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Everything posted by hairthere

  1. My experience was i called dr. f up, made an appointment and had the surgery. no big deal.
  2. Bill, i contacted their rep and asked him to post some pics on this site.
  3. pgp, they have been posting a lot of their results on hlh for quite some time now and i've been very impressed too. i also think they do a great job of documenting. i'll shout out to their the rep and ask him to start posting on this forum as well.
  4. yes, i used to cut it into 8th when i took it. a bit of a challenge, but my doc told me it was ok if the pieces were a bit uneven. you can purchase a pill cutter at most drug stores.
  5. as has already been stated, hair straightners are not the cause of permanent balding. it's from dht and is programmed in your genes. the chemicals may have damaged the hair shaft but it will grow back.
  6. I understand you being bothered by your hairloss, but at this point i'd say you're not a good candidate for ht surgery. no one else notices your hairloss because at this stage it's just not that bad. i would say you're more like a nw1. leave it alone.
  7. If you can, post some pics. You will get better/more accurate responses from members of this forum as to what a doctor might recommend. also, follow the advice you were given and only consult with the best doctors. you do not want to crapshoot with an HT. starting with the coalition docs is a good piece of advice. if you are in the midwest then i agree that shapiro would be an excellent choice.
  8. benedict, i understand what you're saying about the hair being frizzy, but my hair has taken on the definite characteristics of the hairline, which is corkscrew curly, whereas the back just has some wave. so i agree with dr. gabel: there are no definitives with donor hairs-they vary from patient to patient. i do agree (optimistically) about the tranpsplanted donor being impervious to dht.
  9. celebvet, I've actually heard the exact opposite regarding bht. my hair is curly in the front, wavy in the back. my donor hair took on the curly characteristics when transplanted to the hairline.
  10. that's pretty darned good mickey. who did your surgery? btw, i have always been able to do a #2/3 no problem...
  11. imo, dr. feller and dr. alexander do a pretty good job of documenting cases.
  12. combat, 600-1000 grafts is actually a fairly conservative number in this day and age. not saying you should get more than that, as i haven't even seen your pictures. but i would think most ht sessions are averaging higher graft counts, especially for strip cases.
  13. Dr. Lindsey, I agree, you should pay before the surgery, just not a month in advance.
  14. ben, i don't think there's any law prohibiting a business from requiring payment in full. as a musician i have done it before because club owners can sometimes be shady. but i agree that paying upwards of $10k edit: a month in advance for cosmetic surgery is not prudent.
  15. feller, bernstein, true and dorin are, imo, the only safe bets in new york. from my experience bernstein's approach was far more conservative than feller was so i ultimately decided to go with feller. never consulted with t&d but i have been seeing some decent results from them recently. good luck!
  16. If you're in new york you have one of the best right here: dr. feller. other top u.s. surgeons include alexander and shapiro. i have also liked the look of results from keene, gabel and lindsey.
  17. dr. feller (in a recent post) mentions how utterly critical it is to use the correct hairstyle for an ht to succeed. celebvet, maybe you've stumbled across a new career path--a stylist who works exclusively with ht patients and their doctors!
  18. as you know h&w are excellent surgeons. i'd give them the benefit of the doubt and wait to get an explanation. i'm sure they'l compensate you for your troubles should you have surgery with them.
  19. I'd say $3.50 for 1500 is a bit below average price. who is the doctor? oh and STAY AWAY FROM BOSLEY!!!!
  20. unfortunately a lot of guys have been guinea pigs for armani's megasession fue procedure. sorry to hear you were one of them. i had dr. feller do repair work for me and i'm very happy. i would also suggest h&w, rahal, shapiro, alexander (to name a few). best of luck to you...
  21. sorry, i just don't get why a doc would require you to pay in full upfront. what if something happens to the doctor? how are you then to recoup your money?
  22. repo, do you plan to address the mid/crown area with another ht? did dr. feller tell you how many grafts you have left? i think a second procedure could help give some extra density up front and fill in the back a bit. this might give you more styling options.
  23. Pay in full one month prior? No that's not normal and it would prevent me from having surgery....most docs make you pay part up front. dr. feller had me pay $1000 though i think he now requires $2k.
  24. Unfortunately you signed a waiver form which basically guarantees you nothing. the most they will likely offer you is free surgery which i would suggest you turn down. you have precious few donor grafts. do not waste any more of them.
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