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Everything posted by Robert_

  1. No link to outside websites are allowed. As far as the signature tag line, I do not know, perhaps you could try to annotate it once again in your profile?
  2. actually, yes. but there are some considerations: 1) with couvre, you have to make sure the stuff on your head is dry. this stuff comes out looking alot like artists' paint, just not as watery, so give it a couple of hours at least before running your fingers through it. a quicker way to alleviate this is to have what i have : a"couvre towel". what this is, is just an old towel that i dont mind gettting all brown from the couvre that i have applied on my head and i use it to "fluff up" my hair before i apply the Toppik, and also to wipe away any clumpy spots or whatnot. youll find that this helps one heck of alot. 2) after the couvre has dried and youve "fluffed up" the hair, youre ready to put the toppik on. I have never used the "fiberhold spray", but it may really work well. Ive found that after ive applied the toppik evenly and patted it down, i use a different part (i.e. clean) part of my "couvre towel" to lightly fluff up the hair again. this is AFTER i patted the Toppik in and ive given it a few minutes to "take hold". What i find this does is to get rid of the excess that may fall off and misconstrued as weird, brown dandruff. after that and about an hour of "cushion" between letting someone touch your head and you should be good to go. I think that your hair should be longer than 3 mm , for very good results, however. I would suggest at least a good inch. good luck, i hope this answered some of your questions.
  3. Exactly. Im pretty lucky in that i have been wearing a hat religeously for a few years. Therefore noone suspected a thing. You should be fun as long as youre careful. Remember, though, to be careful with that head! You dont want to go bumping it and losing some graphs (this can easily be done by getting in or out of a car, leaning over and hitting your head on a cabinet, etc. ) Youll probably find that youll develop a 6th sense about your head and its immediate surroundings. BTW, I may be able to come up on the day of your procedure as I couldnt go up this Friday either. If so, Ill definitely pop in and see how your coming along.
  4. I posted something on this a little while ago. This may help you out. http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=5696015661&f=1466060861&m=295101003
  5. Brando, I used it for about a week after the procedure. Youll know when not to use it anymore. I definitely couldnt pull off the bandana look, although if you can, i would most certainly advise you to try. The ballcap can be a bit of a pain sometimes in the first couple of days. I was always worried that I was wearing it too tight and that the graph direction would shift.
  6. HAHA, no Brando, not foil, saran wrap. I did it, BrianK did it, and if im not mistaken NC30 did it too. Youll see that it will make sense once you see what hes talking about. If you wear a ballcap a good bit like I do, I like for it to look like i did when i played baseball with a curved bill. This curvature of the bill actually puts stress on the sides of your temples where there will be graphs placed. Without putting the saran wrap over my head before putting my balcap on, I would have DEFINITELY ripped out some graphs. There is NO DOUBT in my mind. All you do is lay a piece big enough to cover the recipient area on the table, spray it with some of the solution that he gives you and place it over the recipient area. Make sure it doesnt slide while youre putting it on and voila! you are safe for the day. Just dont let the cap shift on your head too much.
  7. Still not really seeing it, but oh well. Ill take your word for it. That sucks that it opened up like that, though, but the main point is (In my opinion) whether the scar is apparent with the hair laying over it. That would be my main concern anyway.
  8. NC30, you did pretty much the same I did. I went ahead and got the back and sides trimmed to a #2, though because Im lucky enough to be able to wear a ballcap all the time. I went to a stylist that I never go to on a side of town that Im never at. She didnt notice the scar before I told her, but I figure Id go ahead and let her know just in case she wasnt careful and "jigged" that damn gaurd into the scar. She just seemed really interested in the whole process, but I dont know if she was humoring me or not. I really didnt care! hahaha
  9. Mine went away pretty much immediately after they were removed, save for the occasional itch, which I still have.
  10. Kez, I was actually happy to see mine come out, but, of course, sad at the same time because I didnt want to see them go. The only thing I would be worried about if they stayed is how "prickly" they would be. The implanted graphs just kind of seemed "stiffer" than the surrounding hairs in which they were placed to me.
  11. Maybe its the flash...i dont know, but i can barely SEE a scar. Maybe im missing something that balloonman is seeing...dunno.
  12. I dont think anyone "attacked" akonsta at all. If youre referring to my rather smart-assed post against him/her and it offended you or him/her, then I apologize. I sometimes forget that not everyone has a sense of humor in these overly politically correct days that we live in. I also looked back in the thread and couldnt find anyone that I know of that is affiliated with any type of business, but of course, I do not actually know these posters in person, I just read their posts and respect their opinions. Also, thank you for your clarification on the European date system, beerman and akonsta; I am now enlightened.
  13. Im sorry to hear about your brother. Yes thats 10 pills for $32. Its not bad considering that will last me for 40 days. I got CVS MSM the other day (out of curiosity I finally broke down) for $7 for 60 capsules of 1000mg. I get my minoxidil off of ebay from a couple of reputable sellers for around $20 for a 3 month supply of 5%. Couple that with the Nizoral 2%, which cost around $35 at CVS (I dont know how long it will last, im still on the same bottle)and if that bottle only lasts for a month a time, for roughly $80 a month Im covered. To me, that $80 is sooooooo worth my peace of mind knowing that everything is reputable and safe. Id rather not gamble when a sure thing is pennys more.
  14. "seems this guy doesn't use Fincar but something called Finast. " I think he was just referring to it as Finasteride (the active ingredient in Proscar and Propecia) and just shortening it here.
  15. Aaah, yes, Ive seen this guy before. Hes got awesome results, true, but how much credit do you want to give the bunk drugs from India and how much credit do you want to give the 7000+ graphs hes had implanted?
  16. It actually states a man buying bogus prostate medicine (read: possibly Proscar) from India. Hope this helps. Im curious though, how would your friend REALLY know it was helping? Couldnt it possibly be the placebo effect?
  17. Here you go: http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=5696015661&f=6566060861&m=9876061085
  18. Rugger has posted much documentation to back up this claim. Many foriegn drug manufacturers put unsafe amounts of materials into their products including heavy metals and arsenic. Its also been proven that they can contain not only varying amounts of active ingredients, but sometimes no active ingredients at all. Mexican and Indian pharmacies were the two countries that I have looked into the most about it since I ordered some "Fincar" once. Once I read the articles, I trashed that crap and went back to Merck brand Propecia until I got a prescription for Merck brand Proscar. Do what you want, but Im better safe than sorry. Its not worth a couple of pennys to me to ingest arsenic on a daily basis.
  19. Thats great news. My insurance company basically laughed at me when I asked, but oh well, $35 bucks a month isnt too bad for me to handle. Its certainly better than the alternative: putting your health into the hands of some foriegn pharmacy.
  20. brian, im pretty sure what youre going through is normal. Im pretty puzzled that you actually have transplanted hairs left, i have maybe 20 or so and thats it. All of them fell out in the last 2 weeks or so. For the flaking, Dr. Cooley recommended me to use Aqua Glycolic shampoo alternating it with the Nizoral. Hope this helps
  21. Its also rather shifty how you can be so abrasive to potential customers by dismissing their comments so abruptly. Whether you accept responsibility or not, to the consumers eye, you are a representative of the company. Dont you think that requires a bit of professionalism? English doesnt seem to be your native tongue, so if you go to dictionary.com youll find the definition of professionalism there. Have a happy day!
  22. Interesting, but I think youre overlooking the aspect that when a good HT is done, the front graphs are placed rather subtly to avoid the "wall" of hair that has been seen time and time again in obvious transplants. In light of this, a much lower (relatively, of course) would have to be structured to thoroughly camoflauge those old plugs. This also brings the origional limited donor hair and density issue back into play. True, we are beating a dead horse and over-analyzing the HELL out of a situation. The be-all-end-all is that plugs or no, Altair is going to look and feel one hell of alot better and that is a very good thing. Also, as much as I respect yours and everyone elses opinions on HTs, I stand by my opinion to let the obviously skilled HT doctors such as Dr. Charles do their work as they see fit. If there were a shadow of a doubt that he was less than competent, then yes, we would have a right to scrutinize, but until then, there is areason that he is doing the procedure and Altair didnt visit the "Socialdrinker and Balloonman Hair Restoration Clinic."
  23. Just curious: what is the testosterone injection for? I have heard about positive effects of finasteride on athletic performance, but i havent looked into it. Perhaps I should.
  24. It was my interpretation of it that Avacor is basically minoxidil with some other, useless stuff mixed in. I dont think it conceals anything, but I did hear a couple of years ago that the founder was under investigation for patent infringement from Rogaine, or something along those lines. Dont take my word on it that this is true, I just remember hearing it. Personally, I think it would be a waste of money.
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