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Everything posted by bear56

  1. too much hair!!! some people here would kill for that mane young man..........
  2. maybe the elite docs distinguish themselves from the rest of the pac by beeing risk takers.....
  3. but was also a healthy young male with good scalp condition. even so the doctor in this case made the patient take a mix of drugs to promote blood supply to the competing new hair follicles.
  4. can't see it on the pics but it looks like you had temple work done also. the density is very good. judging just from the pics you have at least 2500 grafts without temple work.
  5. i was first skeptical when i read 1800 grafts but looking at it now this was a wise choice and the implantation is spot on. hair design is excellent and density is spot on!!!
  6. either the hair is wet or you using some hair product ( gel , hair spray etc) that makes your hair look thinner than it is. when you look at your picture from the back it looks like you have good density and your hair looks dry and fuller. experiment with thickening products wax of clay and wear your hair more messy style than it will look a lot fuller.
  7. after looking through your thread, i got hair envy now!!! congratulations on a masterpiece from hasson. in this case, you get what you pay for .
  8. anything straight with equal density at the temporl region looks unnatural. i would go with this.
  9. the new hairline and temples make a huge overall difference. congrats!!!
  10. yeah they use the nap hairs and if they use too much you will feel a cold breeze a lot quicker😁
  11. i would say the light colored ht is very good but the hair line pattern in the center needs more irregularity and another giveaway is the sparse hair in front front of that hair line which used to be his old hairline.
  12. the darker color can look more obvious but in this case not. it looks very natural with good high density
  13. robert deniro gained tremendous weight in the film "raging bull"
  14. maybe a little more density so you cannot look through the hair but if you are ok with that then it is fine.
  15. to die the hair its best to go to a hair stylist if you do low tone for the salt and pepper look
  16. i agree with marko to get on finasteride for the main reason that some of the hairs used for the ht were from the unsafe zone. looking at your pic from before the surgery i saw some hair loss in that region.
  17. why not. try to look the best you can !!! he looks very young for his age.
  18. i think your ht dr did an excellent job and the outcome will be super. you will look younger and more vibrant just wait and enjoy the journey. you will need a second surgery for more fill and for the back. i would also add a little to the temples. 2023 will be your year!
  19. everyone has a different taste. if i look at the proportion of his face, i would say the frontal hairline is a tad too low but that's just me.
  20. no way..........i can't believe it, i thought it was a altered pic
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