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Everything posted by Robert_

  1. maverick12, If you are concerned with a doctors tendency to be "aggressive" in their hairlines, please remember that the ethics in hair transplantation require a physician to consider what you will look like not one year from now, but for the rest of your life. That is the reason for the consultation. This is where you and the doctor discuss your plans for the future of your hair. He has to take into consideration many different areas that include, but are not limited to: 1) Your current Norwood level and the rate that you are thinning. 2) Your donor supply. 3) Your willingness to have subsequent procedures. 4) Your medical history. 5) Your expectations and desires. There are other considerations, but perhaps this will give you some insight into what is behind some before/after pictures as you look through them. -Robert
  2. arfy, I also see guys on a regular basis that shave their heads and are not extremely muscular and/or "tough" looking. Certainly some can pull it off better than others, but I think the one thing that turns many guys off from shaving their head is the initial astonishment from friends, family, co-workers, etc. the first time they are seen since they had hair. I think many men will find that after about a month, the initial shock wears off and everyone becomes accustomed to the new bald head. Also, great point about the ability to utilize Finastaride and Minoxidil while bald. I think this has been overlooked. -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  3. This is true, however an individual chooses a physician on his consistent aesthetically pleasing results, thus I still believe congratulations are in order. -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  4. gethelp, To address your concerns, No, I do not believe that simply because a doctor is not on the Coalition that they are not highly skilled. I do, however, believe that there are many top-notch doctors that are on the Coalition that have been going rather unnoticed and it is my wish to at least provide posters with information about them. -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  5. This is an interesting thread. There is definitely a functional aspect of having a full head of hair. Unconsciously, many women (and other men!) question a man's virility, power, and ability upon first seeing him and his bare scalp. It is this misconception that is deeply rooted somewhere in the human psyche that can cause a person that is thinning to suffer from low self-esteem. If this weren't the case, these forums would most certainly be bare! However, as important as it is in this day and age to convey an air of youth and vigor, I feel that a person that suffers from anxiety and/or depression as a result of hair loss should always consider other facets of themselves to improve upon in addition to receiving hair replacement surgery. Some examples: taking care of themselves, becoming physically fit, proper nutrition, becoming more extroverted, starting more conversations on a daily basis, and generally having a better all-around sense of self-worth. It is confidence that creates a gravitational pull from the opposite sex, not hair. -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  6. Although I cannot say for sure whether or not bleaching/dying/coloring the hair will do it harm, I do know that a lighter color (for Caucasians) will subtle the contrast between the light scalp and dark hair for those who have brown and black hair. Streaking is also used by many men and women as well as "layering" the hair to give it depth. -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  7. JC, I can see that your amusement may stem from a possible misconception that Dr. Epsteins work has not been showcased multiple time in the past. In the link below, I've posted one of the most recent patients of Dr. Epstein that decided to share his experience. http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=5696015661&f=7466060861&m=515103942&r=126100553#126100553 If you are curious about comments or expereiences on any doctor or subject ever discussed on the forum feel free to use the "Search" feature under the "Find" button located at the top of your screen. -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  8. Notsohairy, Congrats! There have been quite a few others on this discussion board singing the praises of Dr. Epstein. Your pictures would be greatly appreciated. To post them, all you have to do is depress the "New" button at the top left of your screen and select "Photo Album". From there you can follow the prompts. If you have any questions about it, please do not hesitate to ask me via "Private Message". -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  9. Notsohairy, I imagine that just like sports nutrition powders (creatine, protein, etc.) and headache powders (Goody's, BC's), the solubility of a crystal form enables the body to process it faster. As far as effectiveness, I cannot say. I do know that sometimes vitamins in tablet form are sometimes expelled before they can fully dissolve and thus, are essentially wasted. -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  10. maverick12, It is hard to say without seeing your situation the best route. Post some pictures and you will find many responses from a great many members that are highly educated on the subject. To upload your pictures on the forum simply go to the "New" button at the top of the page. Select "Photo Album" and follow the prompts. If you have any problems, never hesitate to ask me via "Private Message" as I check this once a day at least. Best of luck, -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  11. Your discussion forums newest feature is the live chat function located in the forum at the bottom of the "Surgical Hair Restoration Topics" forum list. This new feature allows members to share ideas and experiences in real time chat. This powerful and easy tool allows for expressing yourself and learning from others. To enter a chat room, simply click on one of the links below at the bottom of the post. Once the window pops up, simply type your desired dialogue in the box at the bottom of the screen and press "Send". You will see your message on the screen along with everyone else in the room. "Emotes" are enabled to allow for the use of expressions. Those are the basics, this feature should allow for a great exchange of useful information. Hope to see you all online! - Robert, Forum Moderator
  12. Your discussion forums newest feature is the live chat function located in the forum at the bottom of the "Surgical Hair Restoration Topics" forum list. This new feature allows members to share ideas and experiences in real time chat. This powerful and easy tool allows for expressing yourself and learning from others. To enter a chat room, simply click on one of the links below at the bottom of the post. Once the window pops up, simply type your desired dialogue in the box at the bottom of the screen and press "Send". You will see your message on the screen along with everyone else in the room. "Emotes" are enabled to allow for the use of expressions. Those are the basics, this feature should allow for a great exchange of useful information. Hope to see you all online! - Robert, Forum Moderator
  13. Gregg, I would imagine that it would work well as long as there was an adequate amount of hair surrounding the scar for the Toppik to bond to. For anyone interested, here is my own pictures of Toppik applied: http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=5696015661&f=1466060861&m=295101003 -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questons. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  14. Thanks, HBT. That kind of confirmed my suspicions about it. I have to say that I am still in awe of Toppik in general, however. Even if it does require me to clean my sink every time I apply it! -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questons. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  15. HBT, can you give us a head's up on the effectiveness of the "FiberHold Spray"? I, personally, have never used it and every time I've applied Toppik it stays just fine. Have you ever used Toppik without it? Thanks! -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questons. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  16. Unfortunately, Altair, I would have to say that after seeing pictures of your crown that no I dont think Toppik will benefit you. Toppik is best suited for slightly long-ish (at least 1 in.) hair that is thin but not nearly bald. I will keep my eye out for anything that I feel may be of interest to you though. -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questons. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  17. Thank you for your congratulations, hairworthy. To address your rightful concerns: 1) I have noticed that the "Post Your Own New Topics" has become a "catch all" for new discussion threads. However, to move posts from section to section would entail a lot of confusion for the original poster and anyone keeping track of the thread that had found it in its original location. I can only ask posters to use discretion in where they place new posts so anyone perusing the forums would know where to look for threads pertaining to their own interests. The search function is also very helpful with this. 2) The rules are as Pat put out in a post later in this thread. The post you are referring to has been edited of its outside link and the user has been informed of the discussion forum rules. All users are invited to use the softwares user-friendly photograph storing software to display their pictures. If anyone has technical questions regarding the use of this tool, I would be more than happy to help. As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questons. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  18. No, there wil be no changes to the forum format or rules of any kind. As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questons. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  19. Thank you so much Pat for extending to me the opportunity to moderate these very important discussion boards. This forum has been a God-send to me and countless others and I am honored that I can help to further its mission. I look forward to helping anyone that suffers from hair loss and I invite them to allow me to help them research their best possible options at any time. Thank you. -Robert As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questons. To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp
  20. Ramfan, Welcome to the site. It is usually a good idea to utilize medications such as Rogaine and Finasteride to stave off any further hairloss following your procedure. This is something you would definitely want to cover with your potential HT physician, however. For a little more information on these meds, check out http://www.regrowhair.com/drugs.asp Also check out the graph calculator at http://www.regrowhair.com/hair_transplant_FAQs.asp#how_many_graphs_needed Hairworthy, Your posts are always insightful and very informative. Im curious as to why you would say that about Dr. Kabaker. Needless to say, this has and always be an open discussion forum so if you had a bad experience with him you should share your experience, but to simply say that he is not among the best because you may not have heard of him before is presumptuous, dont you think? Please elaborate on your comment.
  21. M-J, It is my understanding that if there are hairs that are "doomed" already to shed away, upon shaving, they will not return. These hairs may have otherwise stuck around for a while had they not been shaved. Take this with a grain of salt, however, as this is, quite basically, my hypothesis. It would be interesting to hear a physicians thoughts on this. I just know that when it happens it can be rather shocking!
  22. Smoothy, He hasnt posted since June 27th.
  23. True, eastend, but like you said, I think that it is accomplishable.
  24. Congrats on your first week, Altair! For what its worth, I can certainly tell that the healing is well underway. Try what HBT said about the make-up aisle. Sorry, I dont know much about make-up (thank goodness) but there should be some kind of skin-tone coverup stuff out there. I would consult with Dr. Charles before applying anything to make sure you arent endangering any of those precious graphs, though.
  25. It is my understanding that this is entirely possible as long as an adequate amount of time is given between the procedures. I would like to hear some of of the physicians thoughts on this subject, however.
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