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Everything posted by Vann

  1. Early 2000-2016 had solid memes. Strong picture memes and it shows with the jokes how funny this is going to continue with this post. I would like an update from OP.
  2. For the amount of multi grafts you have. Where you are currently I’d actually pretty good. But I think you’re where you should be. just remember by the time you’re month 7-8 you should see massive changes given the numbers. Then by month 12+ you should see massive changes in quality, texture, etc. (the timeline isn’t important but just a generalization)
  3. precisely this. @Melvin- ModeratorThis thread is a great one for newcomers to start from. I think this post should be pinned?
  4. A lot of times, its better to be on the cautious side. Especially, if you can prevent something early that may result in damage that is permanent. Why not avoid it? For example, some surgeons say do not work out after 1 month and some say 14 days is fine. Everyone has a different case and most of the time when you exert yourself early. Regardless of your post op, you are exerting increased blood pressure which can put strain on your already traumatized grafts, skin, etc. Sometimes you can put yourself in an environment where it is not very clean and you could add inflammation to surrounding tissue that could harm or cause potential to get infected. Honestly, there are many reason early that it would just be better to play it safe. However, a lot of people say 2 weeks is fine and have continued their life at that point while some waited. But in general... I think its best to never bump your head regardless of how minor. The amount of damage done to your skull/brain will always result in some form of inflammatory response. Theres an article about olympic athletes bending at the waist and climbing stairs normally with significant small increases in BP for someone at that level of health. Regardless of how minuet the activity is, there could cause little changes that could potentially be just enough to cause an adverse reaction early on.
  5. Not sure if you got hit hard by shockloss or if you arent on medication. But I would consider taking it for a year. Given your age I am sure things are already stabilizing but in my opinion better safe than sorry. Also, looking at your pre op and post op I think you might be losing hairs in your crown. If you arent already taking any meds I would probably consider supplementing some in. Happy growing and congrats on the operation.
  6. Life altering appearance change incoming. Given that you have good body hair I think you were blessed by Eugenix but I also think you were the perfect candidate for them. Nonetheless, I am excited for you man. Looking forward to your updates. I think the temple additions are perfectly aggressive and will 100% make your facial symmetry shape up and give you a younger appearance. Its going to be crazy how you are going to forget the feeling you had at 18.
  7. I don’t think you have unrealistic expectations. Especially, when it comes to something you planned out originally and discussed about multiple times. In my honest opinion even after you discussed your issues with density I would not go back even if they offered a free touch up. The issue should’ve been addressed the first time, but given that you did FUE a second go around to add density and it isn’t really meeting much (at this moment) I’d be concerned for the doctors conservative approach. I don’t think it’s a failure, but I can’t seem to understand why they would not reinforce your hairline with multi grafts or dense pack the hairs. perhaps because your hair is long it will take much longer to soften and adjust but I definitely see your concern and I think the best steps would be to wait at this point. I think slow and steady is your best approach despite how much anxiety it can produce. I know you don’t like concealers/fibers but I think it can be a temporary addition until you hit that 12 month period? It would help to mask some of the harsh lighting effects that make your hair very transparent.
  8. If you don’t mind me asking who was the second guy or the person training?
  9. That looks like it could be inflammed which might mean its going to be a small pimple. I think thats pretty common it just depends on how we all heal. But im pretty sure its nothing to mind.
  10. Bloxham and feller have a few good patient cases on here.
  11. 6 month update. Hoping that this isn’t the final result. I am trusting the process. Also this is immediately after a shower since my hair would (before hair shrinkage)
  12. I mean it was steady and slow growth from the beginning. Lets play devils advocate and assume this is the best it will get. Over time it can only improve as it grows. Just remember there are people who fully mature at 12+ months (some even 20). Im about 6 months in and I am not completely happy with where I am at but I am seeing my hairs change texture and getting thicker. I still have some spots that are getting better from shockloss. Everyone heals at a different pace, just stay strong for now and let time do its thing.
  13. Haha yes the ugly duckling phase starting is definitely not the best. But as time progresses you forget how ugly it really used to be and contemplate that it wasnt that bad. Stay strong, look forward to the next update.
  14. You’ll be fine at your current position. you are probably in the worst phase you can be in with shockloss, shedding, etc. all things considered it only gets better assuming everything went smoothly. you shouldn’t tray consider density a factor until you reach month 12. At any point your hair could change between its texture and size as it progresses. Just stay strong and wait it out
  15. nonetheless, could you post your journey? From who did the extractions to implantations and graft break out? I think you couldve recovered a lot more grafts and saved a lot more as a result. Hopefully you use some less scalp grafts for future loss and perhaps think about some beard grafts to utilize in the crown?
  16. Was there a reason you planned for 3k with FUT? Were you able to get a larger cut and get more grafts? Or was 3k the most you wanted to do in that one operation?
  17. Wow your donor looks pretty good for 10 days. I bet you’re excited to get those scabs off
  18. I think even if you had the money your best bet would be to wait. You could have some miniaturized hairs that haven’t completely grown out in its density that you could damage. better to wait a bit, especially since it’s a life long procedure. I think OP is making the right choices but is being unmet by his surgeon. Adding another surgeon won’t fix what’s already done and needs to happen.
  19. I don’t really take supplements but I have started taking some minerals/vitamins that range from biotin, zinc, to a range of others that help hair and skin. But I don’t think they work that much it’s probably like 2-5% in my opinion. I eat a pretty balanced diet so I can’t really say if it works or not. I also had 1 PRP session before I left after my operation. In addition I had 3 more sessions each month following. Can’t say that it has worked since it takes some time to yield. I have definitely noticed that my hair shed after the 2nd session but perhaps it’s also due to the transplant.
  20. Its not really that deep. I mean you could say the same for a hair transplant, its dishonest to others while some use it solely to conceal small areas they do not want to represent. Same with makeup. Nonetheless, I am not really trying to push that concept. I think if you want to use the spray or fibers they could help mitigate some form of scalp reveal. To each their own. But I use fibers for the temporary when i go into the office. Doesnt mean im hiding anything, I know my hair will recover from shockloss but for now I want to appear like nothing out of the ordinary.
  21. No problem man, im happy to share. I think any type of temple work along with hairline is always aggressive. Despite adding to what you already have, you kind of have to rebuild the temple and most often I think it kills the native (miniaturized hairs) which isnt always a bad thing. But looking at the close up it doesnt look super aggressive. I definitely think this will be worth it once everything grows out.
  22. I like the aggressive yet conservative approach. Those temple points are greedy imo but I think it’s going to be suuuper impactful on your long term symmetry. thanks for sharing man and keep up the updates there’s a lot of people here watching this closely.
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