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Everything posted by LookMaxx

  1. I don’t think you need a hair transplant at all and feels like a waste of money but that’s just me. I think you need 1k grafts minimum simply because you care and going through the effort of getting HT for filling in a small area for a juvenile hairline so you will not be happy unless it’s high density. Anything less than 1k and it will look thin especially because there has to be singles and not multi. Heck, I would say 1500-2000 might be needed, there’s another guy who had a ton of grafts implanted to lower his natural hairline and an extremely dense look is what pleased him. The clinic that quoted you the highest number is the one you should probably go with because they know how to please you and understand your mentality.
  2. Looks good, I think 👍 Curious how it turns out
  3. The best country? Why it’s the country you live in so you don’t have to travel far and get it done conveniently and cheap. But very few of us are that lucky, huh. By number of good clinics, the best country for HTs have to be Turkey but there are also a lot of hairmills you can succumb to and destroy your hairs so there’s that. Yeah there’s no best country. Very few good clinics scattered all around the world and have to spend a lot of money to travel 😔
  4. It’s just crazy man With the second procedure, nobody would be even able to tell you were ever slick bald.
  5. This looks like a great result to me? He was completely bald before there, only had 4k grafts on such a large area and he doesn’t look bald anymore.
  6. You don’t need hair transplant, not at this point anyway. Seems like fin and min are doing a good job
  7. Just for your information, finasteride has a really long half life in tissues and skin and take several days to get out of your system completely.
  8. The surgeon can feel the punch better compared to a motor and perhaps lower transaction rate. But it’s really irrelevant as skilled surgeons use either or both at the same time and the results come out great either way.
  9. Nah, all I see is a mature hairline on a 58 years old. NW2 probably. He’s not balding. In fact, I would say this mature hairline he most likely had since his 20s and 30s and it didn’t move an inch. Half a century plus 8 years is a long time for hairs to survive, when they survive this long unless you’re very unlucky and one of the rare ones, those hairs will make it to the final deathbed too.
  10. Meh seems like a waste of money because you’re not balding. In my opinion you should focus on something else and use that money for better things but that’s just me. Anyway you can choose any of the surgeons you listed and be happy. At most they will do 2k grafts if even that. Surgeon selection becomes crucial for higher norwoods when every graft survival matters. For cases like yours I think even hairmills do a decent job.
  11. Bicer, fuecapilar, HLC, Pekiner etc in Turkey
  12. As someone who runs his own forum, I would ban you immediately without explanation if you posted 5 threads or put you on a list. Because if you don’t have this common sense to understand why it’s horrible to spam 5 threads to get attention then you don’t deserve to be on the forum. @Melvin- Moderator deserves a lot of praise for showing so much patience. Remember you’re not special and neither is your message. It must feel like that to you but not to rest of us. You didn’t even name the clinic which makes your topic utterly useless.
  13. I find it strange you’re advising against this Gatsby? I mean you had hairs from pubes taken 😀 I hope I am not confusing you with someone else but I am pretty sure it was you and not Melvin who said this. I understand the sentiment but I think hairs still look better than shiny bald head. Maybe he can keep them buzzed and give the appearance of full head of hair
  14. The funny thing is even the hairmills in Turkey wouldn’t do a job this bad and be ten times cheaper. I am not even exaggerating, I have never seen these straight rows of hairs at the worst hairmill in Turkey, it’s like a 5 years old implanted them and used a ruler or something, just atrocious. Just because it’s UK ( a developed country) doesn’t mean you have any chance of legal recourse, cosmetic procedures are unfortunately outside medical malpractice realm everywhere in the world. You should absolutely name and shame this monster so he doesn’t get to touch another person’s head. I don’t think there’s anything else you can do. Such a shame, 11k£ is a huge amount of money. Well, the next HT you do, remember expensive doesn’t mean better and just choose any doctor in this forum recommended list. If I am being absolutely honest given your level of hairloss, you would’ve a far better and happier transplant at any Turkish hairmill then have money left over for a repair job as well and still be better off than this. Sorry I just look at those straight rows and……..atrocious 😬😬
  15. Thanks, this is really helpful. And I remember now having seen your result…that red line at the back. I thought you were someone else. Cheers
  16. It’s your choice and depends on your circumstances. If it’s a minor annoyance then maybe you can live with it or try a lower dosage. Perhaps once per day instead of twice, my doctor prescribed it once per day to me but I see people here take it twice per day so I am guessing that’s what you’re doing. I stopped because of mild heart palpitations and eye irritation and I knew it’s not something I can commit to for life. Everyone’s circumstances are different so I can’t suggest anything for you. Oh, also take Vitamin K. It should help with stopping bleeding quickly or perhaps reducing it. Zinc also helps with healing wounds. It’s not the solution but should help and make sure you don’t bleed a lot in case on the rare chance you get a big cut ( I hope not )
  17. I thought it meant fat. If you’re fat your skin is elastic whereas thin people have skin tightly to the bone without much fat in between. Fat people also have folds and skin hanging, I guess that’s what meant by it?
  18. Is it because all donors look the same with white dots/patchy/overharvested look soon after post op? Seems like people post pictures of their donors after a year when they can hide the dots or when it’s bad shock loss to show the clinic did a bad job. I can’t find many if any pictures of normal donors at 1 week/month, 2 month 3 month etc the same way frontal recipient area is documented. Reason I am asking is because there’s this clinic I am researching. Their recipient growth is good and the only thing that’s holding me back from getting a HT is confusion about donor area management. I can’t tell what’s a good donor and what’s overharvested. Spending sometime here and seeing so many cases here, I have learned so much about HT that I know what a recipient should look like 😄 but info about donor is seriously lacking. If someone could explain or show some pictures of how to judge an overharvested donor vs normal donor would be appreciated so much. Cheers
  19. I think you didn’t need a HT at all first or second but I guess everyone wants a juvenile straight hairline. As for the donor issue, I am so confused because it looks exactly like every other case but several months later it has the patchy overharvested appearance and looks terrible. Judging the front is a lot easier than donor area apparently. Maybe you can help me since you have some experience with bad donor now as unfortunate as it is. Does this look overharvesting/bad donor to you? This is of a clinic that I am researching and the only thing that’s stopping me from pulling the trigger with them is question about their donor management. I did make a thread but the responses were not that many
  20. Can you please post your donor pictures at a week or month old? The result looks good by the way 👍
  21. Can you please post pictures of your donor area? I have been trying to understand how overharvesting donor looks like vs normal donor and it’s so difficult to find donor pictures that aren’t a year old. Seems like nobody wants to show their donors immediately or soon after post op.
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