my question stands still, is there any chance to keep losing hair after years of stability?
  23. Myths!!! Nothing in the world can damage hair follicles, only androgenic alopecia or other hair disorder. You can use blow dryer, dye your hair, wax, gel or whatever, you can only maybe damage the hair not the follicle.
  24. I’ve made a minor transplant at the age of 34 in the temples which created around the age 27-28. Today I am 35, it’s been at least 3-4 years of natural stabilisation, I’ve never took 5ARi until a months after the surgery. Is there any point taking it at my age and my condition? I’ve included photos pre op and today in different lengths.
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