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Everything posted by mr_peanutbutter

  1. the hair would be sensitive to dht again you dont know how often you could repeat this
  2. can you tag me in your result thread then. much appreciated. thank you
  3. wow, insane result. you lucky you have coarse and and a bit curly hair. ideal coverage characteristics. would love to see dr zarev do work on patients with rather thin hair in diameters anyways this result supports my idea that op needs at least 10k grafts (and a miracle dog like doc zarev) everything else probably wont look good.
  4. it looks like your crown is about to dip here, look at the difference of density. if that hair goes you will realistically need 8k-12k grafts for an aesthetical pleasing result no? where do they get the 5k numbers? dr zarev needs 11k grafts on patients with similar norwood status and haircharacteristics https://www.instagram.com/p/CX_fjhpqTBE/?hl=de
  5. since it blocks the pathway from progesterone to dhp it should increase progesterone shortterm? what about longterm?
  6. he is like a german joe tilman, maybe you can reach out to his insta. i send you an dm
  7. crown can take up to 15 months for full result i heard
  8. you might would have more luck to reach out to his „publicity guy“ andreas krämer from hairforlife
  9. the sides and back could receed more and you could end up looking with a transplanted island of hair if you dont take finasteride if you are willing to take that risk then you can get a ht without finasteride
  10. if i understand op correctly he wants a very sparse ht, just add a bit of a 3d effect to the smp. i think that should be possibly no? or he could just transplant the hairline and get smp for the rest (the hairline looks the most „fake“ with smp imho)
  11. but for people who dont feel comfortable taking finasteride/dutasteride you would still need to transplant the dht resistant foliceles from the side and back of the head
  12. im watching the thread on verteporfin and i cannot find it anywhere
  13. really curious for the results on this one happy growing
  14. if you expect always the worst you probably shouldnt get a ht either the safest option is just to go bald or wear a wig even though being unattractive (which many bald men are unfortunately) comes with its very own risks
  15. just an example of an doc talking about how finasteride strengthen up the donor at 00:50 but if the donor is completely unaffected by dht shouldnt it mean finasteride should have no impact on the donor? or does this mean the donor consists of both dht sensitive and dht resistant hairs?
  16. yes that what i wanted actually to ask feels like it would be like wisdom teeth situation when the jaw doesnt have enoigh space for it
  17. why does the transplanted region looks so „clean“ in the directly after? i think i noticed this in zarev results too. is this normal?
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