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Rafael Manelli

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Everything posted by Rafael Manelli

  1. It's definitely not a result I'd be satisfied with, but I think some photos are more flattering than others. It wasn't so bad that it couldn't be fixed and it seemed to grow with decent yield. Certainly much better now. Great username by the way.
  2. The original transplant wasn’t all that bad actually. But Dr Ahmad’s work is a cut above. Just superior quality, higher density, more natural all round.
  3. Finasteride has a short half life so this makes no sense to me. dutasteride has a much longer half life.
  4. You cut it up because it's bigger It's okay and people have been doing it for decades
  5. I don't think their problem is just minigrafts. Some doctors eg Dr Beehner I believe still use them in some cases. The problem is broader than that with these guys. Multi blade scalpels, lack of microscope usage, poor yield...
  6. I think your problems are more to do with Dr Holt being shoddy than FUT as a method
  7. It lasts as long as it would last in the back, so you don’t lose anything by moving it
  8. You do need some length if you get a strip You should expect to wear it at least a centimeter at the back
  9. You mean the clinic decided for you? Why?
  10. In the uk there is also Dr Ball of the Maitland Clinic. Does Fue and fuss. Feriduni and Lupanzula both excellent.
  11. “It’s just a meme” could apply to a lot of gimmicky hair transplant doc reputations
  12. It saves time and supposedly gives better density. You can be the judge of that.
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