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Everything posted by NARMAK

  1. Mine are completely gone. I think they were affected by retrograde alopecia that was concentrated around the temple points almost exclusively from a younger age. I am planning on going to Eugenix but i am getting them to customise the design to not be that same typical angle you mentioned. Where i personally trust Eugenix is imo their ability to blend the hair with the way they approach Temple Point restoration with singles and the right angles and curl for the hair. They actually have shown significantly far more temple point restorations than others out there from the ones i have seen. I have had a lool at Dr Bisanga's YouTube and even Dr Konior examples linked about, but i haven't seen them do a full on 100% temple point restoration or on those parts regularly shown off. Dr Bisanga for example boxes off near the top, not usually touching the temporal points. I think for me personally, i feel Eugenix are the place and maybe i want to believe that more cause i'm choosing them for mine but if it doesn't work out i'd out my hands up but even Melvin on here chose them specifically for their expertise in that area. I would say another example that convinced me was a video of a model guy on their YouTube with a well constructed temple point and how good that looked imo years later.
  2. I've had a look at plenty of them, i was just wondering if you could elaborate on what you mean by not natural looking is all. I get that the design is usually a bit too triangle imo like a Dorito chip, but that design can be asked to be adjusted if you want and they have done it differently for some.
  3. According to a video on Hair Transplant Network YouTube by Melvin, a loose cap could be worn around 2 weeks out. I hope you can find a solution that works for you. I know there's a lot of stigma still around hair transplants for men. Whilst we don't necessarily like people knowing we have had one, generally we keep it confined to an "Need to know" basis imo. Just a select few we trust or when advising people perhaps.
  4. I think they've got a few general designs you could ask for but in terms of their general go to version, it is pretty similar. However, to claim you can see it a mile away isn't exactly true imo. A bad temple point reconstruction is definitely going to stand out like a sore thumb but why don't you post some pics/videos of the temple points Eugenix did that look like a comic characters.
  5. Stay on the medication, maybe increase to 1mg/day and see how things progress over the next few years. For what you want, to re-frame the frontal hairline and essentially to have hair where there isn't any, it needs to be a transplant. Wait about 6 months or so and see how the hair loss situations changing and maybe start saving. Eugenix Hair Sciences is on your doorstep and probably the best place for you to head.
  6. Eugenix have got a few people from the forum if you search that had their temple points done with a similar hair to skin contrast. I think those examples from Dr Koinor might be the minor refined procedure you need. Personally i would require a complete 100% ground up reconstruction which is probably a massively more complete thing, but Eugenix are probably the top place in my eyes still.
  7. You said that you noticed hair loss progression despite the Finasteride. Because you are taking it EOD, maybe increasing it by 1 more day could help but it is a wait and see approach because hair cycles have a 3 month cycle. Personally i think if you can handle 1mg/day without noticeable side affects, it is better to take that dosage because you will be blocking as maximum DHT as possible with Finasteride. Your picture where you furrow your brow and show your top hairline where it naturally will look realistic. It's usually maybe 1 finger/half inch above in a mature hairline. For you, any future transplant if you are stable around 30 and stay lookinh like now, they could maybe lower and fill in the temporal angles and the frontal hairline to be done a bit. Ultimately everybody has a different natural position for hairlines. Some are low, some are medium and some are high. All determined by the frontalis muscles as to how much you should lower it. You look like a Norwood 1.5 but since that's not an official classification they'll say Norwood 2. I'd just recommend adding Microneedling to your routine and maybe leave Minoxodil for just some areas if you want and decide whether you want a hair transplant when the age comes.
  8. Did you actually have your temporal points worked on during those initial 2 FUE procedures? Do you have any before and after pictures? If they have been touched, this could based on what you're describing put you in a slightly more tricky situation because it means that you might need to potentially have some of the work repaired rather than simply augmented. Temple points are really the hardest bits of any hair restoration imo to get right and so far, personally i have only come across Eugenix in India that are probably capable and talented enough with their approach and experiences to do them. I haven't seen any significant temple peak restoration examples regularly shown off as often by any of the highly recommended clinics and Doctors. It's a curse in many ways to lose those, but it seems like perhaps one clinic has finally risen to the challenge and hopefully more will follow suit.
  9. Welcome to the forum and hopefully you find it continues to be as helpful as i have found it. Regarding things you could try. Increasing Finasteride to 1mg/day or just adding it 1x more till you notice a slow down. Onto the thing about Minoxidil. It's not that it stops working for people per se. It's actually to do with a progression of male pattern hairloss. So if you are using Finasteride, then use topical Minoxidil on the temporal areas and points as well as a bit on the frontal area, you can probably target those areas better. Also, adding Microneedling can help stimulate growth into those areas at 1-1.5mm 1x a week. If you have telogen effluvium, and are suffering from MPB, this means you still lose ground and what you think was just telogen effluvium is lost because of the progression of the hair loss at the same time. It's good that you don't want to rush into anything, but you can try treatments for perhaps 12 months before seeing what final results you can maximise from those and if your hair loss progression has stopped or slowed.
  10. OP, your donor areas very sparse looking. It's not the typical thicker donor area you'd have to play around with and still look unaffected. Are you taking any medication at present? Even then, i'm not sure if you'd be considered a good candidate tbh. You might potentially be better placed using a hair system and fibres for the back if your situations not that great on top. You look like a Norwood 6 pattern with diffuse thinning in some pics. Your beards not bad, but little sparse around the cheeks. Minoxodil and Microneedling there could help improve that. I know it super sucks to hear all this, i genuinely do and especially at 25. However, you sometimes have to work within the hand you're dealt, and unless you get a pretty good response from medication, there's a chance it won't lead to a long term suitability for you. I think ultimately its best for you to have honest opinions, even if they might not be what you want to hear. Especially before somebody might choose to do something drastic like hair transplants.
  11. I would continue taking progress pictures and maybe check in with a Trichologist if possible who can properly view the hair and see if it's hair loss due to telogen effluvium or MPB. In your circumstances if it turns out it is a further progression and you've been on 1mg/day (now 1.25mg) then you might potentially wish to add Minoxodil into the mix. Minoxidil and Microneedling have been shown to be effective and in combination with Finasteride it's the strongest main treatments you could try. There's also a small booster you could try with maybe adding Nizoral shampoo or similar that contains Ketoconazole which has mild Anti-Androgen properties and also helps the scalp clean from certain things that could be impacting you. Also, before hopping onto Minoxodil, i strongly suggest you get a blood test done. There is a possibility that something could be imbalanced and contributing to hair loss. Good luck and keep us posted.
  12. OP, your hair looks solid. Not obviously a perfect unreceded Norwood 0 but i mean in a similar sense that its like mine. Your corners are receded but it looks generally strong where it is. Regarding medication, are you taking Finasteride 1mg per day, every other day or a smaller dose? Also how often. Your temporal areas look like they're holding a few hair on there that might be ripe to help with some Microneedling. I don't think i would recommend Minoxodil for you atm, but Microneedling into the crown area could help you too. Actually kinda reminds me of mine too. Not that it looks massively bald or anything, just a bit thinner. This is something naturally some people even without hair loss can have i guess. Microneedling might just give it a little boost to make sure it's maxed out though. Lastly, keep an eye out on further recession and start saving for a HT if you feel strongly to restore the frontal hairline. If you are taking 1mg/day of Finasteride, doesn't always matter if its generic. It could benefit you to maybe start taking a 0.5mg Dutasteride pill 1x a week on a day instead of the 1mg of Finasteride. In some people, this helps block even more DHT and gets you "back on track".
  13. As a person with some sisters who liked to use straighteners, they had some heat spray lying around lol. In fact, i need to go buy some more but most supermarkets etc. here in the UK have like well known brands like Shwarzkopf etc. and they offer protection up to like 220 degrees or something, so the way i used to do it, was first you towel dry with pats till the hairs damp. Then spray evenly around your head and use a hair dryer (good quality dryers another solid investment) and something i probably need to research and buy, but generally a standard decent one will do the job. Dry your hair on a higher heat from a distance till you can feel the hairs got to that more "dry" stage but not fully roasted dry. Maybe even leave it a touch under. Then you can switch to a more cool setting just to settle the hair down from the heat. Now, one key tip is to keep the hair dryer further back when on higher heat settings, and then bring it in closer when on a colder setting because that's to help you coax the hair towards the direction you plan to keep the style. Then you can bring in the straighteners and don't make the mistake of grabbing a fistful of hair. You can pinch a decent amount between your finger and thumb, and place into the mouth of the straighteners maybe a half inch or so from the scalp and that's because i find that it's just nicer keeping that bit helps when you run fingers through or a comb when styling and also, you can probably avoid burning your skin with the straighteners! Oh yes, the first few times you practice and try to use them, or even after a while, you can hit your scalp and it's painful. It's not going to leave 100% permanent damage if done accidentally but best to take care. Then you can apply some styling product if you like lightly through the hair. Personally i like a matte look with a high hold but hair sprays a great styling add on, with high/strong holds my go to. My hairs a medium sorta length atm abd i haven't used straighteners in ages, because if i style it well with just a hair dryer and hair spray, the wavy look works for that shorter length of hair. In your case, i feel a straightener might help tame those problem hair a bit better.
  14. Thanks for the information. I just checked, my Revolut card is Visa which Revolut says you can't pick between but it tells you on the app whether it's Visa or Mastercard. If it is the case that it's only Mastercard subject to 3% fees from Eugenix, but Visa isn't charged a fee, that might help those issued Visa based cards with Revolut but there's always the bank transfer option. I made my payment over a weekend so it took 2 days to go through, but they did say they received it. So that could be a work around and there's a fee involved, but it's potentially cheaper than the overall cost mentioned in OP of circs $500. Maybe, it's even a 1/5th for thousands of dollars. Hell, even if you save half that. Its a solid reduction. Hopefully you guys find a method that works, but Revolut is potentially a solid method for some.
  15. I recently just used Revolut to make a payment and Indian Rupee is on there. There's a chance it may not be available to all Revolut customers/regions though. I don't know why Revolut would charge a 3% fee for their card payment. As far as i'm aware, they're marketed as a really competitive provider of currency conversion on the day. I used the when i went Dubai and was topping up in £s onto my Revolut account and i'd withdraw into Dihrams (UAE currency) and it would usually give me one of the better rates available on the day without issues. They bake all their fees etc. usually into the platform to give competitive currency exchange and better than the typical 3% fee your bank would probably leverage and then some. Also, if you really need to. There's an option to do a Bank Transfer to Eugenix using Revolut. So you don't have to just pay on the card.
  16. Hey, he popped up on the Eugenix YouTube channel for a bit of a livestream! It looks like he's been in great hands and looked after as expected from Eugenix.
  17. Use a well reviewed hair straightener like GHDs etc. and use heat protection spray applied beforehand and you have nothing to generally worry about. I would also say that bar really humid environments, or washing hair everyday, you won't need to use the straighteners again for a few days. I think there's taboo against guys using hair straighteners etc. but as mentioned above, as long as its not chemical, no harm will come to it. I actually used them myself to tame my wavy hair when i used to keep it longer and needed to sort it out for the swept bangs look even on the back of my hair to make sure the hair all looked uniform as the hair does take on a different look when straightened. Play around! You paid all that money to have hair, make it look good.
  18. Thanks for the reply. I'm aware that regular use of saline spray and keeping the area moisturised apparently is helpful, so i'd probably like to do it every 3/4 hours or so post-op for maybe 7-10 days. Just during that initial period where scabs etc. can develop and help to make it easy for cleaning.
  19. There's some accounts you can open online that are geared towards international money exchange etc. Revolut as an example if you have it is one such service. It converts your native currency at close to the best rate on the day with lower fees than what your bank might charge. I ordered a new card to use, and the last time i went abroad to Dubai, i basically topped up the account in my native country currency and whenever i used my card at an ATM or made a card payment in the country, it would convert at the best rate they could give. I'm planning to top up my Revolut account with the expected cost of surgery and a small buffer for food, travel, tests etc. i might need to pay for if i go International as intended hopefully.
  20. @Captain Haddock would love to see an update. Know you're probably enjoying your new luscious hair. Just let us hopefuls see how it all turned out
  21. Just to add onto this, it's easier to add down the line and refine the hairline with a smaller procedure. You can't really go the other way as easily. Unlike growing out a beard/hair again that's cut too short, a hairline transplanted too low/badly need to be repaired could lead to a precious loss of grafts. When you already probably didn't have 100% survival in the first place further reducing your hair. You're also 100% right on when it grows out, the styling visually makes it look different. Sometimes it even makes some hairlines look more "straight" than they are. I noticed this with some amazing natural hairlines that look low and almost straight but when grown out, and when buzzed, its actually not as flat and straight as you would have thought. I personally want to aim for a more flat and shallow hairline design, but i think it's important to account for your personal facial aesthetics and how the frontalis muscle allows you potentially lower that hairline to a realistic looking point.
  22. I believe the general held believe is that Donor Area hair is DHT resistant so if you stop Finasteride, the natural hair will be lost where its sensitive and the transplanted hair will remain. Which is why doctors say to always stay on Finasteride at the very least long term. My question to you would also to ask your age and how long you been on Finasteride. The second is to ask if you can post pictures of your current hairline so we can see what you are looking to do. Temple points, the side triangles or the top hairline corners, which are you looking to have done? Both?
  23. Yeah, i completely understand the presentable idea. Not a fan of wearing a hat? The other products out there, apparently there's something called "derma match" which i think helps cover the scalp too which might cover redness but i was listening to the Bald Truth episode they put out recently where they discussed the hair fibres, toppik etc. after a HT. Spencer mentioned how he thinks in some people, it could elicit a response on the scalp leading to inflammation. This depends on individual sensitivity but it was highlighted about people also leaving in the products for days on end etc. I think it's just that part of us, that see their hair looking good again with fibres etc. we don't want to lose it subconsciously like we lost our hair and have it looking "bad" again.
  24. That's actually a good thing i also want to ask more on. @Melvin- Moderatorhow often post-op and for how many days should we be spraying the scalp with Saline etc.? Also would love to hear your tips on sleeping on a plane or if you got a window/aisle seat, navigating your way to the toilet. I'm a taller guy, the stories of guys bumping their heads and losing grafts made me decide to stay put a little longer before travelling back is probably a better idea.
  25. Sorry to hear about your experience OP, and sounds like the surgeons not really a forthcoming person. If it's true that they actually gave you 2000 grafts, then they should 100% have told you up front. I don't know ANY reputable clinic that would quote you $10/graft and then somehow decide "Oh, we'll just give him a free 1000 grafts". Especially if they're trying to charge you $10k in the first place just for 1K grafts. Feller Medical with Dr Blake Bloxham who also do FUT and show pretty solid results, is recommended on here and checked and they offer 2000 grafts for a similar ballpark. Now, i'm not trying to create buyers remorse etc. or make you feel any worse OP but it's for others that might be reading all this and NEED to learn from these sort of examples. Also, you're at the 7 Month Mark. That's just over halfway. 60% of the way. It might sound like you got a majority of results in that time, but some people are late bloomers with their results, sometimes even after 12 months. Most people do get their results at that period of time, but a minority could even be a few months later. In some cases, the month 9/10 mark could be when things improve or even 11th. Just stay the course, and let this play out till month 12 now. Also, it's not as obvious to me about the pitting you mentioned in the pictures but as you said, it's maybe more noticeable in person. However, at the same time. Most people might not even be able to tell. Because you personally know its there, you grow more self conscious about it. Your right side looks like it was rounded down a little bit too OP. Did you have any before pictures of your original hairline and the pictures with the hairline design they drew before the procedure? Can you talk us through what input you had into that?
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