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  1. DR. KASSIMIR? Yes, I'm a '3 Time' HT patient of Dr. Kassimir. All I can say is, He's one of the best here in NYC and Probably the US. .... I was completely bald and you must realize that HT Patients, at these levels of hair loss, will have to have at least (4) sessions to achieve a reasonable amount of grafts for coverage. 4 and perhaps 5 for real density. ... But 4 would satisfy most HT recipients. This is a 3 year project separating each session by 5 months and allowing 90 days to see those grafts grow. After 2 years you'll look great, after 3 years, you'll look and feel like you're old self again. Be patient, it's worth it. Dr. Kassimir is 'Extremely intelligent' with a wonderful sense of humor and makes the 6- 7 hour procedure entertaining and quick.
  2. I'd also like opinions on MEDICAL HAIR RESTORATION clinics. Thanks.
  3. I'd also like opinions on MEDICAL HAIR RESTORATION clinics. Thanks.
  4. Does anyone have any knoweledge or experience with Dr. Joel Kassimir from NYC? Thanks in advance.
  5. Does anyone have any knoweledge or experience with Dr. Joel Kassimir from NYC? Thanks in advance.
  6. One more thing, after my first procedure, very few grafts fell out. Probably due to the fact that the surgery was on a differnt part of my scalp and the grafts didn't interfere with the previous session. In the 3rd session, my Doctor was adding in areas where he had implanted, so I guess trauma to those older grafts, cause them to fall out, sometimes. It's different with each individual. But they grow back. Good luck, it'll be great.
  7. Pat... Do not be concerned with any fallout. I posted my input in early July, and after 90 days (My procedure was done on April 20th) they ALL started to grow in. The ones that fell out due to 'Post Surgical Shock' (It's common) and the new grafts. Now it's looking great and although the new growth is only about 1/2 inch long, it'll be 'combable' by the end of the year when they're 3" long. Do not be discouraged. This was my 3rd procedure, (I was pretty 'sparse' up there) I feel that I made need 1 more, shorter session, just to lower the front a little more and thicken it up a bit.
  8. DMM27 Thanks again, I suspected that there would be some 'shock loss', but there wasn't much after the first 2 sessions going back to April 2002, so I became concerned. This latest session was 6+ hours long, and many grafts were used. So it seems likely that I would be experiencing some loss, just not this much. It hurts to see them go down the drain. In my last 2 sessions, I noticed considerable growth after 6 weeks and complete growth after 90 days. At that point, my new hair was growing at a rate of 1/2" per month.
  9. Is it normal for the Newly transplanted hair to fall out after micro-graft surgery, (1, 2, and 3 hair grafts) and if so, what percentage? AND... since this is my 3rd session in 2 years, is it normal for the older hair grafts to fall out due to shock and will they regenerate? Thank you.
  10. Is it normal for the Newly transplanted hair to fall out after micro-graft surgery, (1, 2, and 3 hair grafts) and if so, what percentage? AND... since this is my 3rd session in 2 years, is it normal for the older hair grafts to fall out due to shock and will they regenerate? Thank you.
  11. By the way, he is excellant, and his technique is very natural, and painless. I just need to know, how common is it for the transplanted hair from my 2 previous procedures, for those hairs to fall out. (I was previously quite bald, except for a few (like 20) hairs in the very front... and a 'strip' of hairs separating the front from the back, (in the middle of the scalp) ....I've researched where they DO fall out, sometimes and grow back, but at what percentile is that occurance? Thank you.
  12. Is it normal for the Newly transplanted hair to fall out after micro-graft surgery, (1, 2, and 3 hair grafts) and if so, what percentage? AND... since this is my 3rd session in 2 years, is it normal for the older hair grafts to fall out due to shock and will they regenerate? Thank you.
  13. Is it normal for the Newly transplanted hair to fall out after micro-graft surgery, (1, 2, and 3 hair grafts) and if so, what percentage? AND... since this is my 3rd session in 2 years, is it normal for the older hair grafts to fall out due to shock and will they regenerate? Thank you.
  14. After the Transplant procedure, is it normal for some or all of the hair to fall away and leave the follicle and root to regenerate? TIA.
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