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Everything posted by Vann

  1. Gotcha thanks interesting because they usually have two doctors work on you. One for extractions and another for implanting. Since they do manual extractions it’s takes a toll on a persons hand after awhile. So I’m surprised they had it done by one person… where there a lot of people when you were there? I would see no reason for them to not want to split some of the work to not exhaust themselves. But then again I’m sure elif is capable of doing it herself. Just curious as to their approach on this particular case.
  2. Wow that’s interesting. Do you have more pre op photos of the top of your scalp?
  3. That must have been a great feeling to have taken those crust off when it was time.
  4. No f***ing way. this is night and day difference. I remember you starting off unsure and stand-off based off the upcoming results but look at you, brushing off the bad with the new. It’s a great example of what’s to come forward and continue on instead of lingering what will. im happy for you man. I think you grew a lot very fast, some of the hairs may still keep coming and softening up even until the 18th month mark.
  5. To be honest 65cm^2 should be a killer density. I think the aggressive approach may have backfired in this case. i do agree the angulation is great. However, for 65cm^2 is a lot for the surface area you had for only 2800 grafts. I think the yield could have been a bit better but then again you may still be growing everything out still. You might be one of those patients that need up to 16-18 months. Or perhaps this is the result it gets. I don’t think it is very bad but for the aggressive density I would have expected more coverage in that frontal third.
  6. It just takes time to see what happens, for now just expect to lose hairs within a short time. It’s completely normal. you’ll probably look the same for the next 3-4 months, and usually start growing at the later end of 4 months (Not always the case but “usually” it’s around that time).
  7. I like the temples it’s a very aggressive approach anytime I see it. But given your age and design I think it’s going to make you look, already, younger than you are. Happy growing man.
  8. Nice to see another HLC case. I am exactly 3 months ahead of you with a very similar design as you. I also did 50/30 (hairline/behind to midscalp). Did Elif do all the extractions and implants? And considering you had a ton of multis I would say this result would be extremely nice once everything grows out.
  9. I completely agree man, the hairline definitely suits you. I think the area you have covered was just enough. Your hair looks pretty thick in the photos with the fiber, so I think when you actually get to months 9+ you probably wont need it. Your temple points seem pretty good too and you can rock the beard at its current length with the fade. Overall the hairline is a very good frame to your face.
  10. Hmm there are a few supplements that another poster has mentioned by the name of @MazAB he has a whole regimen worked out, give him a pm or maybe @Melvin- Moderator who also follows a similar pattern that mazab has detailed. But other things you could do I can think of at this moment is probably zinc, biotin, multivitamins and other concoctions that are blended together to support hair, skin, and nails.
  11. Any crazy gains now that youre past 8 months? Also how does the hair feel between scalp/beard/'from the underworld'? do you feel any difference in texture or anything?
  12. Originally, I contacted them via whatsapp then contacted them through email. I will PM you their email address.
  13. A lot of drugs that can speed healing are quite dangerous, in most cases, because they compromise your immune system for a short period of time. Not all, but some of the most effective ones. So the trade off is ridiculously bad.
  14. I did one session of PRP the first post op day after my hair transplant. I also went on groupon and found some clinics in my area and gave them a call to see if they accepted the discount. Some will and some wont. But overall instead of paying like 750 per session at my local derm. I am only paying like $275 each time I go to a place about 40 mins away. Its further but I save a lot more money. I did up to 3 sessions so far, I was going to go back 6 months from my last session but I might just go in for my last session of the year a month from my 3rd session. So for me it was ... july 1 - first prp post ht August 12- 2nd prp (1 month post ht) september 14 - 3rd prp (2 months post ht) Now I am thinking of going in october 11 for the 4th... instead of going 6 months from the 3rd session (march 14 2023)
  15. Wow, that is seriously impressive. they have similar hair caliber to mine. Do you mind sharing the breakdown of graft counts? also any picture immediately after post op?
  16. So you have a hose… if you step on the hose it creates pressure. If you remove your foot it takes pressure away. The hose has leaks which is how water escapes (making less pressure). However, because things regulate over time (let’s say tape) it evens out. What he is saying is that the foot on the hose is dht. When you take meds it moves the foot off so you only leak out water at a slower pace. After 12 weeks you add that pressure back but without the foot. that’s how I’m understanding it.
  17. 3 weeks is too early to tell. No matter what answer it is only time will tell how your hair recovers. There’s multiple things to factor… the damage done to the surrounding area, shed cycle, and how short the hair is that makes it look worse. For now don’t over think it and focus on what’s ahead of you. There is not much to be done at this moment. Regardless it takes time to heal.
  18. I think you should rethink that approach. It seems kind of backwards you’re willing to have surgery but not take medication to prevent the surgery for as long as possible… I think you should consult your surgeon and perhaps a derm about long term care for androgenic alopecia. Nonetheless best of luck to you and happy growing!
  19. It’s basically like folding the hose and having a blockage, except the rock is the fold.
  20. Stay strong bruddha, the growth definitely won’t happen the same for everyone. just remember, repair options are more mental than the actual growth happens. Once you get those hairs growing in you’re going to forget this feeling. The ugly duckling/shock loss phase sucks and it’s definitely brutal. But it’s better than having done nothing. keep your mind off of it and try to get into other activities you suck at and try to get better at it. By the time you get better with that new invested interest, instead of worrying, you’ll probably have some good gains to your scalp. So it’s a win/win
  21. Although it is concerning that not much has happened. I have seen a few cases where people haven’t started growing much until month 9. Perhaps You had unfortunate timing in the shed cycle so all your hairs were shedding when they got implanted and will grow at a later time. it’s really hard to say you’ll grow at xyz pace. I have seen 2 cases from bloxham and feller, a good clinic in my opinion, where they didn’t get their end result until month 16-18. for now just keep carrying in about your day and contact your surgeon to see what they tell you.
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