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Everything posted by Robert_

  1. At 8 months, I would guess that you would have pretty significant new growth - somewhere around 80%. Who was your HT doctor? How many graphs did you get and where? What meds are you taking? Did you take any before pics to compare yourself to? Does anyone else know that you had the procedure done so they can look at your before pic and your present state and give you an objective opinion? If not, Post your pictures on here(blur your face if you like) and there will be many glad to give an opnion. Good Luck, JC
  2. 1 Month post op - I finally got a haircut today. The stylist said she never would have known unless she saw the scar (which she didnt see at first). I had my usual "high and tight" with a #2 guard on the sides and back. As you can see, the scar is a little visible, but not bad enough for me to care since I wear a hat anyway.
  3. Interesting you should post this today....I FINALLY got my first haircut today after exactly 1 month post op. I got my usual "high and tight" except i used a #2 instead of a #1. If one rrrrreeeeeeaaaaaaallllyyyy looks, you can see a faint line, but it wont bother me. If it did, I probably would have started out with a #3 and saw the results of that, but since I can wear a hat all the time I just said "buzz it". Ill be posting pics on my pic thread later on tonight 7/19/04.
  4. If youre going to have Nixons hairline at 40, then youre doing pretty good. Its all a matter of personal goals though. Im 25 and before my HT I would have killed for that. As far as chemistry vs. hard work in reference to Dut., I would have to say that if one couples chemistry WITH hard work (as atheletes do) then I would think that would be very beneficial. Think: Creatine, L-Glutamine, Protein blends, etc. Just a POV.
  5. 2 questions baldinghateit): 1) What is the "Nioxin look" that you refer to? Ive never heard that term. 2) You say one of the side effects of Dut. was "substantial increases in strength and lean muscle mass." Is this something to complain about? Ive heard of connections between Proscar and Propecia and strength gains with atheletes and Im very curious. Thanks for starting a thread that is sure to be informative. Im highly interestdd in the reults.
  6. "i dont give a rusty bucket if you take it or not honey!!" "honey"? wow. you guys are getting really friendly huh? no, i mean, its cool and all, you know, but, uh...i just didnt know ... hahaha but seriously, ill just be over here. with my backside away from you two.
  7. Where did you find Generic Dut.? I didnt realize there was an American-made generic.
  8. i need to take another picture of the donor scar Friday to show how it looks. Its nothing more than a long, thin red line at the back, and at the sides, it is barely anything at all. Ill probably break down and get that haircut this weekend. Im getting a little too shaggy even with the hat on.
  9. I would think so. Look at my pics, man, my hair was shorter in the back than a FRESH #2 buzz would have been. Youll be able to see a miiiiiinor line but nothing bad i would think...if that.
  10. Man, hairloss sucks, but im keeping my boys, thankyouverymuch. <ouch!>
  11. Pretty much what you said, in a nutshell, is the hope for HM. To have, quite basically, an unlimited supply of donor hair harvested for implantation for an individual. If Dr.s can now successfully place graphs between existing hairs, there is no reason that I can foresee that they wouldnt be able to do the same with genetically harvested hairs.
  12. Pretty much what you said, in a nutshell, is the hope for HM. To have, quite basically, an unlimited supply of donor hair harvested for implantation for an individual. If Dr.s can now successfully place graphs between existing hairs, there is no reason that I can foresee that they wouldnt be able to do the same with genetically harvested hairs.
  13. Quite the contrary... I saw an article somewhere not too long ago about one of the women on Survivor that was losing her hair due to protien deficiencies that she was suffering as a result of being on the show. This doctor may be exagerating the use of testosterone useage by atheletes, perhaps? I dont know. What I do know is that the body needs a balanced diet of protien, carbohydrates, and fats to perform properly. Your percentages are up to you. I believe a healthy percentage of a non-athletic male is around 30 % protein, 35 % carbs, 35 % (good) fats . I ussually strive for more protien, but thats just my preference. Dont believe everything you read.
  14. Yeah, the waiting game is on. I go back to see Dr. Cooley in 2 weeks, and then every month thereafter, so I suspect that there will be better photos coming from each visit than the ones that i post weekly. Ive always had a hell of an immune system and have always healed rapidly. I guess Im lucky in that aspect.
  15. Western_Star, I believe it was a doctor that he was working with a few years back, but I dont know who it was.
  16. HBT, you are the man! I was going to do something like that at around month 3 (when, hopefully something will be popping up) but this will def. help anyone whos new to my post. Thanks again, though. That picture on 6/26/04 looks really friggin bad, doesnt it? for some reason, it only looked that way that day. Im definitely getting some shock loss, but not as much (yet) as i anticipated. Also, Im keeping in mind that this is only month 3 or so for the Proscar and Minox, so those didnt hae a chance to "take hold" of my existing hair. Oh well, its all uphill from here!
  17. Yup. today is 3 weeks. I can wash and comb my hair like I want to. After week 2 Ive been able to. Noone can tell anything, of course, the hat naturally helps. The itching has all but subsided and I feel great. I dont really have much to tell. I guess its pretty boring from here until I see some growth I will say that about 25% or so of the transplanted hairs have fallen out. Again, mixed feelings. Dr. Cooley reminded to try to keep my mind off it, which is terribly difficult to do. I still havent had a hair cut yet. Im, quite frankly, waiting for a little more length in the back. Maybe next week. I finally took some 3 week postop pics. One of the diminishing transplanted hairline and one of the donor area scar (sorry im not talented enough to lift my hair with a comb and take the picture by myself and my roomate isnt home) You can see that the hairline has fallen out quickly. This may be due to rubbing by my ballcap. I dont know. Anyway..siiigh...theres the big ol forehead again...hahaha. Ill definitely get another pic of the scar area after I get that haircut. I guess im waiting for some more transplanted hair to fall out and let the back grow out a little more. That way, my stylist can just guess as to whats going on from month to month when i start growing my new hair...hahah...but I will end up telling her. Shes such a sweet lady.
  18. Im 3 weeks post op and id say at least 25 % of my newly implanted hairs have fallen out. My HT doctor said this is normal.
  19. DrewFl, My HT doctor Cooley has had a couple of HT's. You can see his picture on this site or on this forum under my pictures of my HT. His hair looks great and totally natural.
  20. Youre going to have to be more specific before saying something like "Its a shame if this site lets doctored up photos on."
  21. I was kind of scared to shower normally until after I got the stitches out and asked Dr. Cooley if it was ok. Before then, I was using a cup to wet and rinse my head and just patting the shampoo on the recipient area. I may have gone longer than needed, but better safe than sorry. So, yeah, last night, I had my first "normal" shower; putting my head under the stream and lathering normally. I even saw more of the transplanted hairs in my hands after i lathered, which spawns mixed feelings...hahaha Ill probably get a haircut Tuesday, but not my usual "high-and-tight". Ill get a similar one, but i wont use a #1 on the back and sides. Perhaps a #3 will suffice since I wear a hat all the time anyway.
  22. I totally agree. I apologize if my post came across as saying that a person suffering from hair loss is somehow "broken". However, I stand by my method of thinking. My own hair loss is certainly not keeping me from obtaining my goals. If that is the case with anyone, I suspect that it is the presence of a poor self-image that is perpetuated by the hair loss, not caused by it.
  23. Biff, you raise very good points. Though Im a firm believer in a healthy self worth no matter how much hair one has, for me, I look at my own situation differently. If my cars paint starts to peel, I either get a new one or paint it. If something is broken, I look to fix it. I try to take an objective approach to everything I do. I think one is only cheating himself by NOT taking an objective approach to thier hairloss. One must weigh the pros and cons of doing anything like this carefully and, again objectively, letting no emotion get involved. It may seem odd to relate my own head to the clearcoat on my Explorer, but, being a literalist, I dont like to dwell on a problem. I dont want pity. I dont want the frustration of doing nothing for something that I know that there exists a viable option that i can utilize. Having a head of hair to people can be a determining factor between a high or low self esteem. That certainly was the case for me at some points, but certainly not all. Bald is cheaper. I tried the clean shaven look. Doesnt work for me. For some, it looks great, and I sometimes wished it did for me. So, when that tactic didnt work, I moved on to the next option. I like to "troubleshoot" from the easiest option to the hardest. I hope this rant makes sense. I am merely trying to convey that one can have a healthy frame of mind in making this decision.
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