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Everything posted by hairthere

  1. It says on this doc's site that he charges $2/graft. that is extremely cheap. i have found from personal experience that in ht surgery you get what you pay for. now, this may not be the case with dr. ochs, but i would rather pay premium and know for sure i am getting premium work. you do not want to gamble and go cheap on ht surgery. i would start making my list by looking at docs on the coalition list here as well as docs that are building a strong patient base and consistently posting quality results.
  2. When you hair starts thinning it appears smalled in diameter (miniaturized).
  3. they can tell you if the hair has minitaurized by looking at it, but there's really no way of testing it to see if it's genetically determined to fall out.
  4. mikey, if your dad is a nw7 then yes, you have a pretty good shot at being the same. you really do need to plan carefully. and you will need a ton of grafts to achieve decent coverage as well as density. if i were in your shoes i would definitely talk to h&w who seem to consistently do BIG sessions.
  5. lms, as far as i can tell mikey hasn't had any procedure yet and he's nearly slick bald....
  6. mikey, judging by your pics your nw level is pretty much established and it does not look like it will go too much lower. i'm guessing you are about a nw 5/6. you could go to a 7 but right now your back and sides look strong. i wouldn't be too concerned about it. i'd worry more about your strategy as far as graft placement. whether you will concentrate on doing the front first or spreading the grafts all around. also, keep in mind that with your level of loss, you will likely want at least 2 surgeries to be content and that can be quite costly. just make sure you have a solid gameplan in place when/if you choose a surgeon and that he understands your expectations..
  7. yes, having good credit will help lower the apr. i suggest telling them what you are looking for. sometimes they will work with you. good luck.
  8. http://www.capitalonehealthcarefinance.com/cosmetic/ also checkout carecredit.com they specialize in health care loans as well.
  9. i took a capital one cosmetic surgery loan at 0% ineterest for 18 months. if you have good credit you should be able to negotiate the terms you want.
  10. i was told that the grafts are fully secure after 8 days. post surgery your doc will provide you with explicit instructions which you should follow as closely as possible.
  11. hearing about your brother i think everyone will tell you a ht is a mistake right now. you could make things far worse. unfortunately the only med known to work is propecia. anything else is a waste of time and money, imo. i suggest growing your hair a little longer and maybe trying some different styling option. try some styling products too. you'd be surprised at how a hip hair style can make you worry less about some minor thinning up front. best of luck
  12. I took a loan from capital one (they have a cosmetic surgery line). it was at 0 percent interest for 18 months and i just made sure it was paid off in full before the offer expired. regarding hiding it, that's gonna be very difficult, especially if you are transplanting a hairline without a hat or native hair to cover it. i'd suggest you come clean with people at work. if your hairloss is as progressive as you say it is then people will understand you wanting to fix it. just expect some ribbing and then get over it. regarding your age, imo, age is irrelevant if your hairloss is progressive. your top doc pics are all excellent and were the very top of my list too. best of luck!
  13. do you watch any porn? if not start doing so. you might need to just surround yourself with sexual energy/images/thoughts. if your gal is cool with it then view together. oh, i also agree with youngsuccess--it could be the meds.
  14. msm is a sulfur supplement known to help with joint health among other things. it may speed hair growth but there's no concrete evidence it does so. also, if it does help speed growth it will only effect the native hair, not the tranplanted hair. you can get it through any vitamin shop over the counter.
  15. The only exercise i did after the first month was light jogging. by the second month i was back into my regular routine except instead of using freeweights i used the machines and did lots of cable work.
  16. i regret my first ht. i basically consulted two clinics: MHR and Joseph Karamikian. I went with karamikian because he had a more personal touch, was less sales oriented than mhr, and was more cost effective. i had the right idea in avoiding a hair mill, but unfortunately chose a terrible doctor. i found ths site and hlh after realizing the work i had done was poor and learned of top docs like feller who luckily corrected the poor first ht work.
  17. My top 4 were identical to wantego: feller, rahal, h&w. the reason i considered these docs was tons of positive online documentation. i then narrowed it down by doing consults (online and in person) and seeing patients in person when it was an option. i would currently add shapiro and alexander to my list.
  18. those little white flecs of skin are totally normal. make sure you follow your doc's post-op intructions carefully. if you aren't sure of something you should call him. you paid enough for the surgery to get some post-op questions in.
  19. i had a bad ht experience the first go round. so i did plenty of research, learned a ton, thanks to this site, and am very happy with my 2nd ht. i would never equate laser therapy with an ht. you can see by looking at results on this site there are tons of happy ht patients with the results to prove it. i can't say the same for laser results.
  20. Firstly, cancel your surgery and do more research. If you haven't spoken to and/or seen patients of hers in person then it's not wise to move forward. Secondly, there was a patient on here recently who had crown surgery with her and most of the forum members agreed that the work looked terrible and outdated. here is the link: http://hair-restoration-info.c...6060861/m/8411090843 I also think she may have been dropped from the coalition (perhaps Bill can confirm this).
  21. I just don't get why anyone would consider ANY chain place when you can go to a top doctor i.e., feller, h&w, shapiro for less money (including travel fees), personalized service and an almost guaranteed excellent result. but to answer your question, yes, they are equally as risky. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!
  22. The bottom line is that Bosley is overpriced and you are taking a gamble with them.
  23. this week will officially be the 1 year mark for me, and i'm in the same boat thana. overall i'm very happy i went the ht route, but the area directly behind the hairline does concern me as it is thinning. i do apply some dermatch to it which i would rather not have to do. i'm going to go see dr. feller sometime soon to discuss if it's possible to do a postage stamp fue as i'm nowhere near ready for another strip (monetarily, physically, etc.). at my last visit the doc said i had about another 2500-3k grafts left. i do agree with your sentiment that i'd rather my balding just reach it's max so i can strip out and be done with it. i also know i'm way overdue with posting some pics. i'll try and get them done soon.
  24. botched, dr. feller fue'd some of the oddly placed mini grafts from my temples done by karamikian and replanted them into my hairline. i'd definitely recommend calling some surgeons to set-up consults. best of luck to you.
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