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Everything posted by bigmistake

  1. They used just 2000 scalp grafts. In some cases only 2000 grafts are used in the hairline.
  2. I'm sure the clinic has your pre and post donor pictures. It would be really helpful to me if those could be posted. It would be really helpful in choosing a repair clinic.
  3. Can you please post some before and after photos of your donor area ?
  4. It looks natural, if that was the goal of the surgery then it is a win. You definitely look better after transplant. What are your thoughts on the results as well. I'm also in need of a repair with limited donor. I like your results. May I know who was your doctor and what was your package?
  5. Its not dense but it looks natural. If this was the goal, then it is a win. Edit: Personally I feel you look good, I am in need of a repair as well, and a result like yours would be an improvement for me. With that being said, are you happy with these results? Do they meet the objectives set before the hair transplant. Do you mind sharing who was your doctor and what was your package ?
  6. Can you please further talk about why you despise JT ? I find some of his YouTube videos to be very informative on speaking to him, he is always forthright. I am in need of repair, any information shared would be appreciated and may guide my repair procedure. You can DM if you don't want to discuss this publicly.
  7. @DrTBarghouthi Can the patient grown the transplant hair long and slick them back to cover his midscalp and crown. Something like this: https://coolmenshair.com/wp-content/uploads/balding-long-hair-1.jpg https://www.indiatimes.com/amp/health/tips-tricks/hiding-that-bald-patch-with-a-man-bun-well-you-could-be-risking-losing-more-hair-321769.html
  8. @DeltaVare you on finasteride ? Can you please name the doctors who rejected you as patient ?
  9. @DrTBarghouthican verteporfin be used an adjunct to finastride to stabilize hair loss ? If Verteporfin can regrow shouldn't it help to stop hair fall ?
  10. To be honest, your first hair transplant although not ideal is not bad. Yes the hairline is low, and yes there are gaps behind the hairline. The hairline should have been higher, but this does not look bad. At least in the pictures the hairline height does not look too bad. If you do not loose more hair then all should be well. Also if you do consider another surgery then do ask the doctor why FUE over FUT as FUT will enable a doctor to harvest more grafts from the donor area.
  11. 1) Can a hair piece be made so that it looks age appropriate as the patient ages. 2) If the patient does not wear a hair piece, will this hairline look unnatural or do people go bald behind the hairline as well ?
  12. Hi @DrTBarghouthi Firstly, I really like the work you are doing with Verteporfin. In this particular case was the height of the hairline from the glabella after the surgery, because in the photos you have marked 9 cm on the upper line. Was the hairline removed and moved to a higher position ?
  13. Hey Gatsby, thank you for making such detailed posts. I am 29 years old a Norwood 6 and in need of repair. What are your thought on FUT Vs Fue, there is a doctor who posts on youtube and says that for second surgery, specially repair only FUT is advisable as FUE may completely devastate the donor area.
  14. The beard hair look wiry and unruly doesn't it bother you ? Do you have to apply hair gel or pomade to make them lay flat ? I'm asking because I may need a repair as well and may require beard hair. Are you also on finasteride ?
  15. @DrTBarghouthiif verteporfin can regrow hair, then can it be used as a treatment to keep existing hair, maybe as a substitute for finastride.
  16. How do you feel about it now ? You were concerned with gaps at the back of the hairline ?
  17. Stewie, thanks for posting this. My recipient and donor condition is similar to yours. I am also considering Eugenix for a repair and will be following your journey closely. By posting your experience you are really helping others in making their decisions. Hope to see monthly updates from you.
  18. Can you please share the height of your hairline from the glabella ? Your hairline seems very high from your photos maybe 8 cm, if it is so high then the clinic can implant single hair for 1 cm, this will give your hairline a natural look. However your beard is not dense enough, and your donor looks good due to finasteride. Was your donor thin before finastride ? Are you sure you are not having sides from finastride, i am also taking finastride, the only side effects I have had is a lack of morning wood.
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