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Everything posted by Bandit90

  1. Month 7 Update I'm jetting back off to Delhi tomorrow for the crown sitting, so just wanted to provide a month 7 update as I will likely be shaving it down.
  2. Damm Melvin, that's super impressive! I couldn't wish for a better result for you man. Seeing your crown gives me much confidence for my second sitting this week!
  3. Amazing Llona!! So so happy for you, you have been on a hell of a journey. But so pleased to see everything has grown and you finally have the hairline you have always wanted! Such a big change when we last met in May!
  4. Hey man! Thanks for the update. Sad to read you are not on track with your progress. I just had a look at your pics, it does appear that all the implanted grafts have grown, and the temples are looking good. I know you state 7 months, but I think this is an error, as you where the week after me for the surgery when we met, so I put that at roughly 6 month post-op now. This therefore still gives a lot of time for that hair to mature. So I would hold off any SMP until at least 12 months. You take some photos in some really harsh lighting and also when wet. Unfortunately with a HT, it is only an illusion of density, so will struggle passing even when fully matured. Agree the donor, does look patchy and smp could well be a solution here, however maybe hold off a few months yet. Really hope this is not DUPA. If I remember correctly you said you only took 0.25mg daily finasteride (I remember thinking to myself at the time it is a very low doesage). Perhaps you could try and do 1mg ED or EOD. Or if your not comfortable implement topical finasteride into regime to give your hair the best chance.
  5. Nice! don't give up hope. times are a lot different now and with beard hair NW7 can get reasonable coverage back. Can't tell the beard hair in the scalp to be honest, it has all been blended in so intelligently. Also, no evidence in the beard that I had 1300 grafts taken, just looks and feels the same pre-transplant. 2/3 days post-transplant my beard had completely healed and there remained no signs grafts were taken.
  6. 6 Month Update All going from strength to strength. I have included some photos of the back of the head at the request of a couple of people, in my opinion the donor is looking untouched saying I had 4000 grafts taken, i'd even go as far to say to it looks better than the pre-transplant situation. . Crown sitting is in four weeks, so my next update will include this. I have also spoken to Dr Sethi about putting grafts above the left side lateral hump to improve the density and transition between the transplanted zone.
  7. If your Norwood 7 (coming from a NW 7) I would always factor in you are going to need to make use of beard hair, so my 10 cents worth is just to make sure you factor into your research docs are have a good portfolio of using body hair on the scalp! When you say Norwood 7 docs first ones that spring to mind are Bisanga, Eugenix, Pitella. For me it was a tough call between Dr Bisanga and Dr Sethi. However, when it came down to it Sethi/Eugenix had more documented experiences with Grade 7's and use of beard. Good luck with your journey, and I will be looking out closely for your journey thread!
  8. Mannn that crown is looking stellar! Gives me so much confidence for my crown sitting next month!!
  9. Right on track for month 4! Huge cosmetic difference already, really puts into perspective the naturalness of the work versus your previous surgeries! Also very nice to hear you are getting your freedom back and not living under a cap anymore, just shows it is more than just a hair transplant you got! Look forward to next months update. Take Care Ryan!
  10. Looking great Armen! Great 12 month result, and no better test than passing the harsh out door lighting. Slightly lowering your hairline is a fantastic call and is really going to really compliment your youthful look! Roll on October brother!
  11. €7 a graft wow! I guess when your good, you charge what you like. Simple supply & demand I guess.
  12. One thing I would advise is go there with an open mind. Factor in that they may want to do this surgery over two sittings. I had a very similar inital plan whereby they wanted to do all in one sitting. But when I got there Dr Pradeep said if I was willing to do over two sitting he could knock out the park. Personally if your cool with a two phase approach, let the docs know asap, as it gives them a lot of breathing space.
  13. Cheers Alejandro! Yeah having the procedure at Delhi Clinic. Good luck with your next procedure too, you really cant go wrong with Eugenix, thats for sure!
  14. You are in best hands! Your donor is much better than mine by the looks, so i’m confident you will yield a great result too! Good luck, looking very forward to how this turns out! Will be following closely!
  15. Sure Azza! I can send you some pics through. Ive got plenty of pics of the back on previous posts in you need to take a look. Donor is looking untouched tbh!
  16. Cheers Armen my man! I I always knew it was going to be a 2/3 stage approach, so luckily I have never been phased by needing multiple procedures! Roll on next month brother!!
  17. Fingers crossed! Would be a nice feeling to sit back at the end of year knowing i've put baldness to bed!
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