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Everything posted by GeneralNorwood

  1. Maybe you should create list of words and phrases that are not welcomed on this forum 🤣 Guys, he wrote this comment 2 days ago, just maybe forget about it, stop ideological war and speak about the results of HT?
  2. But it wasn't like that i was dictating something. Yes, i told that i want to adress the temples and i showed some Eugenix work which i liked. But it was dr Priyadarshini's assesment, that i can't have implanted hair on the crown, and lateral humps - "because you have native hair there and first rule is to not harm". Then i insisted for some implantation on the crown, but dr Priyadarshini agreed only for around 300 grafts on the crown. Speaking of drawing hairline, She decided about the height and i didn't dispute that. And i can say that the hairline is at good height in terms of ratio to the rest of the face, but of course it is very aggresive approach, according to a lot of people, too aggresive and bad choice in terms of donor managment. So saying that the end result is not good because they accommodated to my wishes and i dictated the surgery, it is not accurate. If not my request to implant some hair on the crown, the final result would be even worse. But you can be sure, that Dr Priyadarshini was dictating the whole procedure, not me. Well, yeah, we can't judge frontal growth yet, that's true. it will improve a lot in coming months, for sure. However it is pretty obvious that lateral hump area is falling behind. In my case, at 4 months it was also visible that there is problem at lateral hump area and you now the end of story. So we can't be delusional that some magic will happen in this area, there wasn't implantation there, just look at the evidence (pictures). And please, don't say "it's shock loss", it is not.
  3. Yes, you were better educated when you had surgery at Eugenix, i can't deny this. Remember that they graded me Norwood 3V, which reasured my false belief. You can blame me for being delusional that i was 3V, but what about the clinic? Clinic is not some random dude, who read some information about balding on the internet, Eugenix did thousands of procedures and they are well educated in subject of hairloss and hairtransplants. And they still graded me 3V, so think about that. So basicaly you are saying that if you don't have solid plan by yourself and you are not educated correctly about your baldness, don't count on Eugenix that they will make solid plan for you. Sorry, but it sounds like this 😆
  4. Yes, they said exactly same excuse to me. This is total BS, just look at my final result. But when you point out poor density, it is of course possible to implant more and pre-existing hair suddenly doesn't matter 😆 Just look at the Melvin's result. When you are Moderator of hairrestorationnetwork, you get lateral humps done properly,.
  5. Well, basing on this photo, lateral hump area was neglected, it reminds me of my case. So i expect that there will be lack of density in this area. Speaking of growth in frontal and midscalp, we will know a lot more in coming 2 months. There are some funny grey beard hair growing, but you had only around 700 beard grafts, so it will blend in with rest of hair. Texture should improve, because you had over 5000 scalp grafts. But this left lateral hump, there was not implantation there, so there is no magic and you won't be happy with this. Why they neglect it? Poor planning, thats all.
  6. Nah... He is reading forum. @wrzasowic, be fair and show us recent update
  7. Yes, you can say that i was uneducated and i didn't have a clue about my real state of baldness. Can you elaborate what do you mean by "hair placed on the vertical plane"?
  8. There is no concern about hairline height in matter of looks. The only concern is if this was right approach in matter of donor management and future hairloss. And yes, FUT is an option to consider.
  9. Yes, FUE. But I don't want to rush into another transplant. I think the best option now is to take dutasteride, oral minoxidil and wait
  10. It's option 5. Option 2 didn't mention anything about adding density to the front. For sure adding couple hundreds of grafts to the front and rest to the midscalp/lateral humps area is good choice if i wanted limit myself to the slickback hairstyle. True
  11. i would brew potion with dutasteride as main ingredient. Then i would jump into cauldron full of it, Obelix style, and i would become fully immune to baldness.
  12. No it's not like that. I was always happy about growth in the front. I was never happy about disconnection between front and back I was never fully satisfied. That's why i scheduled this consultation in the first place. What only changed after consultation with Bisanga is now i know that i need a lot more grafts then i thought.
  13. Option 2 and 3 are worth considering. Option 1 won't eliminate huge contrast between front and back. Hairpicees, wigs etc, its not for me. I don't even like using fibers. FUT is definetely an option. It is better for sure, then depleting donor(if it can be an issue).
  14. BHR wrote to me that they saw my post about consultation with Bisanga and they said that unfortunately in real life my hair look worse then on the pictures that i posted on forum. I don't know why exactly i shouldn't share such important information like consultation with such recognized doctor like Bisanga. I mentioned in my topic that i am going to consult with him 2 months ago. You expect me now to hide bad news and pretend that everyting is fine? 😅
  15. That's true, every case is different so it's not good argument when somebody says "Eugenix did even Gatsby, so you are easy peasy!!!"
  16. I am taking dutasteride 0.5 mg daily since september 2022 Today i started minoxidil 5mg daily
  17. If there was some multi part plan, i would like to know about this before jumping into procedure There were 720 grafts total for the temples, from which some where singles splitted from doubles i believe. He said something about structure of my beard, that it differs from my hair. Yes, i can say that i wasn't properly educated in subject of diffuse thinning.
  18. The issue is that this was not 2-step strategy. Why would Bisanga reject me when I had over 6,000 grafts in donor while now with half of the donor he didn't reject me
  19. You are only at 4 months, so the best results are coming.I like graft distrubution that you had.
  20. In 2 weeks it will be 11 months. Slick back doesn't look so good yet. I took this pictures 2 days ago :
  21. Can you elaborate? I don't know the details, but i remember that oral version and liquid have different mechanism. Also microneedling+liquid minox is superior to liquid minox alone.
  22. Today i received oral minox 5mg from Belgian pharmacy. I ordered 2 times 100 capsules, so i have supply for more then half year. Photo after i took first capsule for future reference : My hair were in a mess, so i decided to take a shower. After blow drying hair look somewhat better: Guys, do you think it's better to abbandon liquid minox completely if i am taking oral minox now? I could for example use dermapen + liquid minox once weekly, as a bonus.
  23. That's why i will take both 😂 Even more with the switch from finasteride to dutasteride That's some nice perspective. The idea of not doing any more transplants for a long time is interesting. I will definitely consider this option in the coming months when I use oral minoxidil and my new frontal hair will grow even longer. We'll see if long hair slicked back will be something that will satisfy me. Thank you for your message
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