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Everything posted by JoeMan

  1. I would not wait until next Monday to see someone about this. Maybe see a general practitioner until then so they can possibly start a stronger antibiotic and possibly a cream. Infections can get nasty if left untreated or mistreated. Is iodine even safe for new grafts? Did they recommend this?
  2. I agree. I wouldn't let Dr. Yaman touch my temples if I was you. Have you looked at Dr. Biçer?
  3. Is the other side just like this one? Can you post a picture of it as well?
  4. Look at @digi23 case. His temple was overdone. Hopefully yours will blend in but this Dr seems to go heavy on the temples. Keep us posted on your progress.
  5. Yeah at the moment it just looks like black dots but this was where hair was transplanted and fell out so I'm hoping that it's a good sign. I'm sure in 2 weeks I'll know more. I feel like maybe 30% or so of the new hairs stayed and seem to be growing so hopefully in a few weeks I can at least get out of this ugly phase.
  6. I'm not sure. I'll reach out to him but my redness is minimal at this point. I'm sure it doesn't affect growth, especially this far into it. So I'm not sure what benefits it can provide. Do you recall how long hw suggested Aloe usage?
  7. I quit using Aloe about 2 weeks ago because it was causing tiny pimples on my forehead just below my hairline. Wasn't seeing any benefits from it as I didn't have itching and redness was still present with it.
  8. 6 weeks post op: I wanted to give an update as it's now been 6 weeks. Week 4-5, I've shed a bunch. The last 7 days or so it has slowed considerably. Maybe 1-2 hairs when washing now. I can see now that some hair has stayed and continued to grow. I believe I can also see some small hairs popping through but maybe it'd my imagination 🤔 Not much itching yet. Had my 1 pimple the other day which kinda felt good since I figured it's a hair trying to make its way into my life! Redness is definitely subsiding. Seems like as the day goes on it gets somewhat red but fades overnight. I no longer apply Aloe. Donor area looks/feels perfect so not much to say on it. Posting a bunch of pictures since I'm terrible at taking them. Feel free to comment and tell me that I'm crazy for seeing small hairs at 6 weeks. Keep in mind that almost my entire front 1/3 was bald.
  9. I like Dr. Ferreira and Pinto. Have you received a consultation from Dr. Ferreira?
  10. My opinion is to save for Dr. Biçer. I know you likely don't want to wait but she's likely booked for almost a year anyway so gives you more time to save.
  11. I think that I'd likely be doing something similar so if my message implied otherwise I apologize. I like this approach you've taken. Likely can't hurt much to try other than removing too many but your Dr seems to be taking it slowly.
  12. Please come back and post your results afterwards. I truly hope that it goes well.
  13. Well you seem like you've made your decision so I hope it all works out for you. We are not being negative, just trying to help you understand that the clinics you are looking into are risky and they have better options out there. Good Luck
  14. Look at @digi23 case on Dr. Yaman. I'd likely save more money for Dr. Biçer or choose Dr. Gur
  15. Have you looked into Dr. Biçer? I think she's a good Turkey Dr.
  16. Also if you're looking for facts to support your decision to not go to a hair mill, the fact is that you found 2 bad detailed cases on here. The only 2 on here which says a lot. The other clinic you said you couldn't find anything. These are big red flags if you ask me. Good luck with your decision
  17. The fact that you are on here talking about it shows that you are doing some research beforehand, which is great. I'm fairly new to this forum but if you look around enough, a bad result doesn't look fun. You will likely be shameful of your decision and covering up your head. Looking for a repair will not be easy. Most Dr's will make you wait 10 months just to evaluate your final results and then most have almost a year wait for surgery. The financial risk is high as well since a repair will likely cost more. Turkey is full of hair mills and scams to make you feel at ease. The only Dr I'd consider in Turkey is Dr. Biçer but they do have a few others as mentioned by others. Cheapest Dr is not what you should be looking for. Where are you from? I think Dr. Pinto in Portugal is a great value at 2.6€ per graft.
  18. Happy for you after all you've been through. Truly inspiring story. Following and wish you luck in your growing phase!
  19. I agree that maybe worrying this soon might be slightly much but we don't know how we'd react in such a situation. I do think it looked pretty dark and thick in the temple. You can dismiss the issue but you don't have to live with it. We all want a natural hair transplant, although I know that perfection isn't really likely or possible, I'd expect any Dr that I paid to at least strive for it. In this case they clearly fell short. You can dismiss @digi23 and feel he's out of bounds seeking a repair but I think he's actually doing a service to this site by notifying potential future patients of this Dr's downfall, how to proceed and the complexity of the repair in such a case. If the idea is just not to be bald as you say, then we wouldn't need this site. Just about any Dr can move hair around. We seek out the best Dr's for a natural result.
  20. I just don't think Dr. Biçer is in the same league but of course this is subjective. I really was close to choosing her as at the time she was 1/2 the price. She has since raised her price and in my opinion I'd definitely choose the Portuguese options over her since the rate increase. Just my opinion though...
  21. I chose Dr. Ferreira and I'm really glad that I did. I'm only 6 weeks post op on Tuesday but already have some growth. I'll update on Tuesday or Wednesday. I think you'd be better off going to Dr. Pinto or Dr. Ferreira. What area in Portugal are you from?
  22. Definitely stop smoking. Drinking I think at least a few days before I'd stop as it thins blood and can make your procedure harder for the Dr. A few days after drinking probably wouldn't hurt much. Smoking on the other hand is notorious for causing healing issues and stopping for longer would be wise. I'm sure it's easier said than done so maybe look to use patches or dip for a month or so. I should note that I don't smoke but I've heard horror stories with broken bones and injuries not healing properly so I'd think that the same can ring true with HT. You should definitely consult your Dr though and let them know so they can advise you.
  23. The science behind PRP is very questionable and I don't think it's worth the money personally, but if you have money to burn then I also don't think it can't hurt. I'm not even sure it can be considered a short term solution either. The science really isn't there. Many Dr's disagree with its usage, even for injuries because the results are not very promising.
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