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Everything posted by Samson1

  1. Already looks incredible but this will take you into the god level tier for sure.
  2. Honest question Patronovski, how bad have you found the stress of the first op failing? I can understand your frustration when you think the same thing has happened again and you're in a worse place. Like I said in your other thread, my experience so far with BHR has been brilliant, both from a HT perspective but also any clinic/business. I will say if true that telling you about the 50% survival into non virgin areas just before the surgery is concerning however. That said, it'd be a lot easier for them to not take on any repair patients as it's got to be a far more arduous task from a surgical perspective, and I do respect that they're willing to do that for people who genuinely need their help.
  3. Best of luck pal, Dr Nadimi is a great surgeon and this work looks clean, will follow!
  4. Have you seen @mustang case? Won't be cheap but one to consider down the line if you have decent body hair..
  5. Excellent result here Dr, and as other have said, you really made the grafts go a long way. Restoration of the temple points really add a lot to this result, and are some of the most natural I've ever seen. Do you have any directly post op pics?
  6. Hair looks great bro, thanks for coming back and updating. The asymmetry of the temples do make things look very natural, but do whatever makes you happy! Why is Dr Bisanga not on your list?
  7. Your donor looks in great shape for that many grafts!
  8. Do you reckon yield is similar from all those areas, , assuming the surgeon is very skilled at extractions? Been interesting following your case, i wonder if a dr can extract the entire armpit area to add 1000 grafts to donor?
  9. There's a huge difference in those photos Derek, I know you want more, but this surgery was clearly a success! What's your total graft count now?
  10. Agree, I was originally thinking it could be denser, but actually the naturalness is a work of art. People in the industry would probably struggle to be able to tell.
  11. Not just possible but normal, early growth is great but defo isn't the norm..at 3 months a lot of guys look worse than pre surgery. Don't stress, keep you healthy lifestyle up and check in 2 months from now, where there should be a big difference. Certainly things are moving that way already. Also your donor still looks incredible, at a glance I wouldn't say 8000 left is unrealistic.
  12. Wow can't believe I haven't seen Hugo's case before, that is actually insane😲Maybe Zarev does have magical powers after all?
  13. Christ your donor looks phenomenal shave down with 8k grafts extracted, absolutely nuts! All the best with the outcome of this surgery mate, should be another amazing result. Btw the shaved back and sides with beard combo is badass, you look like you could play a Jarl in Vikings or something😀
  14. Possibly not, but we won't know without pics. If you've had 3500 grafts max, then so long as they didn't butcher your donor, you should be able to cover frontal third with good density.
  15. It's my understanding that meds can help the donor area, particularly when experiencing retrograde alopecia? Just curious why you wouldn't wait for Dr Zarev? I reckon at this stage you need someone who is meticulous about donor preservation to get you through your next transplant.
  16. Ok fine, sounds like meds are working then if shedding has basically stopped. From what I've seen, saying your a late grower is just a way of kicking the can down the road, I'd start consulting elsewhere if I were you. Can you post pics of donor and beard so we can see how many grafts you've got to work with?
  17. I'll be honest with you, it actually looks like zero growth has occurred unfortunately. At month 7, not to make you disappointed but it's extremely unlikely that you're going to see enough improvement to notice a substantial difference. What have the clinic said? Not sure why they've put grafts all over the top of your head like that either, normally surgeons either tackle the front followed by the crown, or do a mega session all over. Are you on meds?
  18. Hair looks phenomenal buddy, as others have said this has been quite the journey! Just reading through your thread has been incredibly informative as well😃 I'd personally wait at least a year and evaluate any options then, I practically look at hairlines for a living and yours does just look like a normal, slightly thinned from early 20s as everyone does head of hair.
  19. A fair enough, a few months from now you won't care at all wither way dude. If anyone gives you grief just say you had a brain tumour removed or something, that should quieten them down (I'm partially joking)!
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