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Posts posted by drawdownfx

  1. I only just came across this now. @Captain Haddock had the same issues with angulation but only of his temples, he was told they would sync and these were his temples 12 month post OP. If this is indeed a botched transplant is it the implantation part that went wrong or the slit making or it could be either?


    With that being said I am sure Eugenix will be behind you and will help you every step of the way. Your second picture looks better but I can definitely distinguish between the transplanted and the non transplanted zone, still early to say but I hope that this turns into a home run for you man. Dr Arika has produced really good hairlines and even in @Captain Haddockcase his hairline was really good and he was happy with it. So fingers crossed

  2. 4 minutes ago, ahmed9500 said:

    Yes thats right, think the damage was done in that short space of time!

    Damn man its quite scary sometimes even finasteride is not enough to stop the NW reaper lol. I hope you get a great transformation Il be following your journey! am personally going in September. 

    Btw did you consider going on dutasteride when you noticed more hair loss?

  3. On 4/3/2022 at 12:43 PM, ahmed9500 said:

    Yes sorry it is the other way round. The hairline isnt moving, just trying to add bit more density. I was on fin after first HT but stopped for like 6 months and reckon the damage was done in that time

    so in that whole time you only stopped for 6 months but have been taking ever since?

  4. 21 minutes ago, Bandit90 said:

    I'm glad that I did. The bonus was that I had my donor cleaned everyday by the clinic and they did full day 7 full clean to remove the scabs. This meant that I could travel back without wearing a surgical cap. Plus after 7 days the grafts are set in place, so any accidental knocks wouldn't damage the grafts, so it gave me peace of mind. 

    I am definitely staying 7 days then. Thanks bro

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  5. 3 hours ago, Bandit90 said:

    Sounds like a very tough journey back. However, take some solace in that you have done the hard part now. I personally decided to stay 7 days after the procedure so I could recover, as I didn't trust myself not to bang my head. However, appreciate not everyone has that luxury.

    Time to kick back now are relax now and enjoy the growing. Looking very forward to following this journey. 

    Are you glad you stayed 7 days? Was the trip back a lot better after that?

  6. @Captain HaddockThanks for your detailed post bro. It's this honesty that needs to be kept alive as this is the only way we can keep the clinics honest. Hair transplant is a lucrative business, Eugenix is still producing amazing results I mean your hairline is prime example of this but as they ramp up their business, like with any other businesses there are scaling issues and I have clearly seen in the few recent posts how the temple work may have taken a hit. A good feedback to Eugenix is that maybe there needs to be specialist technicians just for the temples or a custom package where the doctor will do the implantation for the temples whether that be for an extra cost or not. 

    Regardless, this is a start to hopefully an improvement to their temple work going into the future. @NARMAK you are going to be my guinea pig with the temples lol

  7. Just now, TheGreatPretender said:

    I would expect it roughly a year to be honest. All great clinics are saddly facing high volumes of trafic so its a bit of a miracle if you are able to find something in less then a year so one year is not too bad. Plus you got the time to spare all that money in so its not too bad. 

    Yeah definitely. Do you know if Dr Ferreira's wait time is also around a year?

  8. On 3/9/2022 at 8:35 PM, Captain Haddock said:

    Well if I have to be completely honest I can't do these styles anymore because 1. The punch holes from the donor would be visible (I have a bit of a pattern at the back) and 2. My left temple looks horrendous. I've tried it and here are some pictures.

    The right temple looks amazing but the left won't co-operate. 

    In your case if your donor extraction is spaced apart well and the angulations match I don't see why you won't be able to rock it.




    ah I see what you mean, this is a big shame and I hope Eugenix gives you a free touch up to fix this as it is clearly botched. You shouldn't have to change your hairstyle up due to the way your HT was done it should be the other way round. Hairline looks amazing though!

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