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Everything posted by Robert_

  1. I went to my 1 week post-op follow up and cleaning at Dr. Cooley's office today. Ms. Ailene went over my head and cleaned the scabbing and dead skin that had accumulated around the graphs. She told me that the area was healing very well and I was sure glad to hear it. Dr. Cooley came in and agreed. They both seemed actually as excited as I am to see the progress. Its a great feeling to see that after such a procedure. We talked some about what to expect the next week before I get the stitches out next friday and I was told to pretty much keep up what I was doing. After a couple of pictures, Ms. Ailene brought out a "laser comb" and brushed through my hair with this a few times. She informed me that they had seen enough conclusive evidence that it promoted healing and healthy growths if the new graphs. As I have dont next to no research on it, I have no real opinion, though before today I was pretty skeptical. My way of looking at it is this: it cant hurt, right? After that, I was invited to see another gentleman getting a second procedure done. I was shown some of his before/after pictures and then actually got to see it being preformed. Yeah, I know what youre thinking: "drinker, whats the big deal, you already had yours preformed" Its different to see it yourself though, out of the chair; totally cool. So anyway, Brandy, (the cute tech in my procedure pictures) said that she was going to clean up the dead skin around my stitches to ensure better healing. This didnt hurt really at all either, even though she was using sharp forceps to (i guess) dig the dead skin away from the donor area. Quite the contrary, it felt pretty good, because it alleviated the itching. That was pretty much it! Visiting that office has been a great experience every time. These were taken just now after I got out of the shower with my phone. Dr. Cooley is going to send me the better ones that were taken in the office today, but these will give you an idea of how great it looks (even though its a little blurry, sorry 'bout that). Im in no pain, there wasnt too much scabbing to begin with, no swelling, and the redness is all but dissipated (though these pictures kind of bring it more out than what it actually looks like in person). Itching has been the one thing that is even remotely annoying. A little self control and a little of this nifty foam substance given to me has taken care of that, though. Now, for the pics: Top: Right: Left:
  2. "Are the doctors cautious to make the strip small enough to conserve future donor hair?" All good docs are.
  3. Just out of curiosity, what is the cost of body hair transplants? Where are suitable donor sites? Ive heard about the chest and legs. Haha, I have about 6 backhairs (Im NOT a hairy guy) that Ill give up for free!
  4. Well put. Couldnt have said it better myself. Welcome to the forum. I know I personally will be looking forward to future posts from you since you seem like an extremely articulate person.
  5. Ok, i just got out of the shower and realized that since I am going in for the cleaning tomorrow, it may not look exactly the same so i snapped a quick shot after I got out of the shower. There is also one I forgot I snapped at the 4 day mark included. I have no idea why i never posted it earlier. 4 days post op - (Tuesday) My hair looks greasy in this one, because there is Monoxidil 5% applied. 6 days post op - (Thursday)
  6. I was about to say the same thing. I think it may be that you need a lighter color also.
  7. Hell yeah it would! May not be that funny to ya the next day after you sober up and realize that socialdrinker got ya drunk and laughed at you while you plugged ass hair in your head! ahhahahhahahaha
  8. If it wasnt for the fact that Id have to see your hairy ass, Id have to come and drink beer and watch that!
  9. Im hardly a "veteran" as you know, but the first thing that popped into my mind as to what it may be is the skin in that area may be doing just what you said...calloussing itself as a result of the invasion of the new graph. Now , take what I say here with a grain of salt, but this is where im getting my thinking from: When I got each of my tattoos, the weeks after, there was a noticeable "toughness", per se, of the skin where the ink was placed. I'm thinking maybe this is a similar reaction? Interesting to see what others think, but thats my humble hypothesis.
  10. And who is that handsome character? OH! heh heh. Thanks for everything, Pat. I feel that since friday, I may have started to sound like a broken record in praising Dr. Cooley, but from pictures of work that I've seen from Dr. Cooley and other top doctors work, I can honestly say that I feel this picture of my head taken just minutes post op attests to the craftsmanship used. Nothing short of breathtaking for me. The slits on the sides, as you pointed out, are of particular interest to me also. Like I said in another post, Im sure glad my mirrors dont charge per glance, because not an hour goes by while Im at the house that Im not sneaking a peek! Another broken record sequence, but I cannot say it enough: My deepest and sincerest appreciation to Pat, Dr. Cooley, Ailene, Becky, the rest of his staff, the forum and all of its regular participants!
  11. I see truths and points on both sides. I, personally am going to stay on Minoxidil, because of the price and it doesnt bug me nearly as much as it seems to bug others. One thing I have found that some may want to try: We all know that 5% is greasy and is a pain to apply in the morning when you have to wear it all day, so why not get generic 2% for the morning and 5% to apply right before bed? That little bit that youre losing in the morning cant be negligable. Just a thought. Ms. Ailene Watts of Dr. Cooley's office also gave a suggestion: to use Nizoral 2% in the morning and only apply the Minoxidil 5% at night. This is also a viable option, since it will take the discomfort of the minoxidil out of your morning agenda altogether. Me, personally, I think Ill combine the two methods of thinking, because like I said before, minoxidil doesnt bother me and the cost is so negligible. Im talking, of course about using the Nizoral 2% in the morning, then applying the Minoxidil 2%. At night, apply the Minoxidil 5%. Coupled with Proscar, I believe this will be a healthy agenda. Any comments?
  12. Well put, Rugger, well put. As always, "you da man!"
  13. This does happen. My uncle has it. I only noticed it when my other uncle pointed it out at Christmas so we could make fun of him about it...hahaha.
  14. Yeah, i saw a show about lasik clinics not too long ago. The company that they said to watch out for is the one that you always see advertising $299 per eye in the sunday paper. It said they even had TOUR BUSES in which they do the procedures from. Now, I dont know about anyone else, but Ill be DAMNED if im going to trust my eyes to delicate equipment that is being jostled around along the highway all the time.
  15. haha, scratch that AMS99. I just looked through that post and saw that you had already seen it.
  16. AMS99: Id have to agree with arfy on that with many explanation points! If you go in and start an HT with the crown, future thinning (and there will be future thinning) will create a "halo" of baldness around the transplanted hair. I got some good use out of Toppik and Couvre. I posted some pics on it. Heres the link: http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=5696015661&f=1466060861&m=295101003 Besides Toppik and Couvre, there is Dermatch available. Ive never used it, personally, but i hear its a great product too. Practice makes perfect with this stuff, but it can work wonders.
  17. Those pics were taken by their camera and Dr. Cooley himself emailed them to me monday, so immediately posted them. Yeah, to talk to the man (Dr. Cooley), there was never a doubt in my mind that he holds a passion for his profession and that he held the upmost concern for the aesthetically pleasing finished product.
  18. Im positive that if you use the "search" feature on this forum and also elsewhere on the internet you will find the answers to those questions. The best answers on this forum are from discussions that have alot of the veterans and even some Dr's participating. Take some advice witha grain of salt, but most is very very good stuff. Good luck
  19. Thanks! And has far as his hair, yeah, it looks great. He told me he's had 3 procedures.
  20. HAHAH By Shed Harris: "Obvoiusly we have too much time on our hands waiting for the grafts to come in and are just looking for positive results ANYWHERE." I may be less than a week post-op, but thats certainly true. Im sure glad mirrors dont charge by the look because I'm CONSTANTLY looking at all 2300 of my new best friends to make sure theyre still sitting there smiling at me.
  21. Whew! Both good questions. As a newbie, (even though i just had it done) ill try my best to field both, but i welcome help... Hairboy: Im preeeeeeetty sure that Dr. Cooley told me that I had about 75 per sq. cm of donor area hair. He said it was near the top of the scale, though I do apologize I cant be more accurate. I'll write this down to ask him for sure on friday. To be completely honest, I heard that I had enough and I was so stoked about that, it didnt occur to me to ask more specifics, but I do remember him telling me the approximation. Hairworthy: The nurse, as I recall, (her name is Brandy) is placing graphs in areas more in the middle and away from the hairline. The ones toward the front that had to be more strategically placed were done by Dr. Cooley. Even though I was kind of out of it, I do remember them switching sides so she could work on the "filler" work while he concentrated on the "trim(?)" of the hairline so to speak. I hope this made sense. Perhaps it was for this reason that she didnt need magnifying goggles on.
  22. i have to agree with adamk969. why risk it? I know that you have to be excited to be able to "play" with it, but you prob dont wanna risk it. but if you do, let us know how it plays out.
  23. since the 2300 wre densely packed up front to restructure the hairline and "thicken" the area behind it (which was , naturally more important to me), i dont have any plans to get any more procedures AS OF RIGHT NOW. Since ive only been on Proscar and Minoxidil for a short amount of time this time around, id like to give that and the Nizoral some time to see what happens. However, in the next year or two, after evaluating said results of the drugs, yeah, ill get "greedy" and bolster the density on top.
  24. thanks, Brando and HBT. I was going to post new photos of my head today, but there really is no difference except that the redness has subsided tremendously. I have experienced NO swelling and I feel great. I took it extremely easy the whole weekend and even today. I will continue to do so for the remainder of the week until Friday when i go back to Charlotte for a cleaning. The one thing though...no matter HOW prepared you think you are, that first shower/bath session will FREAK YOU OUT!!! hahaha i just KNEW i was going to mess something up! Luckily, everything is just how it should be.
  25. Some pics that were taken before/during/after the procedure... Pre-Op Front Pre-Op Right Pre-Op Left Strip Dissection Procedure Yeah, I know, you dont have to say it...haha...a nose job is in inevitably in the cards for ol' socialdrinker...hahaha. Notice some of the microscopes used for graph dissection in the background. This was taken later in the day after all had been dissected, but this is for anyone that questions if microscopes are used. Post Op An extremely jubilant (and still slightly anesthesia-buzzed) patient and the fantastic Dr. Cooley directly after the procedure. Thanks alot!
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