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Everything posted by Vann

  1. I think I remember a video where Blake & bloxham takes about a patient who didn’t get results until month 16. Perhaps that video was about you.
  2. Your frontal forelock looks like it got hit by some shock loss. The surronding hair looks like its starting to pop out. I think your hair is literally just starting to grow out. The nerves are definitely real because its a slow process. However, I think youre in a good position given your hair contrast and whispy new hairs. Do you rock the hairstyle in public like that or do you wear a hat?
  3. Nice its really framing your face shape. Im guessing your beard is still as long as your pre/post op pictures so itll take shape nicely when it thickens out. How do the native hairs feel as time passes? Is it noticeable much on how it feels?
  4. Big difference between completely losing everything or making the best with what youre given with.
  5. Any updates on your hair now (past maturization?)
  6. Why the double questions... I feel like I have answered this before, but ill stick to my point. Never rush to get a procedure just because your friends are doing it. Its like the saying "if your friends jump off a bridge... would you jump." In this instance I do not want to be the one telling you to jump with me when it comes to making a life altering decision. If you have been apart of this forum you know that you need to do your due diligence. I wont mention names but look up some case reviews and compare them to your own. I can point you in a different direction by telling you to wait and see your friends results before making anything immediate. But now I dont want to derail this thread by mentioning other topics.
  7. I doubt it. Anyone that good is definitely few and perhaps very underspoken at times. But the ones that we do know of are highly sought for and for very good reason.
  8. that is very true, you make a very fair point. I am just assuming nothing will happen since I am a bit bias in seeing a few of his cases on here.
  9. wow time flies post ugly ducking phase lol. Your new hairs are now becoming young adults.
  10. Personally, I think you should pick yourself on surgeons you have seen provide what is best with your type of hair. it’s hard to be objective when it comes to you and what you have. But that’s what helps to make it exactly how you would want it. of course not every case is the same but I think with the names you mentioned you can narrow down between the type of results you want whether it’s a conservative approach (bisanga) to more aggressive approaches (de freitas). But I am sure if you speak to the surgeons they can make the type of plans you want to their best ability.
  11. If I ever did FUT the only surgeon I would allow to do the procedure would be Konior. However, for me FUT is something I wouldn’t want to do. in my time here… FUT scars from konior don’t seem real. There are a exceptions from others that have very good scars that arent noticeable, at all, from other surgeons. But, I think it also is because their body has a remarkable way of healing/scarring. (Recently saw the best donor ever from a fue patient by mwamba) outside of that if I ever went to konior I would still choose FUE in my case because I am a diffuse thinner and I honestly believe with my hair texture/type he could do much more with fue by cherry picking grafts individually. But that is just me and a separate case from everyone else.
  12. This is what blows my mind. You have a stupidly amazing donor applied with a cheat code of surgeon. I think you lucked out in the most perfect way we all would want. also, I can’t really tell from your donor post op but it seems like he took some grafts from your parietal humps. Did he tell you how many grafts you had by approximation or did count by surface area? (Sorry if you already said the answer to this) I know you said your recipient was 227cm^2 but how about the donor?
  13. It’s coming up. Slowly but surely. i do agree photos make things look completely different. But that’s also because things like you said lighting, hair/skin texture, and all other things considered take into play. also the thing you mentioned about how it looks different in person than on photos (left vs right sides) really is subjective because you’re looking at yourself forward. I thought the same thing when I do it but I have a mirror that can reflect straight instead of inverse and it definitely plays tricks on your eyes. For now I recommend you just keep note of how it looks and let time pass to see how it progresses. Thanks for the update looking forward to your month 3.
  14. Early 20s' for me. I started fin and it worked wonders in slowing everything down.
  15. If you are using front camera its probably easier to get a clearer image using the normal camera.
  16. I sorta had this happen after I did a derma rolling once at the derm. It only lasted about a month. But it was a lot smaller than yours. So who knows?
  17. Do you know when you first noticed it? I read it could take up to 3-4 months to become less noticeable. I am not sure if that its true or just internet things. But since your surgeon sounded pretty confident that it will fade away. I think only time will tell. Overall, it is just a small cog in the final work.
  18. First relax, dont stress too much. Sometimes these things can be temporary so my best advice is to go see a dermatology and explain to them your situation and see if they can help you with any remedies.
  19. I cant believe your post op donor. I also am laughing at reading the comments and melvins responses. I can completely see why. By any chance you were outside much after your surgery? It could be some bruising in combination with your skin fighting the sun rays. I think it fades slowly over time but could be some sort of reaction?
  20. I agree, I would like to see more post op donors. I think people take them but dont post them because its normal to them, I guess the persons main focus is their recipient like you mentioned. But I feel like usually people post their donors after their first hair cut.
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