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Everything posted by hairthere

  1. "Imo even the BEST SMP doesn't look natural or that good." Really? I'd argue it looks very natural if done properly and far more natural than a shaved HT. SMP makes a massive difference in the way a person looks. I've seen it shave years off of someone's appearance. Having a hairline to frame the face is the reason why. I also think it looks far more natural than most hair transplants when they are shaved down. Here are some examples:
  2. I highly recommend looking into the PicoSure laser. It is designed to remove black/dark pigments and supposedly can do so in 1/2 the sessions the NDYag can. Like I said, I witnessed it in action.
  3. I don't see why a qualified laser tech can't remove this. Light skin and dark pigment is usually the best case scenario for a successful treatment. There's a place called Clean Slate Laser (they have 3 locations in New York area) and I've watched them remove SMP. The laser (a Picosure I believe) looked like a vacuum sucking up the diffuse pigmentation and leaving just a few of the darker deposits behind (probably because they were deeper in the dermis). The laser works by breaking the pigments particles up so they are small enough to be expelled by your body. Sorry to see you are going through this and I hope you can get it remedied.
  4. Thanks Lenney! It is amazing what a simple hairline can do to change a guy's appearance.
  5. Hi Alll! Here are recent samples of our work. Please feel free to contact us via phone/text 201-482-4529 or email info@aheadink.com to schedule a FREE consultation.
  6. Here's a recent client I worked on who had what he considered a failed transplant. I work on several clients like this a month, both strip and FUE, who did not get appropriate density due to lack of grafts. I've also seen several clients who try putting grafts into the scar. Some get excellent yield, others not so much. It's a bit of a crap shoot and I think most surgeons will be up front about this. I agree that there's nothing like actual hair, though and definitely worth considering it for scar repair before doing SMP. Regarding
  7. This client had a poor result from a hair transplant that left him with a thin donor zone and a strip scar on half of his head. He came to Ahead Ink for scalp micropigmentation to give proper density and conceal the scar. We also gave him a more natural looking hairline and a more pronounced forelock. He is pictured after 2 sessions and will return in 4 weeks for a final session. Thanks for looking and Happy Holidays!!!!
  8. I see tons of cases like yours at my clinic. I think a buzz all around at 1 guard could possibly work but I would recommend starting out shaving it down with a zero guard for the procedure and then playing around with the length and seeing what looks best.
  9. Thanks Farsan! There is no issue working between existing hairs-- I do it all the time. The needle I use is only set to go .5mm or the upper dermis so there's no risk of damaging the follicles. If you'd life a specific quote please send me pictures to info@aheadink.com Good growing to you!
  10. Hey Sean, Thanks for the nice words! To answer your question, we do 2 sessions on consecutive days and the third between 3-6 weeks later.
  11. Hi Markee, The cost for this Shaved Look client was $2,500 USD. That includes three sessions and an aftercare kit. We're seeing most clients go on average 1.5 to 2 years before coming in for a touchup. Some can certainly go longer. I would say it takes about 3-4 years before the pigment fades to being completely gone. Touchups average about $500.
  12. Hi transhair, I now own a web site called SMP Clinics. It is a hub for all Beauty Medical clinics and technicians and clients. We will soon be updating the list of all Beauty Medical-trained clinics worldwide. You can also contact Beauty Med and see if they've trained anyone new in Australia in the meantime.
  13. Thanks so much True! It is amazing what a huge transformation these clients go through simply by shaving their heads and having some SMP done. It's subtle but very impactful.
  14. It could also be a lipoma (benign fatty tissue/tumor). I would go to your MD and have it checked asap.
  15. I would dissuade you from using a blade on the SMP. The pigment is deposited in the upper dermis which is a superficial injection so constantly dragging a razor across it can increase exfoliation and accelerate fading. If you want that super-close, skin-tight shave, look into a foil razor (not the 3 headed type). Andis makes a good one Andis 17150 Profoil Lithium you can get for about $50 on Amazon.
  16. Looking good Bill! That's about how I've been wearing my hair actually. I also had my first HT around 2005. Man time does fly!
  17. Presenting a male client with NW6 pattern. He is pictured immediately after 2 passes and will return in 4 weeks for a third pass. Thanks for looking! Email us at info@aheadink.com or call 201-482-4529 for a FREE consultation
  18. It's definitely a hair fiber product like Toppik. I've seen guys pull off some amazing feats with that stuff. Like, create a full head of hair on a slick baldie. The dusty/matte appearance gives it away. Jon Tapper on the show Bar Rescue does something similar, as did Jon Cryer (who looks 100% better now that he shaved it all off).
  19. My guess is that he already had a strip procedure and wasn't pleased with the growth so he opted for FUE/BHT. I also believe that since it was FUE--and especially BHT--he will continue to grow some, and the hair can take up to 18 months to finish maturing. Since being in the SMP business I've seen lots of clients come in who used this approach. I think it works well for guys who are doing a shaved or buzz look. And the SMP allows them to have an even fuller, denser look.
  20. If your SMP was done properly you should be fine as it's designed to look like a shaved head/stubble. We treat plenty of military men (already in the service) as well as police officers and they have no issue.
  21. This 20-something client was concerned his coworkers would be able to tell he had a Scalp Micropigmentation procedure done. Following 3 sessions of true temporary SMP, the client tells us people asked, "How are you growing your hair back?" and/or "Why don't you grow your hair out?" Check out the high-def close-up picture to see the real deal....Thanks for looking!
  22. Thanks Mark! As a long-time hair transplant consumer and patient advocate, I learned that transparency is key to a long, successful career in this industry/field. This came from, among other things, watching how the top doctors conduct themselves. So, the Beauty Medical product is designed to not just fade, but disappear 100% from your system. It usually takes about 3 years for it to be completely gone (not a trace left) unless it is injected deeper than the recommended .5mm (upper dermis). Therefore , touchups are replacing pigment that is gone, not faded. From your experience do you find that the 5-7 year products disappear completely or simply fade? As far as training, I agree there are too many clinics offering this and not doing it properly. There are also clinics who have no business performing SMP and they are training others. And from what I hear we are about to be flooded with new technicians by a certain PMU company that is entering the SMP market. Sadly, I'm sure we will all see a lot of botch jobs.
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