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Everything posted by youngsuccess

  1. Jjarden, Post-operative swelling is a normal and temporary side effect following a hair transplant. Have you been keeping your head stabilized and elevated at a 45 degree angle during sleep? You can apply an ice pack to alleviate some of the pressure, but make sure you avoid touching the recipient site with it. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  2. CMEPCMEP, Welcome to our community. Naturally-occurring follicular units are identified and collected by microscopically dissecting tissue from the excised donor strip during Follicular Unit Transplantation. In FUE, grafts are removed directly from the donor area and multi-haired units may be further divided down after extraction. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  3. Romeono1, Unless a post-operative issue has been brought to the physician's attention, there's really no reason to expect phone calls or emails immediately following the procedure. Some may make the extra effort, but it's ultimately up to the patient to contact the doctor with any questions. Dr. Humayun seemed pretty responsive to Zaz's concerns, in my opinion. This was a patient who had extensive hair loss and received a moderate amount of grafts during his first session. It was clearly communicated that he would require an additional surgery to reach his goals: yes you did state that i would need 5000-6000 grafts to get a decent level (70% - 80%) coverage His last update was at 8.5 months. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  4. Jon, Sounds like a good plan. Hair doesn't always have to be the focal point of personal style, and improving upon one's appearance in other areas can boost confidence and enhance sociability. It doesn't work for everyone, but some people learn to get past their insecurities and move forward. Weight training is a particularly effective coping mechanism for dealing with hair loss because it requires mental discipline and personal commitment. So aside from just looking better, I think there's something honorable about keeping yourself in good shape. Other people will see that in you, too. Making the most out of what you've been given will always help you to maintain a positive outlook on things. Continue to do research at your own pace. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  5. Theo, Welcome to our community. It sounds like you may have previously been experiencing Trichodynia, more commonly known as "Burning Scalp Syndrome". According to this article, evidence suggests that there may be a correlation between the condition and hair loss: It is also noticed that following inflammatory reactions affecting the hair follicle, the hair goes into a telogen phase as a protective mechanism... This results in the burning and painful sensations as inflammation and hair loss progress. The hair loss in burning scalp syndrome is generalized in majority of cases, though it can be localized to the area of inflammation... This is mere speculation on my part; however, if pain persists, I would speak with a dermatologist or hair restoration specialist to determine the exact cause of the discomfort. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  6. omy, I would be careful about combining commonly prescribed post-operative pain medications like Hydrocodone (Vicodin) with over-the-counter sleep aids like Tylenol PM, since both contain acetaminophen. Something like "Simply Sleep" just has diphenhydramine. Never hurts to check with your doctor, though. The following excerpt was taken from Bernstein Medical's Post-op Instructions: The most important medication to use when trying to sleep is the pain medication; be certain that the pain is under control before using any additional sleeping medication, as the additional pill will often not be necessary. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  7. WyoChris, Minoxidil-induced shedding is usually an early indication that you're responding well to treatment; it essentially stimulates a new growth cycle. Your hair should return to its original state (possibly even fuller) in a few months. Best, Anthony
  8. Littlewolf, Although the hairs appear quite wispy, I think your progress is a bit more evident in the update to your patient website: 6 Months. I can understand why you're anxious at this point. However, at only 6 months out, you still have a long way to go in terms of additional growth and maturation. It's possible you are more of a late bloomer. Have you discussed your concerns with Dr. Mohmand? Best, Anthony
  9. Sneaky, Jotronic from Hasson and Wong uploaded an easy-to-follow video demonstration on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOQX_WyLosA. There are a number of related videos that also may help. The date of your procedure is fast approaching, so the sooner you start, the better. Edit: Fingers Crossed beat me to it. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  10. Labrat, There's no reason to arrogantly imply that you're perceived as some kind of threat here. Cautious, conservative planning is not a new concept. Other members and HTN-affiliated physicians have been making similar arguments since the site's inception, which is probably why your posts haven't garnered the attention you expect. Most of the doctors who participate on the forum probably haven't even seen your comments to begin with. There's no reason challenge your views because they're completely conventional and widely accepted. I don't understand. Do you want people to disagree with you? Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  11. SharpTooth, Hairs taken from the donor area will normally retain their original pigment after transplantation. Many will grow in thin and colorless; others can initially appear coarse and wiry. The hairs will simultaneously thicken and soften during the maturation process, an extremely subtle change that's difficult to appreciate if you've been monitoring your progress on a daily basis. I'm glad you're excited about the early sprouting. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  12. Telepinu, Aggressive shampooing really won't cause long-term hair loss; however, being too rough might disturb the regular cycle of your hair by causing premature breakage. If you're losing on top, snapping off healthy hairs could exacerbate the appearance of thinning. Using a blow dryer after showering is fine provided it's on a low-medium setting and your hair has been lightly towel-dried. A hot setting, especially on wet hair is not advisable. Again, this won't result in permanent hair loss, but you're going to want to keep what you have in the best condition possible since miniaturized hairs will be going down the drain as well (and not always returning). Even in non-balding men and women, gentle hair washing is still beneficial. Dead skin cells that accumulate on your scalp can turn into dandruff if you're not using enough pressure, though. But in general, washing your hair shouldn't be something to worry about or dwell on too much. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  13. Labrat, As a prospective patient, you're certainly entitled to inquire about the technicians' level of experience before scheduling a procedure. That's one way to find out. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  14. FinHairLoss, I think most regular posters are already familiar with the prospect of hair cloning and its future implications on the transplant industry. You might want to edit the thread title to include more specific/relevant information related to the article. General-sounding topics might not garner as much attention. Anthony (youngsuccess)
  15. Dr. Nakatsui, This looks like it's shaping up to be a very nice result for a moderate amount of grafts at only 7 months out. Including post-operative pictures might better help to illustrate the patient's progress so far, but I can see definitely see why he's happy at this relatively early stage. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  16. Ultimate, To help answer your first question, I'm including an excerpt from Rogaine as a Hair Loss Treatment: Rogaine and Hair Transplants Some hair restoration physicians have come to consider Rogaine to be instrumental right after surgery. This is especially true when grafts have been placed in and around existing hair. The shock of surgery can result in temporary hair loss. Rogaine is thought to possibly help prevent this temporary loss of healthy preexisting hair. The 5% solution has been found to be more effective for men and women. However, some physicians believe that the medication should be stopped a week or two before surgery. They feel that Rogaine may increase bleeding, while dilating blood vessels. Here's another article on the subject: Why Do I have to Stop Taking Rogaine Before Hair Transplant Surgery? I would contact Dr. Pathomvanich's office with any questions about this. Minoxidil can induce an initial shedding phase, which is usually an indication of a positive response to the medication. Using Propecia in conjunction with Rogaine is said to have a synergistic effect that could promote new hair growth, but many people consider them maintenance drugs that primarily stop/slow down loss. And like Propecia, you must remain committed to using minoxidil in order to maintain any benefits. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  17. Guys, I think balding men definitely start to recognize the double standard that applies when openly mocking hair loss sufferers (a condition largely out of their control) seems socially acceptable, but publicly poking fun at people with weight issues (which arguably can be corrected with diet and exercise) is a big "no no". But since this is an "emotional support" sub-forum for people who know what it's like dealing with a sometimes debilitating insecurity, I think it's important to remain tactful and not target others who may have different self-image issues. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  18. Johnboy, Watery seminal fluid is a known side effect of finasteride; however, other factors such as the frequency of ejaculation can also influence this. And stickiness is normal in this department, don't you think? It's obviously a good idea to continue monitoring your sexual health. Just don't spend too much time analyzing the consistency of your semen. A lot of users are more comfortable taking 1.25 mg every other day, so I'd say it's worth a shot. Keep us posted. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  19. BMS, A series of video interviews with Dr. Arocha was recently featured on the Q & A Blog: Hair Transplant Videos Interviewing Coalition Physician Dr. Bernardino Arocha. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  20. Big Jack, From what I've read, Acne along the hairline can appear due to fatty acids and sebum that are naturally produced in the scalp; I don't know that there's any correlation between this and hairline recession. The condition is not uncommon in non-balding men/women, and shampoos designed to treat oily hair can help. The other connection might simply be that you're inspecting the hairline a lot with your fingers: touching it, pushing it back to measure the recession, etc. I'd imagine all guys start to do this once they begin losing. Dirt and oils can accumulate inside a hat if you've been regularly wearing one, too. Neither of these behaviors will cause hair loss though, just possibly accompany it. This is all speculation on my part, so speaking with a dermatologist is probably the way to go. Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  21. Preston, "Premature" means too early, or before the appropriate time. In retrospect, jumping into my first surgery was a poor judgment call. You can read about my experiences in my patient website, if you're interested. I wouldn't even begin to consider Propecia until a specialist has confirmed that you're suffering from Male Pattern Baldness. The drug is usually not recommended for those under the age of 18. Your hair looks good, so in the meantime try not to worry too much and enjoy it. Best of luck, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  22. Caggy, Some patients will continue to use concealers or even custom-made hairpieces in conjunction with a transplant. Ultimately, it's all relative. Having the option to obscure any thinning areas with your own hair in a cosmetically acceptable fashion (non-comb over) would be considered a true luxury to some; others might rely on concealers to disguise the tiniest bald patch. If you're pretty comfortable with your current appearance but would eventually like more styling options, I would continue to do research at your own pace. Maybe look through similar patients' before/after photos and consider whether or not you'd be satisfied with the kinds of results achieved. You might be able to come across a case nearly identical to your own. Hair Transplant Pictures and Photos: By Norwood Class 4a Best, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  23. Peter, Happy belated birthday. Vikky Jain, I have no idea what that post even means. Please respond to the private message I sent regarding signature rules and some of your other comments. Thanks, Anthony (youngsuccess)
  24. T2DS, Dosage regimen will vary from patient to patient and can be adjusted. Some guys take it daily; others might choose to try it every other day, or 2 times a week in certain cases. What does your doctor recommend? You might want to give this a read: Taking Propecia for Hair Loss Every Other Day? Personally, I follow the conventional dosage recommendation for Propecia 1mg daily. Best, Anthony
  25. sidhu, I sent you a private message about this issue, but since you responded here, you may put the link back in the opening post. However, outside links are forbidden in thread titles and forum signatures, so please do not include it in the name of the topic again. Just so you're aware. Thanks, Anthony (youngsuccess)
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