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Everything posted by mr_peanutbutter

  1. i understand age can be a problem if you are a male (bc hairloss will proceed) but since you are a woman i dont see that risk. hence im a bit confused
  2. i clicked on his channel and in one thumbnail he was norwood 6 and they transplanted the hairline dense, the midscalp very very sparse and the crown was left completely blank. there are huge gaps on his midscalp so the light to hairline comes from the front, above and from the back so im not suprised you can look quite through it
  3. hi, thats really interesting. so you are saying your sperm doesnt get very fluid and watery? note that i dont really care that sperm gets watery, i only mentioned it because it seems to be one of the most common "sideeffect" of finasterid use. in theory, if topical finasterid dont go systematically however, watery sperm shouldnt occure. so watery sperm could be actually a good test to see if topical fin goes systematically
  4. i think thats a pretty good marker to see if it goes systematic. i dont know any person who takes oral fin which doesnt lead to change in sperm consistency. it cant be avoided really.
  5. finasteride was basically also side free in studies, no more sideeffects then people who got a placebo
  6. https://www.hairlosscure2020.com/cosmerna-for-hair-loss-from-sirnagen/ „SAMiRNA, Androgen Receptor and Hair Growth Like OliX, siRNAgen is also working on reducing AR expression and re-growing hair. However, it is doing so via treatment with self-assembled micelle inhibitory RNA (SAMiRNA) nanoparticle-type siRNA. See their site for more on small interfering RNAs (siRNA). They published an important study on this in Nature Journal in January 2022. The encouraging title of this paper is worth posting: “Weekly treatment with SAMiRNA targeting the androgen receptor ameliorates androgenetic alopecia.” The product they use for androgenetic alopecia is a topical called AR68. It is classified as a cosmetic ingredient and will be called Cosmerna-68. In the above mentioned paper, they have before and after photos of a patient that I pasted below. The chart on the right shows the actual percent improvement with AR68 0.5mg/ml treatment versus placebo.“ Wouldnt it go systematic?
  7. i think a hairsystem is not possible at this point without looking obvious no?
  8. anyone else noticed people with very low/small foreheads dont seem to bald, see every south american indian and people like ronald reagan or ryan paul? people with natural taller foreheads seem to bald more with exceptions like michael douglas
  9. i have to disagree a bit tbh a buzzcut with a hairline looks very different compared to a buzzcut with a norwood 5 and a buzzcut with hair looks also very different to a pure smp
  10. have you considered hattingen? they have results posted on their youtube channel and it looks super natural to me
  11. some people in sopranos had absolute killer hairlines vincent pastore frank vincent michael imperoli maybe instead of juvenile hairline we should call it italian hairline? also the wig from steve van zandt
  12. yes but maybe not everyone wants to do that so the doc takes the worst scenario into account and thats why he prefers to transplant a hairline that still would work when you lose all your hair behind it. work in a way that it can also be seen in people who never got a ht
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