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Everything posted by mr_peanutbutter

  1. hmm i was about purchase some sweet bausch & lomb stocks (there is also bausch health stocks) after i read your reply but then i read this “VISUDYNE is a registered trademark of Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbH used under license. Bausch + Lomb, Focus on Access and RETISERT are trademarks of Bausch & Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates.© 2023 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates. VID.0310.USA.21“ https://www.bauschretinarx.com/visudyne/ecp/about/ just for clarity: this mwans b&l have the license and rent it out to cheplapharm? or is the other way around more concerning however is what you write about the limited supply. thats really concerning. so it could be very well noone else will use this for hairtransplants in 2023.. regarding the prices: how much ml do you think would be necessary to use? in average
  2. what company is offering this product? is there still an activ patent? i couldnt really find anything except that in germany its offered under the tradename "visudyne" from the company cheplapharm arzneimittel gmbh but i guess thats just a importer/distributer for the german market and do you know how expensive the medication is? thanks
  3. is there a general shortage of verteporfin?
  4. yes i noticrd too that people who receed to a „new“ hairline tend to have doubles etc at the front
  5. i hope there are other doctors testing though
  6. maybr you can offer them to post your result online and get them somr publicity in exchange for a cheaper price lol
  7. can you elaborate what sickened you so much about wearing a transplant?
  8. i have the same issue with my front for some reason my whole hairline receeds as a whole and not just the corner, its a very unpleasant feeling to realize those smaller hairs will go soon and set your whole hairline 1-2cm back
  9. i wouldnt know where to get oral minox and oral minox comes with its own risk of sideeffects i have zero issues with finasteride so far, im just curious why persons would decide to add progesterone to their regime
  10. the button „forum recommended surgeons“ is your friend
  11. when you dont want to take finasteride permanently it might wont be a good idea to get an hairtransplant before you know your final norwood status
  12. no i read that people take progesterone as a precautios measure bc fin also blocks the conversion to progesterone to dhp i just wonder what the logic is behind this? if you take more progesterone the number of dhp still will increase simply because finasteride wont block 100% of the conversion? but then what actually happens to the progesterone that floats around in your brain and wont converted?
  13. well your answer isnt related my question at all but i wonder where you doc gets your data from? regarding diabetes there are to my knowledge 2 studies 1. study shows np effecr of finasteride on insulin sensitivity „Dual inhibition of 5αRs, but not inhibition of 5αR2 alone, modulates insulin sensitivity in human peripheral tissues rather than liver. This may have important implications for patients prescribed dutasteride for prostatic disease.“ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24823464/ 2. compared patients (in average 70 years old and overweight) who got treated for prostata issues with finasteride (5 mg per day) and tamsulosin. from this study we can conclude that for the average 70 year old and overweight men there is a 0.16% higher chance of developing diabetes while being on finasteride compared to people who are not on finasteride (in numbers: from 1.000 70 year old men who are not on finasteride 60 men will develop finasteride in the next 10 years compared to 76 men who are on finasteride) https://www.bmj.com/content/365/bmj.l1204 there are zero studies done young patients. but maybe your doctor knows more, idk
  14. german customs are known to be stricted wont be easy
  15. check this out op: https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/64547-can-you-get-away-with-a-lower-density-if-you-you-opt-for-buzzcut-and-combine-fue-with-smp/
  16. is the crown bald in the after in the guy from hasson and wong?
  17. yes, your crown is dipping and expanding. you will lose the hair and go bald in this area. the hair ovrr that area will go too ive seen it with several people
  18. people say: youre good candidate for fut if your scalp is flexible… but how do i actually know if i have flexible scalp? anyway to measure this? and does age has an affect on flexibility?
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