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Everything posted by Cooper48

  1. I've only included the more close up intrusive photos so I thought I would add a comparison with my hair dry and hand combed. Big difference from before and, in general, I can go out like this an no one would notice. With a little work I could also cover up the weaker side. I'm definitely feeling good about my decision to go to Dr Laorwong. Thanks again everyone for the help with that!
  2. Thanks. Yes, since I had a lot of shock loss it is a relief. Thanks to this website and all the people that have shared their stories I wasn't too worried but you still can't help but think about it.
  3. Here are my 4 months pics. These were taken with slightly wet hair. Same light and place as all my other pics. Right side has not grown in as much as the left but I can feel more stubble coming in. I can also feel more stubble on the crown. The donor and other shockloss areas have almost completely bounced back. After I wash my hair and let it dry you can barely tell my crown is thinning. I'm really surprised by how fast that area is filling in. I'm pleased with the result so far.
  4. Yeah, I don't think there is anything a doctor can do. I will just have to wait and see if ti goes away. Thanks for all the input.
  5. Hi All, Ive Teslas a few stories about numbness but most people don’t mention it. Just curious if you have numbness after 4 months? I'm currently at 4 months and the entire recipient area is numb. Still feels like I have a helmet on.
  6. Anyone try this Shampoo? Ingredients, including Capixyl, Ginseng, Biotin and Green Tea.
  7. Looks great! You must be happy to see such good result. Many more months to get even better. Congrats!
  8. Looks great. Definitely filled out over the last month. I think that wavy hair helps a lot with density. You have to love seeing a good outcome in the mirror. Once you you get the crown no one will ever know you were losing your hair. Happy growing!
  9. It seems like they should have come off by now. I used shaving cream. It was recommended because it is ultra foamy. Worked well for me. Had to work it in and rinse it our 3-4 times during each shower.
  10. You made it past the hardest months! You should really start to notice things this month. Your donor is starting to fill back in nicely. Happy growing!
  11. This seems to be a very common thing. I'm a few weeks ahead of you and one side is better than the other at this point. I wouldn't worry about it right now. Lots of growth to come!
  12. I started using their topical min/fin about 30 days ago. I’m at 3.5 months post fue so the last month has been good for growth. Can’t say it was the topical but it didn’t have any negative effects. The positive is I am starting to notice the side effects from the oral fin diminish. My libido seems to be returning. Yay! I was down to .25 4 times a week and I was still getting the sides so this change has been very positive for me. Hope the topical helps with may hair too.
  13. Seems like the crown is coming as well. Seems pretty good for 3.5 months.
  14. I agree with @streethawk. Growth seems to be very individual and in most cases it all turns out good by the 12 month mark. Definitely give it some more time.
  15. I'm a little past 3.5 months and thought I would share a pic. 3 months was the worst but the growing seems to be picking up quite a bit. Pretty good change from 3 months.
  16. Interesting theory about sleeping. I am a side sleeper but not aware if I have a dominant side. I move a lot while sleeping. Maybe it is my left. The good news is that this hair seems to be coming back. Just started to notice over the last week. I cut my own hair just to hack it back a little. It actually made things look better. it’s how I noticed the donor coming back. I think I was at the lowest at where you are now. Just a few weeks ago. The last few weeks have made all the difference. Hair has really started to sprout and it blends in a lot better with my other hair. Even the crown has started to fill in. Hang in there. Big changes should be coming very soon!
  17. You made it past the hardest part. Looks like you are starting to fill in. I'm a few weeks ahead and have been seeing some good growth. Exciting times! My head is still pretty numb too. I think it is getting a little better but I have been surprised with how long it is lasting. That doesn't seem that common based on everything I have read in this forum. Happy growing!
  18. Same for me. Dr. L didi most of the work but at the end the techs completed the implants in the crown. The process with deposit was how it worked for me as well.
  19. Hi @dinothet. I can only make a recommendation based on experience and partial result because I am only 3.5 months out. At this point though, I am completely satisfied with the experience. Dr. Laorwong and staff were excellent to work with. Dr. L takes his time to evaluate and does most of the work himself. The follow-up care is really nice and I think the included PRP helps speed up the growth. In terms of results, I cannot fully evaluate. I am seeing significant growth this month and have started to recover from the shock loss so I am thrilled with where I am at at this point in the process. I can already style my hair in a way that you wouldn't have any idea that I have had a transplant and my hair looks so much better! Based on looking at all the reviews and before and after photos from dozens of cases and my own experience, I think Dr Laorwong provides a level of skill that gives any patient the odds of having a great outcome as any top level Dr. I do believe there is always a risk of things not working out (personal reactions to the process such as infections) but Dr. L knows what he is doing so the chance of it being a dr problem is relatively low here. Hope this helps.
  20. That's a big difference and you have lots of time for it to fill in. I think it looks really good for having your hair so short. This seems to be hard to pull of with most transplants.
  21. Definitely starting to thicken. The next few months should be really fun. Thanks for the updates.
  22. There seems to be quite a bit of improvement and at 6 months you have a lot of time for this to fill in more. Should be a really good outcome.
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