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Everything posted by Bandit90

  1. I don't wish to get caught up in any semantics, nor add to any. But I just want to share my experience to @DeltaV regarding the lateral hump. I, too encountered a similar issue with the lateral hump on side after my first pass (I did document this during my final update before my second procedure - see first picture). I put this down to it just being far too many grafts required to completely fix everything in one pass. The positive news for me is that is was completely addressed during my second pass and does looks very good now. I don't want to spice anything up here, I just purely want to give you my take to a similar situation I found myself in.
  2. Cheers Gents! Slowly but surely getting there. Hopefully have a crown like yours if all grows well 🙏
  3. 100% been doing this to be honest and does very good. The first photo is of the hair combed back at the time of doing the update above. What I have been doing to be honest. Second picture was just after I had a hair cut last week to give you an idea. Was very much the case with the front that you could see the beard hair, but all has just seemed to blend in nicely after a while, expecting the same with the crown to be honest given it's is similar beard to scalp ratio.
  4. Fantastic to hear! Very wise to start on the medication and i'm sure should you have surgery in future taking medications like finasteride will really benefit your outcome! Good Luck with your journey!
  5. Your level of balding and hair characteristics are very similar to @paddyirishman who underwent a hair transplant a few years back at Eugenix. Worth checking out his thread for sure!
  6. Damm Adam - so much hair for only six months. Just imagine how good this is going to look in another six months. I called it 2023 HOF!
  7. I can see the density beginning to improve for sure! The next couple of months is where the magic will happen. Also I wouldn't focus too much on comparing to your pre-surgery pics (just yet!) , I say this because you had quite a bit of length then, whereas now it is comparably much shorter, as you buzzed down for surgery. I would say everything looks right on track, and is very much following the process typical of a typical Eugenix transplant. I will be following your case quite closely, as we have quite similar hair characteristics, plus I intend to do a density sitting in 12 months time, so nice to gauge expectations. Donor-wise don't stress too much. you are only at 3 months and need to give yourself at least six for it to recover (reading Karl's & Melvin threads will give you the reassurances needed). Cheers for update!
  8. Everything looks on track! Should be a fun summer for you watching all those grafts grow in! I'll be following this journey, happy growing!
  9. Cheers Karl Always reassuring to read, especially given you have been through the process!
  10. It is a fair observation, i've noticed it too. For higher norwoods Eugenix do seem to be able to consistently knock it out the park. I tend to notice that the bigger wow-factor results are generally from higher norwood restorations, so just by eugenix nature of doing higher norwood patients they are going have more poster boy/wow results. I guess they are a big fish in a small pond of clinics that have the capabilities to do giga-sessions.
  11. Cheers Adrian bud! You,Melvin and Karl have certainly set my expectations high when it comes to the crown lol!
  12. Epic Karl, what dreams are made of! This is the result, that just keeps giving! The decision to do the widdows peak really was a masterstroke and along with the temples, really just put the icing on cake on what has been a fantastic journey. You really where the person that made all us high norwoods think the impossible is possible.. and you continue to keep doing so!
  13. 13 Month/6 Month Crown Update Just posting an update on the crown given I’m at the six-month mark. I feel like there has been a lot of growth occurring over the past month. But I am finding that the left side is growing and maturing quicker than the right side, hopefully, it will soon catch up. For the update, I combed the front forward to better show the crown, but in reality, I’m slicking this hair back, which is providing good coverage. I
  14. Cheers Adam! Hard to believe it was over five months since we where in India! I cant wait to see where you will be in seven months time, especially as your month five update is just mind blowing! You going to be in 2023 Hall of Fame that is for sure!
  15. I'm not worrying bro. Think you're preaching to the wrong guy bud! I've helped my fair share of dudes this past twelve months, my HRN inbox and Instagram page are full of people i've helped and even been thanked on several HRN threads for doing so. Anyways, good luck with your journey
  16. Me personally think another pass at Eugenix you would have looked great. But I look forward in seeing how Dr Bisanga takes this case forward. Docs might have a good professional relationship, but Hair Restoration is a business, and you saying that one clinic was filming vids (whether for educational purposes not) about another clinic with strong criticisms is never going to down well on both sides. I can't imagine Dr Pradeep will be best pleased about it nor will Dr Bisanga be pleased your outing his criticisms on a public domain viewed by other docs, which where likely said in confidence between you both during a private consult. I'm not having a dig at you here btw, I know you are genuinely seeking a good looking natural end result.
  17. Looking back at your thread, I do feel at your first sitting there was possibly a bit of hope that the meds would rescue the tonne of miniaturised hair you have. I can see the doctors logic by not wanting to implant in area where there is lots of miniaturised hair and risk permanent shock loss. I don't think it looks as bad as you think. Now that you have given yourself a year on dut and there has been no improvement to the miniaturised hair, I think now you can now formulate a solid plan and work on the basis it wont recover. Though I have a huge respect for Dr Bisanga, I personally don't agree with some his sentiments i.e about your temple looking unnatural (I think it looks really natural). Also him wanting to do a video on you titled "how not to make HT in Caucasian male". To me there feels an air of trying to do one over a competitor clinic here, a very extreme/unnecessary tactic, when in reality your result is only at pass one out of two passes . Looking at your hair characteristics they are close to mine, beard included. I honest think that adding your remaining scalp grafts with 2500 beard you will honestly look great. I know you didn't factor in a two stage plan (or was led to believe you would need one), but I think you goals will be met.
  18. Many Thanks Rafael, yes just short of five months with the crown! They did actually take from below the lateral humps area on my first sitting (they utilised most of my donor area), so reassuring to see how thick it is looking now, also a good sign that the finasterisde is working to keep the area stable. Be interesting to assess where I am in six months and understand if third sitting is necessary, or just pure greed.
  19. Cheers Ryan bud! You're probably right tbh, a third pass to focus on the density will most probably be what i'll do (should I need).
  20. Month 12 Update. So it’s been exactly a year since I had my Hair Transplant at Eugenix in March 2022. It’s quite hard to put into words how I feel, but it has just been a pleasure to see my hair grow back. There are often moments where I just stand in front of the mirror shaking my head with amazement, and questioning if this is all a dream. I didn’t realise how much impact baldness had on many areas of my life until I reflect and compare it. But I have certainly gained more confidence now from looking at my age. I want to offer my highest thanks to Dr Sethi and the Eugenix team, when I first contacted the clinic in late 2020, I had come off from a bruising from a good few forum recommended Doctors, who told me that I was not a candidate for a hair transplant and destined me to a life of baldness. But credit to Eugenix they just don’t find problems and gave me the reassurance I could achieve a good result. So I hope my results go a long way for gents who have been denied a shot a surgery, that it is possible in the hands of a capable clinic. Results-wise, the front and mid-scalp have reached their peak. But the decision by Dr Sethi to put grafts behind the temples and above the humps in the second sitting is paying off. It allows me to pull off a parting style, which was always the style I wanted to do. The crown is starting to fill in and each month, I’m seeing less and less scalp. The donor just continues to blow my mind, being an NW7 my biggest fear was a patchy-looking donor, but 5.8K scalp grafts later I’m getting my hair cut with 1 guard with very little detection of a transplant. Going forward, I’ll probably use this as my last update for the front and mid-scalp, as you can see there isn’t a whole lot of change happening now. Given the success so far I do keep flirting with the idea of slightly lowering the hairline and maybe getting a widow's peak, so a third sitting next year could well be on the cards, but need to give the crown 12 months before pulling the trigger.
  21. 100% The Simspons nail this quite well on the episode titled 'Simpson and Delilah'. Portrays all the clichés of being a bald man who goes on to get hair. Even more hilarious that they call the hair loss medicine 'Dimoxinil'. A well worth watch if you haven't already!
  22. Cheers Gents! Crazy to think how fast the industry has evolved over the past few years! I think to most people it's clear as day i've had a hair transplant (being a slick bald NW7 you really can't hide it). but the common comment I get off people is how much younger I look (which also makes me think how old was I looking before the transplant 😆). The thing i've probably noticed the most since having the HT is how much more people approach me and engage in conversation, for example I find work colleagues and strangers are just generally making more conversation with me and are just that little bit more friendlier & politer. I mean this could just be a by-product of the increased confidence i've got from having hair, but something i've personally noticed.
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