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Everything posted by bigmistake

  1. I feel Dr Bloxham is waiting for 12 months as it takes 12 months for scars to mature. So right move in my opinion. Just three more months.
  2. @DrTBarghouthi thank you for considering doing a fue scar revision. I think it is the best step forward as no one will be able to say that there is transection or play of light. Where there is FUE scar there is no hair, so excising the scar and injecting verteporfin would be a really efficient test.
  3. I've used it, its not very effective. .25% gel is slightly better.
  4. Which doctor is going to be willing to do this. More importantly which doctor will not botch this up ? If your going to do FUE in donor scars then might as well get body hair into FUE scars or SMP if it won't fade from scars.
  5. Scarring depends from person to person and skill of the clinic. In this example, there is no visible scarring: And if you look up Mr Rolandas Microneedling on YouTube, you will see that his scarring is a lot worse although he also went to a really good clinic. So even if a doctor does his or her best one may get scarring. Don't get an HT if you don't want to touch finastride.
  6. What is amazing is that there are no FUE scars visible. This is some Zarev level work. Really shows the top tier quality technicians at Eugenix.
  7. If you tell that to Eugenix they will book you a return ticket themselves. Your donor is also susceptible to baldness. So they take out grafts from the donor and give you scarring, then there is baldness in the donor and the scars start to show, what are you going to do then ?
  8. Dr Barghouthi, we really appreciate all you have done for us. Please don't be disheartened by all the negative comments. I understand scientific clinical research takes time, patience, and money. We are all very thankful for your efforts. We hope to see further progress in verteporfin, also is there any chance that a very small FUE scar repair can be attempted with verteporfin ? It can be a very small trial similar to what was done in the last trial, just 10-20 FUE scar punch outs injected with verteporfin. The goal won't be to grow hair but to minimize scaring.
  9. I'm currently 30, your hair loss is very similar to mine when I was 27, I am now NW6-NW7, your hair can still be revived with dermarolling + oral minoxidil + topical finastride. You can almost become a NW2. Don't get a HT without Fin.
  10. I don't think 1500 grafts would be enough. I was disappointed when they said this number after looking at my donors trimmed pics.
  11. I am a Norwood 6-7 in need of a repair. What do you guys think of the condition of my donor ? Consulted with a very reputed clinic they suggested 1500 scalp grafts via FUE and 900 beard for the front.
  12. Have you had a transplant previously ?
  13. That's what I am planning to do now. Get a SMP for my FUE scars and move on. But I have heard that SMP does not stick long in scar tissue. Although yours lasted for five years or so.
  14. wounds take 12 months to heal, you should watch out for Dr Bloxham's updates, if it works on FUT scars then it will work on FUE scars as well.
  15. Its just been two weeks, its a bit early. I would also like to see FUE scar repair case.
  16. Scar tissue takes 12 months to heal. If you get SMP before 12 months it will fade away quickly. As someone else mentioned try using aloe vera and don't get an SMP before 12 months.
  17. Can't you just grow the front out really long and try to cover the mid scalp with that ?
  18. It feels like only the general public debates on this sub and there is very little doctor participation other than Dr Barghouthi.
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