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Everything posted by bigmistake

  1. Thinking of getting SMP for FUE scarring. Don't want to get botched a second time, can anyone recommend a ethical and reliable SMP practitioner, who will be able to give natural results. I have seen many SMPs that change colour and merge after some time, on the other hand there are some SMP that just disappear in a year or two.
  2. 3) I would also like to add a third question, if verteporfin actually does regrow hair, then can it help to maintain existing hair ?
  3. It's looking good for just the 55th Day. Can you dye your hair at this stage ? It should look good dyed black.
  4. 1) Verterporfin use in existing FUE scars, if it won't work in existing FUE scars then making fresh wounds in the FUE scar using a small sharp punch and then injecting verterporfin. 2) Long term and short term side effects of Verterporfin if any.
  5. Is verteporfin cheaper in India ? https://www.apollopharmacy.in/salt/VERTEPORFIN https://dir.indiamart.com/impcat/verteporfin-injection.html
  6. Is Dr Vinita in their Rs 75 package ? Their seems to be very little shed, always a good sign. Clean work.
  7. Donor area looks extremely clean for 2312 grafts. Smart on starting fin before the transplant.
  8. With regards to left temple, I saw in JTs own show where he mentioned that in nature left temple is always weaker than the right. I will try to find it and post it. With regards to disconnection, can you again share your latest pictures with another hair style and your donor area. What is your head size ? In smaller heads I have seen clinics do a lower hairline like 6.5cms because 7.5cms from glabella in a large head = 6.5 cm in a smaller head. Who is @Rafael Manelli?
  9. @OxiborickEugenix (Dr Das, Dr Bansal) ,Dr Nader, and Dr Laorwong all would be suitable for repair. I think rather than going after your old surgeon you should put your energy into researching a repair.
  10. Left temple is always weaker in men than right in nature, they are not always of the same density.
  11. Man these results look good. I envy them. You also mentioned that left temple was lighter than right, that's how it is in nature, one temple is less dense than the other. You should be happy with the results.
  12. Oral Minoxidil works by relaxing and widening the blood vessels. Does this mean hair loss sufferers have vascularity issues in their scalp, that can.be treated by excercise as well. Maybe hair loss sufferers have vascularity issues all over as well.
  13. Yeah but if you stop taking it then donor goes back to normal. So there is risk that after HT and stoppage of oral minoxidil your donor may look moth eaten.
  14. Do you think they took out 3,800 grafts from your donor ? Why don't you use GIMP to find out the number of extractions.
  15. Oral or topical ? If oral did you face any side effects and what was your dose ?Going on finastride before surgery was very smart of you. The whole game depends upon donor. If a surgeon has enough donor to play with the repair becomes easier. I may make an appointment with Eugenix next month. Maybe I will go on oral finastride a year before my repair surgery to see if it strengthens the donor.
  16. The oral minoxidil that you have been taking improved your scalp donor. Smart thinking.
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