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Everything posted by Cooper48

  1. I had a lot of shock loss in the donor and on top just outside the transplant zone. It took a good 4 months to recover. Although it is hard, you just have to be patient and not worry. You have a few more months of ugly duckling. Good luck!
  2. I think the result looks good and am assuming the patient is very happy based on the before photos. Total density isn't like non transplanted areas but this is all about illusion and I think they accomplished that.
  3. Wow, filled in a lot more over the last month. Looking great!
  4. Here is a picture of my crown towel dried after a shower so it is a little wet. When dry it looks a little better. It looks a little thin in harsh light but overall not that bad for 5 months. What do you think?
  5. Thanks! Thanks! I'll post a crown pic shortly. Thanks! My hair does help with the illusion of density. While i want more denisty, I don't think anyone could tell I had a transplant. Even when I wake up or take my hat off it looks good enough.
  6. Just made it to the 5 month mark. Here are a few pics. I used a little tribal chip powder (great stuff) to style. I'll try to post some close up more harsh pics soon. I'm still hoping for more density but I am very happy with where I am at for 5 months.
  7. That's a huge difference from month 3. Filling in very nice! Lots of months to keep getting better. Your result should be great!
  8. Looks like you are right on track. Should start to fill in nicely now.
  9. Looks like you are right on track. This will be great a great result. Settle in and enjoy the growth!
  10. You have had a lot of growth over the last month! Definitely filling in nicely and you can barely tell your donor was touched. I'll bet a non transplant person would notice even with it that short. Good to see that growth kick in. This is the fun part. Enjoy!
  11. From my understanding, hair transplants can't really be as thick as normal native hair. Its an illusion of density that works pretty well. Wait for it to grow in and then evaluate. No need to get concerned yet. There are tons of great results here so chances are it will look good. Pictures would also help.
  12. Right on track. Growth should really start to pick up.
  13. It looks like mine did at 6-8 weeks. Shock loss is real. It looks worse when the hair is medium length because it highlights the weak spots. You need to wait 4-6 months for the hair to start growing again.
  14. What a tremendous amount of growth in 2 months. Looking great! Congrats!
  15. I felt comfortable going out a few weeks after the procedure with a hat on. It took me about 3.5 months before I could style my hair in a way that I felt comfortable out without a hat.
  16. Looking great! You must be thrilled! You even have more growth to come. Congrats!
  17. I think of it simply. At 8 weeks your grafts are normal functioning hair follicles. They are just in the telogen phase. If what you do would affect your hair before transplant it probably will affect the hair that has been placed in a different position on your head. Chances are you have had a few nights out before the transplant and had no impact on your hair. Obviously heavy regular drinking would wreak havoc on your body's nutrients, minerals, etc. and you could expect all of your hair to become brittle, etc.
  18. Fantastic! Look at that full head of hair! Thanks for sharing your journey and knowledge with the rest of us.
  19. Thanks @A_4_Archan! I'm more just curious at this point how many people experience this and not too worried. I 'll ask Dr. Laorwong in a couple months if I don't get any improvement.
  20. Thanks! I'm only at 4 months so I am supper excited for the growth the come!
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