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Everything posted by Bandit90

  1. Cheers man! Eugenix temple work is just another level. Being a Norwood 7, temple work just wasn’t on my radar. However, just having the implant scabs you can really visualise the design and I can already see the difference they are going to make! The beard doesn't look or feel any different to pre-1300 extractions, which is mind blowing. Was expecting some form of shock loss but nothing so far!
  2. Being 30, with reverse thinning there is still potential for the donor to thin. Eugenix strongly advised, I take before surgery and commit to it after surgery!
  3. Very true Tony. Hearing about your previous painful FUT surgeries Versus your painless experience with Eugenix was a real eye opener for me!
  4. Many Thanks! Eugenix’s donor management, alongside their ability to take high numbers of grafts from the body really shows that baldness is just optional. I guess one thing to also highlight too, is that this procedure is all FUE. I have a hunch that if I had posted pics beforehand forum members would have advised no to a transplant or that I would have needed a FUT procedure. I wish you every luck in your journey too!
  5. Haha! I’m totally game. We should make it interesting.. winner takes 10 grafts 😂
  6. Haha, “the son of zoomster” (this is my nickname around Eugenix now lol!) Well if get half the result of what you have Karl i’ll be over the moon. I agree amazing work! Everything you have said about Eugenix, I can only vouch for first hand!
  7. Haha brilliant! Yes I can confirm it was 1,300 Beard Grafts and the hairline was 8cm from middle of eyebrows.
  8. Was a pleasure to speak with you Ryan! I felt exactly the same. I Cant wait for you to start your Eugenix journey too! Going to be a big year for us both!
  9. Cheers Gents! Rude of me not to mention how your two journeys inspired me to make the Eugenix leap!
  10. Introduction So I would first like to start by saying thanks to this amazing community. I can’t wait to give back and share my journey. Currently I am one day post-op from my procedure at Eugenix Hair Sciences. Why I chose Eugenix After being rejected by a forum recommended doctor due to my extensive hair loss I had lost hope that there ever was a chance for me to have a transplant, so I distanced myself from transplants. However, I came back to this this forum and stumbled across Eugenix. Witnessing the results of Zoomster, and paddyirishman (to mention a couple) I began to regain hope. After a consultation with the Eugenix doctors, they determined I was viable for a hair transplant, as much to say I got the ball rolling straight away to get there. Travelling to India I traveled to India the day prior to my procedure so I could undertake the pre-opp blood tests required by the clinic. I would say to those who haven’t traveled to India before you should prepare yourself for the hustle and bustle which is Delhi immigration. However once I passed immigration I sailed through the airport and was greeted by the driver outside the gate who took me to the Hilton hotel. The hotel is conveniently located a 2 min drive away from the clinic Surgery Planning Through the video consults it was planned to go for 6500 grafts to get full coverage. However, after reviewing my donor in person Dr Pradeep felt it was not the best and that I should instead plan a two stage approach equating to 4000 in the first sitting and 2500 in the second sitting for the crown. My head shape also provided a challenge as I required more grafts to achieve coverage. We discussed designs and I was more than delighted with what he proposed. Dr Pradeep really wanted to put emphasis on my temples, as he believed by restoring these he could make a huge cosmetic difference. Though my research I also have realistic expectations, which the doctor appreciated. Surgery The surgery was split over three days. Day 1 Day 1 compromised of Dr Pradeep doing the slits. 1200 were extracted and implanted into my hairline. During the extractions, I heard Ravi who is the Eugenix extraction master call for Dr Pradeep (in my head I thought “Oh no”). Dr Pradeep asked me to sit up and broke the news “Your donor is brilliant and we can easily get 4000 grafts, we are going to change your plan” To which point Dr Pradeep began to dance with joy in the operating room, with me and all the technicians joining in too! If there ever was such a thing as passion, then that has to be it. Day 2 Started with Dr Pradeep lowering my hair line by 1 cm to be 8cm from the midpoint of my eye brows and working back towards crown area. Even though I had the donor to go for full coverage in a single session Dr Pradeep felt it would be prudent to keep it as a two stage approach and do the crown later in the year (I am totally happy with this approach by the way). The implantation focused on the temple area (nearly 400 in each). The day finished on 800 implanted. The temples seem to take along time as there was lots of graft splitting required and very meticulous implanting. I have also been informed that these temples are Dr Pradeep’s biggest in terms of graft to date (I feel honoured!) Day 3 3300 grafts were extracted and implanted over a very long day! I didn’t sleep to great either which caused me to bleed more that previous in the days. However the thought of having hair once again carried me over the finish line! Special Mentions First would like to say thank you to Dr Pradeep. He is more than just a doctor, just being in his presence you get a warm energy. He genuinely loves what he does and will do everything in his skill and ability to give you best possible outcome . He is nothing short a legend and has the most loveable personality! Both him and Dr Arika have created a unique culture at Eugenix whereby everyone works with in-harmony with such happiness and pride. I was fortunate enough to have dinner with Dr Pradeep and two other patients (Tony and Yasir) at the eugenix farmhouse, which was an unbelievable experience. I would also like to say thank you to Anil. Anil too works with so much love and passion. He takes that good care of the patients, that you forget your even at a clinic. He has a nothing is too big attitude and will do everything to make your stay comfortable Also thanks to the technicians. You soon realise that the engine behind Eugenix’s success is the high skill set of the techs. They work tirelessly to drive the Eugenix results. It’s clear that each tech has their specific station, whether that is extraction, implantation, graft splitting, etc. No matter what package you chose you are going to see the same techs and receive identical high quality. I would like to pay a special thanks to the technician Rajan. Who came to my hotel at 11pm to drop off a spray bottle I had left at the clinic (which I didn’t even realise I had left until I got a call from reception saying someone is in the lobby. Also Rajans massages in the operating room really helped me get through the third day, as I was getting back pain from being lay flat for a long period. Finally like to say a thank you to Yash who works in media team at Eugenix. As I have got so much from Eugenix YouTube in terms of education, I felt only inclined to give back. So I spent a few hours with Yash giving a couple of interview pre & post surgery. Yash is a very professional, polite man and too cares promoting the Eugenix philosophy. Concluding remarks In summary, I can’t get over how amazing the experience has been. The buzz around Eugenix is something special and you forget your even at a clinic. I can’t thank the people of this forum enough for guiding me to Eugenix. I genuinely can’t wait to return again for my crown. I could go on forever writing about my experience, but I shall leave it here. I will be checking in regularly and sharing my journey with you all.
  11. The way I see it is that you need get stable on fin ASAP. Then when donor is stable the surgeon will know what they have to work with. There are plenty of forum members that have retrograde and have had HT. I personally think you should consult with a surgeon who can handle higher norwoods and get their thoughts, they will give you a clear cut plan going forward. In terms of fin, why don't you just start really low dose at 0.25mg every other day. Evaluate at one month, Then if no sides do 0.5 every other day. Evaluate in one month again. I was like yourself got myself caught up in knots delaying taking Fin and as a result lost valuable hair. If you want to have a HT you need to let you mind be at ease with taking Fin.
  12. i'm 32 I've taken Propecia for six years (so would have started at roughly your age). I've never had any side effects and also had two healthy baby boys with my wife. That't not to say that you wont get any side effects. But I just thought i'd say that many men of your age take the medication daily without any issue. You could start taking a microdose of 0.25mg every other day, see if you don't get any sides and then taper up to 0.5mg a day. If your really set against taking oral finasteride then there are topical versions you can purchase.
  13. Feel your situation being in your mid 20's and bald. I would certainly stress the following points. 1. Get on finasteride and stableize the hair loss. Being aged 26 you still have potential to lose more. 2. Educate your self, get a realistic expectation of what can be achieved with a HT. Look at forum members who have had to use beard hair in combo with scalp hair. 3. Reach out to a reputable surgeon. One who has a proven track record of restoring higher norwoods. You may not be the most ideal candidate for a HT, but we have seen plenty of forum members who have gone to achieve amazing results. There has been a paradigm shift in recent years, with surgeons utilising beard hair in higher norwoords, to get much more coverage. From your pictures it looks like you have a strong beard, which can only work in your favour (under a good surgeon).
  14. You need to apply for a regular paper visa and make an in-person appointment with VFS, who manage application on behalf of the consulate . They removed the E-Visa application for UK Nationals. Follow the process on the link. https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/ Once I attended the the visa processing centre, I received my visa five days after. I would advise that you sure you bring spare photocopies of everything they require.
  15. That a great point. Don't fancy getting my accounted blocked on the day of surgery!
  16. Thanks for tip. I do actually have a Revolut account that I use for Crypto purposes.
  17. I am to going to Eugenix in March and wondering for those that have had HT's (preferably those who went to India) how did you pay? I am intending on using my VISA debit card, but it would be useful to know if there any better alternative methods of payment (I am a UK resident btw).
  18. I think its real to say that Eugenix are making the once impossible, now possible! Gatsby, your HT has wrote it's self into Hair Restoration History. I expect your face to replace the dudes on HRN's home page!
  19. I have been a lurker on this forum for a while. However, I just want to say how moving and inspiring your journey has been. I could not wish for a more successful outcome for you and have been cheering you on from the sidelines! As a fellow Norwood 6/7, you have given me faith that there is hope, such that I'll be making the Eugenix leap at the start of March. I will be watching this thread with excitement!
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