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Posts posted by drawdownfx

  1. 36 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    What I did was put two pillows either side of me to sort of box myself in so that I couldn’t turn, use a normal pillow + a neck pillow to keep myself ever so slightly elevated and made sure the duvet was over me nice and tight with my arms underneath. 

    Basically just create a little nest that you can’t really roll around in and you’ll be fine. Also it’s fine for your donor to be in contact with a pillow a bit, though you may want some kind of disposable sheet or lining for the first night or two as you’ll be a little leaky. 

    Ah okay that makes sense, thanks. I didn't know it was ok for the donor area to be in slight contact that's good to hear! My surgery is coming up in under 10 days so all this info is gold 🙂

  2. Bro hair looking good man, hopefully density improves in the coming months it is still a little bit early. Id also be curious to see how your temples look with shorter hair but at this length it's looking immaculate to be fair. Would you say you are better now than what you were before the hair transplant? you already had pretty good hair before the transplant.

  3. 7 hours ago, general-etwan said:

    Would it be possible for you to share some more close-up photos of your donor area? The error on the left temple is clearly attributable to Eugenix mistake; but the donor area issue is more interesting to me as it’s debatable what exactly happened. 

    Sometimes I feel like humans natural hair density varies slightly across the head, and so even if a clinic does an acceptable job at extraction, it could leave areas looking too thin or too depleted. Even in my case which seems to be progressing very well, there is a slight “line” in the donor area that looks slightly more depleted than the rest, but it’s so minor that it’s no significant concern to me. 

    I would be interested to see some close-up/magnified images of the donor area depletion areas.

    Also separately, I respectfully just find it unexpected that all your comments about your procedure were positive for many months until recently and now you’re criticizing how the team handled you on the day of the operation. Clearly they are at fault for the temple botch and donor area, but why were you first praising the way you were treated during your procedure and why are you now saying you felt neglected? Just curious to understand better. Hoping the best for any repair work you have done.


    If you have a look at the current pictures you can see the above average density of OP. Based on everything mentioned here I think it’s pretty safe to assume that op’s relatively straightforward case (nothing is straight forward but this wasn’t a botched patient who needed repair work) was taken for granted and he was botched as a result. This should serve as a good lesson for someone going to a clinic that has a lot of techs working on their head.


    I appreciate your willingnesss to learn more about op’s donor density but all the relevant pictures are already there to make an educated decision on what has happened here. Reaching with things like this will only add salt to the wound for someone who hasn’t received the right after care for his hair transplant. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, 5BetaReductase said:

    Ok but one thing to think about is the fact that we only see a fraction of cases posted on forums. So imagine how many similar cases aren’t heard as patients don’t want to share their story publicly.

    Eugenix is the only clinic that advises (even in videos) that patients must wear their hair longer in the donor after surgery. This just doesn’t add up because one of the main purposes of getting fue is to have the ability to wear shorter hairstyles. Something is obviously amiss with their technique to advise this. 

    there’s a difference between lack of growth due to a patient’s factor X variable vs technical and planning mistakes from a clinic

    I was actually trying to explain to Dr Sethi about how in the UK we love doing 'skin fades' and this is a very common hairstyle. I understand if some people aren't able to do that anymore after major sessions but surely being able to keep short back and sides should be doable when you have extracted less than 3000 grafts. His response was along the lines of 'if you aren't willing to keep your hair long maybe hair transplant is not for you'. I respect his opinion but I somewhat disagree with it.

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  5. 2 hours ago, BaldingEagle1 said:

    TBH, you just saw one case and imo overreacted over a botched temple hair alignment. The Eugenix criticism of '3-4 bad cases recently' is a little over used imo, especially when those results are spaced out and the influx of good results during and in between the time frame gets overlooked.


    Not every HT or surgeon has 100% of the results. Maybe the issue here was that many people thought Eugenix has 100% good results?

    I did read some of your reasoning, and while I see where your coming from especially with the upscale vs quality theory, i think at this time you were just looking for a reason to cancel Eugenix as you believed they were too good to be true, and hey at the end of the day you have to be comfortable with your choice.


    Good luck to you!

    Perhaps there is some truth to that, we all have to take decisions we are 100% comfortable with. 

    • Like 1
  6. I was scheduled to go to Eugenix but after seeing some poor cases particularly those of NW3 and lower I opted not to. I like having my hair short from the back and would not like that luxury to be taken away due to poor donor management. The angling issues also concerned me, it's all fine to be treated royally but when there are several technicians rotating that's just an added variable that could go wrong. The case on captain haddock had extractions all completed by Dr Arika and the donor management was not good in my eyes. This is not to say Eugenix hasn't produced some excellent results on higher NW cases but these are just my concerns for my scalp and my hair loss situation. It is definitely 100x better than going to 80% of the turkey clinics but for me I want more involvement by a doctor, hair transplant is an art and there is a thin line between the art and the profitable business side of it.

    • Like 2
  7. Thank you very much for all the responses. This makes me feel a lot more confident in Dr Freitas design. 

    @NARMAK how much cm is your hairline from the middle of your hairline to the glabella?


    @HairRunyour explanation makes a lot of sense. When I did draw freitas hairline and started analysing I felt that it would still be a huge improvement and will look age appropriate too. Dr Freitas did tell me that lowering it won’t look natural. I attached a picture but I don’t have much forehead wrinkles. My hairline to the middle of the eyebrow is 6cm



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